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PJ's above.

I wake up feeling better than before but I still feel the effects of the poison wearing off. My legs are still somewhat numb along with the rest of my body.

I sit up, my body feeling heavy. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I look at the clock and it reads 12:00 P.M.

I get up barely able to move. I shuffle my way to Peter's room using the wall as a support beam. I get in there and Peter was laying down, asleep.

He wakes up to his spider sense alerting him I had walked in. He moaned softly as he was drug back to reality. He noticed it was me and scooted over allowing me into the bed. I lay down and pull the blankets up to my neck.

I scoot closer to Peter and he held me close, comforting both me and him. I drifted off to sleep.

Peter's POV:

I start drifting back to reality to see Mikiela standing over by the door. I felt relieved that she was a little better. I know why she was in my room. Because she needs to be comforted, and after that kidnapping I understand why.

It was hard for both of us, but she definitely had it harder than me and it scares me. I love my little sister. I've already lost everything I have, if I lose her too....I don't think I would want to be live anymore. She is my last living blood relative.

It has always been hard for the both of us. But if it meant she would live a life of no pain, no suffering I would die without a second thought. I feel comforted when she comes over pulling the blanket up to her neck snuggling closer to me.

I'm happy that she is safe. I hug her and she drifts off to sleep. I smile down at her and worry. I'm worried about what her mental state is going to be like when she wakes up. She has been through more than an adult has to go through in an entire lifetime in the span of half a year.

She could be very sad and depressed or she can hide all emotions and have no emotion. I worry until I finally decide that no matter what I will help her through everything.

I drift off hugging Mikiela closer to me out of instinct of protection.

Mikiela's POV:

I wake up still stiff. Peter is still hugging me and sleeping. I rest my head on his chest and he wakes up. He yawns and smiles at me, then letting me go. I get up slowly swinging my feet over the edge of the bed.

"I'm going downstairs." I tell him. I stand up still in my PJ's and go downstairs. Everyone looks as my shirt that has puppy's from 101 Dalmatians sleeping on it. That is one of my favorite movies and I look down at myself. I shrug my shoulders shuffling over to the table still feeling stiff and like my limbs are made of lead.

"Shhh. No one is allowed to judge. This is one of my favorite movies and I don't feel like real clothes." I say looking down at my shirt.

I sit down and web a deck of cards bringing it over to me. Mostly everyone else was talking to somebody.

Then FRIDAY started speaking.

"Sir, Ned and Flower are outside waiting to see Peter and Miki."She says.

I was playing a game of trash when FRIDAY spoke and instantly I was on my feet. I shuffled over to the elevator. "I'll be back." I said, Mr. Stark looked at me and nodded before the doors closed.

I get down to the first floor and open the door. Flower smiled so wide and brought me into a hug. I cried out at first and she let me go.

"What happened?" Ned asked before Flower could.

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