-.:Meet The Pastas:.-

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-.:Ke's POV:.-

I watched as Allie took a step back and I stepped forward to get a better look. "KE WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??????????" "uh what do you think im getting a better look" "THEY. ARE. KILLERS." "My god...they could just be some REALLY hardcore cosplayers" Jeff looked a little ticked off and begin to day something "Hardco-?" BEN cut him off and jeff got a look of pure hate in his eyes and BEN just shook it off. Then he spoke "We ARE NOT hardcore cosplayers, ok? we...are um...well, CreepyPastas i dont know if you've ever even heard of them but we are" "wait" i whispered. "so you mean to tell me that you're Jeff the killer, you're Ticci Toby, and you...are BEN" ben spoke up again "ahhh so you HAVE heard of us" he smiled a bit . Then i looked over at Toby. I saw his mouthguard slide up a bit meaning he smirked. I smiled and he twitched for a second. i looked to Jeff he looked back at me with blank eyes, i grinned..."what?!" he said "nothing" "KE LETS GO" Allie yelled still shaken up...Clearly. "awwww im just making friends" I said trying to make the moment seem a bit less scary than it was. "Annnnndddd..." i said suspiciously..."i like his link costume" "KE. KILLERS. LEAVE. NOW. LETS. GO." BEN looked at me and i just said "well see ya around "hehe yeah" Said BEN "Bye it was such a wonderful pleasure to meet you" Jeff said sarcastically "B-Bye C-c-come tomorrow at th-th-three" he hesitated..."no matter wh-what h-happens y-y-you have t-to be here..."and i m-mean N-NO MATTER W-W-WHAT!" well that sounded suspicious... "Ok will do" I said trying to sound happy about it...in a way...I was.



"I'm sorry but we have to get rid of their parents...they are a threat...what if they tell their parents and they actually believe them...they might try to find us..." Jeff whispered "b-but th-they c-can't see u-us" Toby stuttered "if their kids can they might be able to also..." Jeff said again "I hate to say it but...Jeff's got a point" BEN said "uh o-okay" Toby muttered through his mouth guard. They looked at you walking away quickly with Allie trailing behind you who looked slightly excited even though she was extremely nervous only minutes ago. They stalked them until they reached Allie's house. They waited a few hours until Allie and Ke left looking furious. "Hmm wonder what happened" Jeff whispered "y-yeah maybe w-we are doing th-them a favor n-now!" Toby said. Jeff and Toby left BEN alone to sit and wait in the bushes because he wasn't the kind to get off on this kind of killing. Just minutes later Jeff and Toby walked out the back door of the house when BEN saw them...they were covered in blood...



We stopped through the woods. Both of us were about ready to rip someone's head off. We had just found out that our parents were moving in together...which meant I could never just escape to Allie's house...I'd already be there. Allie was upset because she hated everything my father had ever said to me and her mom had been keeping secrets. After we calmed down we decided to just walk around and talk about what had happened today with Toby, Jeff and BEN.

"They seemed suspicious towards the end" I said "yeah" Allie replied. "And why are we able to see them...but nobody else can...!?!?" I questioned "yeah what's up with that???" "I don't know let's just head back to your house" I said "ok she muttered, still annoyed. The long walk back was pretty uneventful I just rambled on about older hard to get consoles I dreamed of owning. Whenever I brought this stuff up she just rolled her eyes and I laughed.

When we entered her house we couldn't believe our eyes. Blood. Was. Everywhere. Allie looked at me and dropped to her knees. I ran over to her and she buried her face in my stomach she screamed and cried as I just stood there. Stunned. I stared at my fathers and Allie's mother cold dead bodies laying on the wooden floor surrounded by blood. "Killers" I whispered under my breath...

They're Real?! *A CreepyPasta Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now