.:"the talk":.

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A/N: hey my lil proxies, have any of you realized how ironic it is that BEN drowned? Cause yknow water and technology just don't mix well! Haha

>Ke's POV<

I heard someone knocking on my door followed by "Ke I think its time we talk" It was Allie. "HOLD ON" I yelled and got up to unlock the door, while getting up I fell off the bed and BEN who was laying next to me laughed. "Ke is someone else in there?" Allie asked "Just BEN" I said "Oh can he leave?" She asked as I opened the door "Does he have to?" I whined "Yes!" she said like an older sister. "Ugh" BEN said as he got up and walked slowly towards the door, dragging his feet to make the process loud and longer than it needed to take. He glared at Allie as she stood in the doorway and then he looked down to me and grinned. He kissed my cheek and walked out. "Wow you've got computers...everywhere" she said looking around my room "And consoles, and monitors, and TVs and..." she cut me off "I get it" she said and I laughed. "So anyway we really need to talk..." I cut her off "Wait..." I said "What, what is it?" she asked "BEN" I said staring at my computer monitor "You're in my computer BEN don't pretend that you're not" I said putting my hand on my hip, still staring at the computer monitor "Aww you know me to well" he said as his face flickered on to the screen and he grinned. "Ok are you really going to make me disconnect everything in my room just so I can have a conversation with my best friend?" I asked "No, it wouldn't matter anyway, I don't need electricity to have a computer turn on. Im completely in control, I'm unbreakable, darling, im unstoppable" he said as he cocked his head a little. Then all the technology in the house shut down and powered back on and the song of unhealing was playing on everything that had the ability to play music. "You creep" I said. Then I saw 1s and 0s in a glitchy form pixelate in front of me and BEN appeared. "Oh come on...you know you love me" he said grinning with his face extremely close to mine. "Ok I cant say I don't but youre still a creep" I said and smiled as I looked up a little to kiss him, but instead he disappeared and I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and BEN looked down a bit and kissed me on the lips. Finally we pulled away "Ok bye come again" I said pushing him out the door "Oh I will come again" he said "You're so dirty minded, I'll play video games with you later, just please let me have some privacy with her" I said "Ugh fine, I love you" he said smiling as he walked away "love you too" I said walking into my room and closing the door. i turned around to see an angry Allie with her arms crossed over her chest. "What in the literal fuck?" She asked "Oh look who's learning how to swear" I said "Don't change the subject" she said "Oh whatever so what do you mean "What in the literal fuck?"?" I asked "Oh I just mean why are you so set on him hes a creepy kid who likes to kill people" She said getting upset "You're always so nice what's wrong with you? And it would be a privilege to be killed by BEN" I said. "Im sorry but im a bit pissed because you threw a knife into my back and kidnapped me and brought me here, where someone slashed my face open! Oh and I just found out that you and youre practically my little sis has been sleeping with someone already" She said "Oh please that's just how Jeff is and also I was ready, and so was he!" I said. "Whatever im done" she said walking away "What happened to you?" she asked as she walked out of my room. "Look who's asking" I muttered "BEN!!!" I screamed and he walked in immediately. "IM HERE!" he said as I ran over and hugged him "I don't know why shes so upset at me, shes never like this" I said practically crying into his chest. "Hey its ok, you can cry" he said "No I wont, I don't need her to love me im fine" I said getting angry "If only I could go into video games and get away like you" I said "hey you hardly ever do that" I said "Yeah I enjoy spending time with you even though this world kind of sucks" he said "You know I bet I could figure out how to make you go into games too" he said "Wait...what?" I said looking at him. His eyes grew wide "Why didn't I ever think of this before?!?!?!?!" he said "well lets figure this out and get to work!" I said "Lets go to the lake" BEN said grabbing my arm and running out of the room, down the stairs, and out the door. Before BEN was able to fully pull me outside I noticed that Allie wasn't in the living room. I brushed it off and thought that allie might just be up in Toby's room. When we made it to the lake I looked in to the water. "BEN...why are we by the lake?" I asked worried "Uh well you want to go in to video games? Right?" he asked "Yes....But what are you going to do to me?" I asked "Well im kind of going to eh drown you..." he said "What why?!?! I thought I was immortal!? And why would you want to kill me?? Why does it have to be drowning?" I said talking extremely fast and getting upset. "Hey its ok listen, You are immortal but you still have a mortal body, so we need to get rid of that and make it just you as well a ghost! Its not that bad Im a ghost and I was still able to have sex!" he said laughing nervously "So yeah I just don't know if anything else would work and you can be Ke drowned and ill stay BEN drowned, also I don't want to kill you because I love you...but that's also kind of why im killing you but im positive youll come back!" he said "Wow I put too much trust in you...ok do what you must" I said "Ok uh here" BEN said walking around "Ill be right back" he said glitching away I waited there until he reappeared with rope and a cinder block. "Whered you get the cinderblocks?" I asked "I went to a junkyard" he said laughing as he tied the rope to the cinder block. I saw his hands shaking a bit as he tied the rope around my ankles "God get your shit together BEN youre just killing your girlfriend" I said "Youre soooo funny" he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek and he helped me stand up and I put my back towards the lake. "I love you" he said nearly crying "Hey its ok ill be back" I told him "Yeah so, about that....its gonna feel like you fall asleep, then after a while youll wake up and youll be in the same place but youll be able to breath and you can just swim right out of the water or even teleport up here if you can figure it out that quickly" he said "Ok I love you" I said as I picked up the cinder block, the rope between my ankles and the cinder block was long so I dropped the cinder block in to the water and was able to say "Ima kill that dick link" before I got pulled into the murky water. I waited for myself to drift away into the sleep state BEN told me about but something else came first that he didn't mention, probably so he wouldn't scare me. I started to panic because obviously I couldn't breathe. I started freaking out and remembered to do it for the games...I chuckled to myself even though my chest was starting to hurt. I crossed my arms and started to fall asleep. I let it happen and then soon after I woke up. I was under water but could breathe so I thought for a minute and then was in front of BEN. I grinned and he smiled he stood up and hugged me. "it took me a week to figure out how to teleport, so aren't you some hot shit" he said "I was hot shit before I died" I said and grinned "Lets go kill link a few times until he gives up and stops respawning for a week" he said laughing "Shall we?" he said sticking out and elbow for me to put my arm around, I did and he teleported us both to my bedroom "Why couldn't you teleport us before" I asked "Well I can only teleport other ghosts" he said "Ok then" I said "Oh and by the way" he hesitated "You might want to look in a mirror" he said "What? Why...?" I went into the bathroom and gasped. My eyes now looked exactly like BEN's, black with red pupils and blood dripping from them. "Is it bad?" I asked BEN as I walked out "Well other people might think that but I personally like it!" he told me "Aww thanks" I said as I looked up and kissed him. "Ill be back in a second im thirsty" I said walking out of the room and down the stairs. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I pulled out a can of coke and when I got my head out of the fridge I saw Jeff standing there. His eyes grew wide "Holy shit its not Halloween why do you have BEN eyes?" He asked "I let my boyfriend kill me so we could go in video games together" I said casually and walked away. "You guys have a weird relationship I would treat you a lot better, we could have played games together and killed together and had sex and shit, im sure im better than him" he said "Oh please just fuck off" I said as I walked up the stairs "ill be back darling" he said as he walked away and I heard his door close. Just then I heard a door open and I walked back down the stairs and saw Allie wearing a green skirt with a black and white striped shirt and black converse sneakers, she had a tight gray scarf covering her mouth and a black masquerade mask over her eyes. She was holding a hammer and a drill and...she was covered In blood with a huge grin on her face Toby walked in behind her smiling and laughing. "TOBY WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO? PUNCH HER SO HARD SHE WENT INSANE???" I screamed and BEN ran out "Oh damn what h-happened to you k-ke?" Toby asked "oh calm your mouthguard I just killed her." BEN said "Whats going on children?" slender asked walking out. "Ok everyone just calm down." I said "Ok well I took Allie out for her first kill...she enjoyed it and would be a great proxy!" toby said "Ok BEN killed me and now were gonna go play some hardcore video games" I said "Ok lets go" BEN said "Have fun im gonna go teach Alllie some new stuff and maybe get her marked" Toby said and grabbed Allie's hand as he pulled her up the stairs and into his room I watched as slender shook his head and walked away. BEN laughed as he pulled me into my room and we sat on my bed. We looked at the computer. "Lets go" he said and we stood up.



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