-.:Link's a dick:.-

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"Lets go" BEN said as we looked at eachother. he grabbed my hand teleported us in. "So what are we like is it just like fake?" i asked "Ive never known, maybe its real, maybe its not but either way its fun!" he said. His outfit was extremely dark and tattered. "So what do we do?" i asked "Anything we want is just an entity so just think about it or technically the code for it" he said "Ok" i said and thought of a piece of heart from legend of zelda "Youre the last piece!" i said holding it up and BEN laughed "Thats so cute" he said as he kissed my cheek and i blushed "Lets go kill some idiots" BEN said as he grabbed my hand and started walking. we had spawned under a tree and everything looked real. not textures like youd see on a screen, but actual grass and bark and people. We walked through a town and thought about where we were. we passed a large clock and i said "Wait..." i looked up and there was a large angry faced moon. "HOLY SHIT WERE IN CLOCKTOWN!!!" i yelled "Yeah" BEN said smirking "I forgot that this is all new to you" he said laughing and had to pull me along because i was so excited. a group of villagers saw us, screamed, and ran for their lives. "Well you have quite the reputation around here dont you?" i asked "Yes...And i love it!" he said grinning as he pulled out his sword and ran after the villagers "Youve met with a terrible fate havent you?!" he yelled as he got closer to them and swung his sword back and forth laughing insanley "he so cute when he's killing people" i said quietly as i watched him. "Well that was fun" he said as he put his arm around me and started walking again. I laughed and walked with him. After a while we came up behind a boy wearing the same exact outfit that BEN had on, he was sitting on a rock with with a small fairy floating above his head and he was playing an ocarina. It was Link. "Well hello there Link" BEN said as he walked up to him. "Hey You listen! You cant kill him!" the fairy said "Ahhh but you see he cant defeat me." he put his hand on Links chin and made him look up at him "This is my game now" BEN whispered "B-but-" Link started "Shhhhhhhh" BEN whispered as he put his finger to Link's mouth "This is my girl ke" BEN said "She gets to do the honors today" He told Link "BEN is he just an NPC or can he actually think for himself?" i asked "Everybody in every videogame can think for themselves" BEN said with a smirk "That makes this alot more fun" i said as i pulled out six knives and held them between my fingers. Navi the little blue fairy, flew up to my forehead and started kicking it with all her might "hey you, don't you hurt him!" She squeaked "ha! Doesn't this thing ever annoy you Link?!" I asked "don't talk to it!" BEN said as he motioned towards Link "aww is someone jealous?" I mocked as I grabbed navi and held her in between my fingers. "Hey you listen: shut the fuck up" I said as I crushed navi between my fingers and let her fall to the ground. "NAVIIIII!!!!" Link yelled as he rushed over to her and picked her up. "Oh calm your ocarina she'll respawn" I said "okay she was a bit annoying" link said, still nervous. "BEN he's got a sense of humor!" I said as I ruffled links dirty blonde hair. "B- k-Ke I-..." BEN wasn't able to get out a sentence "it's not like you can't be attracted to him I mean he looks just like me!" BEN said getting jealous "oh my god! I didn't know you...a. Killer...could be so jealous." I said "just because I'm a killer doesn't mean I don't have feelings-I just kind of went nuts that's all" BEN laughed. "So if you get jealous because I ruffled his hair...what would you do if I did this?" I asked as I bent down to link who was still kneeling on the ground, wiped a tear off of his face and kissed his cheek. Everything was silent for a minute and then..."FUCK YOU LINK!" BEN yelled as he drew his sword and pushed it through links chest several times. "Oh that's so sweet" I said as links body fell over "I love you so much don't ever do that again...don't ever do that with anyone especially not him! Please!!!" BEN whimpered as his face turned red and he ran over to me " ok I promise, and I love you too" I said as I hugged him, he was practically crying " wow you REALLY love me" I said as I grabbed his sword and put it back in the sheath. "I should be mad at you..." BEN said "oh don't be mad at me I love you and only you, not link, not Jeff, and not any other CreepyPasta that there is. "Ok" BEN said as he put his arm around my waist and started walking. We sat underneath a tree for a while and watched as the leaves fell to the ground. "I'm hungry, how about you?" BEN asked and I nodded. We teleported back to my room and walked downstairs. Jeff was in the kitchen eating a sandwich. " well hey there sweet cheeks" Jeff said as I walked past him " yknow you look pretty hot with your eyes like that he " he said. As I looked in the refrigerator I felt someone grab me from behind " BEN I'm getting us food knock it off" I said. I was pulled up and was surprised to see that it was Jeff who hand his hands wrapped around me. "How about a kiss for Jeffery" he said as he leaned in "fuck off you bastard" I yelled as I pixelated into thin air. " damnit I thought you hadn't learned that yet" Jeff snapped as he turned around and saw me standing next to BEN who was smiling like a fool. "Midgets" Jeff scoffed under his breath and walked away, taking his sandwich with him. "I'm two inches shorter than you Jeff and ke is three so shut up!" BEN said before Jeff made it out of the kitchen. "Whatever!" I heard him grumble "ok let's go kill link a few more times!" BEN said as he clapped his hands together once. "Mmmmk." I said as I picked up my belt and put it on. "Well you don't seem too eager" BEN said "why do you hate him so much?" I asked "well it's a long story but...with what happened today well I think I could tear him limb from limb" BEN said as he walked up the stairs "he doesn't deserve to be tortured for what I did" I said as I followed BEN "why are you defending him?!" BEN asked in a jealous tone. "Ugh let's just go kill him" I said as we walked into my room "just promise me that you're not jealous" I said as I grabbed BENs shoulder and turned him to look at me "fine I'm not jealous" he said as he looked down at the floor "good because you know that I love YOU right?" I etasked as I put my fingers on his chin and made him look up at me "yeah,I guess I'm just so scared that you'll leave me" BEN said "for that douchesack? No." I told him "ok well let's go" BEN said as he grabbed my hand and then put his other hand on the n64 cartridge that was inserted into the small console. I saw little sparks and we were both standing by the tree we had been at before we left the game, link was back at the rock not too far from here playing his ocarina. "What a lovely toon" BEN said as we approached link and navi. "BEN just leave me alone, why are you back so soon?" Link asked. I saw BEN whisper something but I couldn't hear it, then link got up and ran behind me. He held on to me for his dear life "god what the hell did you tell him BEN?!" I asked "like am I suppose to be killing him? Because well I can't bend my arms like that" I said as I picked up two knives and swung them behind me, not hitting a single thing. Navi was screaming her head off kicking BENs shoulder and he just flicked her sending her back about ten feet. "Link you'd better take your dirty hand off of my girlfriends shoulders withing the next three seconds otherwise I will shove this sword down your throat about 72 times." He said raising his sword link let go of me and attempted to run but I grabbed the collar if his tunic and he fell. BEN laughed and ran his sword across link back, slashing it open. Link yelped and I picked up a knife. I threw it into links back and then BEN pulled it out and used to stab him again. "That should do it!" BEN said as he grabbed my arm and we were back in my room. "Well that was quick!" I said as I layed down on my bed and BEN layed next to me, We fell asleep to the sound of someone walking up the stairs.

They're Real?! *A CreepyPasta Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now