-.:Well then, welcome home:.-

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(A;/N) Yo my whats up my little proxies? Comment what you think of this pleaseeeee!!


2 YEARS LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-.:Ke's POV:.-

I ran up behind BEN and jumped on his back. I started kissing him on the cheek "Oh hey Ke" He said smiling. I got off his back and he turned around and grabbed me. "I love you" he said and began making out with me. I jumped a little as Jeff walked pass us and said "EW you guys are gross, why didnt you ever make out with me like that?" he asked. i pulled back and BEN whimpered. I put my finger to his lips and and said "Just a second" BEN smiled and jeff stood there waiting for an answer. "Because youre not BEN" I said smirking "REAL ANSWER!!!" He said "Fine...because youre not a nerdy guy that i love" I said "thats the same answer put differently" he said. "Fine then just because I dont love you" i said "ahhh but i love you and thats enough darling..." he said smirking as he walked over he quickly walked over and leaned in for a kiss but i ducked away and grabbed BEN's hand to run away "Ninja skills!" i yelled as we ran away. BEN winked and stuck his tongue out at Jeff before i pulled him down the hall. we ran up the stairs to my bedroom which was down by the other proxy's bedrooms. All the creepypastas except for BEN hardly ever came down this way. since the two years had gone by i had met Sally, EJ, LJ, and a girl, Clockwork...i hated her guts. She was always hitting on Toby who was extremley depressed and almost never came out of his room, i assumed that, that was how he always was before i got here, the other creepypastas said that he want like that until Allie left. So ofcourse we all guessed that he was madly in love with a girl who he only knew for about three days. Masky was almost Never at the mansion and he would never tell anyone where he was going. That helped Hoodie get a bit more social but not much. And BEN had come out with me every time i was on a mission because he would never let me get hurt...im not even joking he is super over protective escpecially around other male creepypastas. I heard slenderman calling my name from downstairs. "Ke, Dear child come downi have a new task for you." he said "JUST A SECOND" i scremed as i stuffed throwing knives in my boots and belt. I ran down the stairs and heard someone following me and turned around to see BEN. "i can go alone" i said. "Awwww but i want you to stay safe!" He said "Fine come on" i said

I turned around and kissed him "Hey uh Ke, i really need to talk to you about something" he began "CHILDREN GET DOWN HERE" we heard slender yell "Coming!" i yelled as i ran down the stairs "So whats the mission bro?" i asked "Do not call me Bro" slender said. "Mmmmk but the mission?" i asked. "Oh yes, child you must find a girl and kill her, i belive she has been watching us" slender told us. "Oh shit" BEN muttered "Yeah" i said "Wait wait wait...What?" Masky asked as he walked into the room. "Yeah some chick knows" i said "Uh hehe thats...uh...not good?" Masky said "Yeah go get hoodie lets kill this bitch!" BEN said. I walked outside with BEN following and we began to walk into the forest Masky was still inside getting hoodie and trying desperatly to get toby out of his room. "So uh Ke as i was saying i really need to talk to yo-" BEN was cut off by masy "HEY WAIT UP YOU DOUCHE CANOES!!!" he yelled "BEN WAS TRYING TO TALK TO ME" i yelled "it can wait...i guess" said BEN "ugh ok" i said impatiently. "Heyyyy look in da muddddd" i said like a little kid "Tracks" BEN said "they lead this way" Masky said pointing in the opposite direction that the tracks were going. "Are you blind?" i asked "No theyre going this way" Masky said grabbing my arm and pulling me the other way. "Stop it im following them for real" i said tugging myself out of his grip and stomping the other way. "Ke i love you" BEN said and kissed my cheek "Aww i love you too" i said kissing him on the lips, he pulled my body against his and i giggle. "gross" Masky muttered when he walked by. "Youre just jealous that i got the first ever and only girl proxy, who just happens to be like the most amazing person ever." BEN said "yep, thats totallllyyyy why" Masky said laughing a little and walked past me and BEN "Ok lets keep going" i said and pulled myself off of him. "Noooo" BEN said "Oh calm down" i said and pulled my scarf up over my mouth BEN wrapped his arm around me. "Did you see that?"i asked as i pulled out a throwing knife "Yeah" BEN said "Maybe its the rake, we should go now" Masky said quickly "No that was NOT the rake it was a person" i said "Uhhhhh" masky said "Whats your problem man?" i asked, then i heard a twig snap and i threw a knife in the direction of the noise, i saw a girl fall to the ground and i pulled out another knife. I raised it and was about to throw it when masky jumped in front of the girl "WAITTTT!!!!" He screamed "What?" i asked "Look" he said flipping the girl over "K-ke?" The girl asked. "Allie?" i said rushing over. Then she passed out.

I pulled out my knife and wiped it on my shirt. "God you cant even be classy about it, soon youll look like jeff or Toby!" Masky said "ha maybe i want to" i said looking at masky. "Ugh whatever you know she was doing well, she has a boyfriend" Masky said. "Wait... you knew where she was...YOU WERE TALKING TO HER AND DIDNT TELL US?!?!?" I screamed pulling out a knife and pressing it in to his shoulder slightly "GYAH!" he yelped, "Hey we can kill him after we get home" BEN said pulling me back "Ugh" i said ripping my knife out of his upper arm. "MMMMM" he bit his lower lip and i stomped away BEN followed me and Masky picked up Allie and threw her over his shoulder.


We arrived at the mansion and i sat on the couch BEN sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. "Its ok" he said and masy and hoodie walked into the house. "She'll need stitches" Masky yelled and EJ came running down the hall with a little kit "IM HERE" he screamed "Woahhh whos that? i thought you meant Ke..." he said "No this is Allie" Masky said. "Oh, Wait this is Allie...toby will be happy! but...nobody tell him until she wakes up" EJ whispered "Ok" we all whispered in unsion. "Ke you get to tell him shes your friend and so is toby" Masky said. "Ok i said smiling.


When the stitches were done, Allie's eyes began to open. "Wh-where am i?" Allie asked "Home, youre at your new house" i whispered "Oh i was coming to talk to Masky, maybe even to see Toby..." She said "Oh well hes here im gonna go get him" i said "ok" she said quietly. I walked up the stairs and slowly knocked on Toby's bedroom door. "Wh-what do you-want?" he asked, clearly he'd been crying recently. "I have a HUGE surprise for you downstairs" i said eagerly "What c-c-could be so great th-that i need to come ou-out of my r-room?" He asked getting upset "Wellll this is something youve been waiting for, for a long time, and...its better than waffles...and even better than pancakes" i said "Nothing is b-better than p-pancakes" he said as his door swung open "Ok lets go" i said grabbing his arm and tugging him down the stairs. When he saw Allie sitting on the couch he rushed over smiling and hugged her "I-I'm so sorry I though i'd n-never see you a-agian!!!" He said loudly "My shoulder" she said pointing to her wound "Oh i-im sorry" he said loosening his grip slightly and she smiled, "Whats all the commotion abou-WOAHHHHH WOAH WOAH WHOS THAT?!" Clockwork yelled as she walked out "This is Allie" i said. "Ke i need to talk to you, in private" BEN whispered in my ear "ok" i said as we walked upstairs leaving the others to argue. When we got to BEN's bedroom we sat down on his sheets and he talked quietly. "Ke, i know we still look like were 12 but...were 15 now and i want to know if youll be...ALL mine?" he asked blushing, i blushed and whispered "Ok"

They're Real?! *A CreepyPasta Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now