-.:The Runaway:.-

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-.:Ke's POV:.-

We stumbled into the mansion and looked around "woah! this place is fucking massive!!!" I yelled "yes quite large, child" a voice said. I looked to where I heard it and saw a tall man in a black suit standing there...he had no face. "Are y-you slenderman?" I stuttered "yes young one" he replied. "So you're the ones who can see us I presume..." He went on "yeah" I looked over and saw Allie nodding slowly . "So...if you are all real...where are the others?" As if they heard me, masky walked out with hoodie following behind him. "H-hi" hoodie said shyly "I'm masky" masky said, stuffing his face with cheesecake. I smirked, "so, they the new proxies?" Masky said. "Quiet child we have not told them yet" said slenderman "whoops" said masky, he turned around and walked back down the hallway he had come out of. Hoodie followed. "Proxies???" "proxies!??" Me and Allie both exclaimed in sync. " yeah get over it, you can see us so we thought you might be insane or something...maybe it's just meant to be" Jeff said smiling. "Well I know I'm not insane" Allie said proudly, then looked to me and waited for an answer " uh I don't think I am" I said hesitantly. " ok children this conversation shall be had later" slenderman said " why not now" I asked " id like to speak to each of you separately, in private, but we can start them now. Who'd like to go first?" He asked "uh I guess me" I said, I looked at Allie and she nodded. Slender man began walking and motioned for me to follow so I did. I heard Allie talking with Toby as I walked away.


"So my child, we believe you and your friend would become great proxies, you can see us and we were not going to harm you" slenderman said. "Well becoming a proxy actually sounds cool to me, it's Allie I'm worried about" I said "ok child but let's talk about you" he replied. "Ok" I said "yes so I have a few questions, the first one is;would you ever willingly harm another creature?" He asked. I though about that one for a second "yes" I said "ok, would you ever work for someone else with tasks they needed done?" "Yes I would, I mean I'm pretty lazy but hehe I would if I was needed" "yes ok now, how would you work with other people?" "Pretty well I guess" "ok now child, I would love to have you as a proxy, will you become one?" He said "...yes..." I said. "Ok now child I have a few requirements you must fill." "Ok what are they" I asked "you must wear something to cover your face. You must find a specific Atire for yourself. You must create a living space for yourself in my mansion, you must choose a weapon, create a name for yourself and last I must mark you..." He said "ok that's all well and good but what's marking" I asked worried "I must burn a pattern into your upper arm or back." He said " oh my god" I said "well I guess I'll need to deal with it, so when do I start?!" I said happily "now" he said "ok which part?" I asked getting a little annoyed" we will start with the marking" he said "uhhhh...ok?" Let us go into the gathering room" he said. He stood up and walked out, I followed him.


"So?" Jeff said impatiently "this is our newest proxy, Ke" "g-great" said Toby "w-welcome to t-the group" he said "I'll t-tell the others l-later" he stuttered "wait that means you need that big ass thing burned on your back!!!!!" Jeff said in between bursts of laughter. "Ugh that was horrible" masky said overhearing us. "Great thanks for all the support guys" I said sarcastically. "Masky can you go get the stuff for the markings?. Jeff asked "Yep that's what Im Here for..." He mumbled "Jeff looked at me and grinned underneath his giant fake smile "take your top off" he said bossing me around. "Excuse me?!" I said "no he's being serious" BEN chimed in from the couch "oh yeah my back" I took off my shirt and stood there as confidently as I could in my bra "the bra too" Jeff said still grinning "ugh" I said, I walked behind the couch and bent down, I took off my bra and kneeled pushing my chest against the back of the couch, leaving my back exposed. "You know, proxies are supposed to help slenderman out with whatever and usually they're supposed to help us creepypastas out too...and well that means I can decide what you do...and you're the first female proxy...you'll be helping me out a lot" Jeff said "now...I'm your boss...so stand up" he said "actually nobody is really her boss and if anyone is, it's slender, also she isn't a proxy yet" BEN said, I smiled at him and he grinned back "butttttt it would be really kind of you to stand up" he added I laughed. I heard masky walk up behind me. "Woahhhh dude are you topless" he said "yes now let's just get this over with" he laughed and handed me a rag " what's this for?" I asked "bite on it, cause this May sting a bit" I put it in my mouth "ready?" Masky asked, I nodded. I felt pain shoot through my back but I tried not to move. I squeezed my eyes shut and grabbed for the nearest thin...which just happened to be BENs hand...he just held my hand. Everyone was watching and when the pain finally stopped I opened my eyes. I didn't let go of BENs hand but I asked "done yet?" "Yep" masky said he handed me my shirt and bra "I recommend you only put on the shirt, the bra might be painful..." He said. "Ok" I said slipping it over my head. BEN helped me up and I looked around..."hey...where's Allie?" I said. "DAMNIT she must have gotten away in all the chaos!" Jeff yelled "uh oh" Toby said.

BUHM BUHM BUHHHHHHHH this part is also by ke cause issy doesn't feel like writing so whatever-comment-follow-fav--<3 love ya


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