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-.:Ke's POV:.-

Jeff ran outside and looked around frantically. I walked outside "it's no use, she's fast, and she won't tell anybody" I said to Jeff "how do you know that!!!???" He asked getting upset. "I've known her since I was three...she won't tell" I told him. "Ok...we'll find her eventually" he said, and walked back in the mansion. And I was surprised, BEN was standing there waiting to help me up the step. Sure my back hurt but I could get up a single step by myself, it was sweet though so I allowed him to help me. "So..." BEN started "since your room isn't set up yet maybe you'd like to sleep in my room tonight" he smirked. "you know that she would just sleep on the couch right, and she DOES have a bed" jeff. "ugh fine" BEN replied. "And...if she could choose to sleep in anyones room tonight, she would choose mine" Jeff smiled and looked at me "Ok first of all im 12 and second of all dont get too cocky even though i am quite beautiful" i smirked at him. He smiled and put his knife to my chin, he got close to my face and whispered "dont get too cocky yourself now" i smiled as jeff walked away. I heard someone stomping away and turned to see Toby rushing down the hall. "Toby calm down!!!" i yelled to him "S-she left...she d-d-doesn't trust m-me!" He yelled back "its ok she'll get over it, but why do you care so much?" I asked as he walked back down the hall way towards me and the rest of the group. "b-because, and n-none of your buisness" he replied. "ohhhhhhh lover boys getting a little upset!!!" Jeff joked. BEN laughed hysterically. "Sh-shut up it not l-like youre a-any better B-BEN!" BEN shut up and blushed then he giggled nervously. "oh damnnnnn HAHA" i said. "a-nyway im going t-to m-my room K-Ke decide your s-stuff s-since we marked y-you, y-you can go out t-to get some stuff. like n-new clothes or w-whatever." he said "ok, thanks" i said "Ugh i never get to go out to stores!" BEN said. "Maybe thats because you have blood POURING FROM YOUR EYES" jeff said "Hey its not my fault" BEN replied "just put a hoodie on and keep your head down, you can come with me" i said.  "he can not go with child" Slender said. "Awwww why not??" i said. Slender gave me a dirty look...well as dirty as he could considering he has no face. "Ugh fine." i said."bye" BEN said, "See ya real soon darling" Jeff said. "Ew dont say that it sounds pervy" i said. Masky laughed and Jeff walked over and grabbed my chin forcing me to look into his eyes. "Darling" He whispered grinning through his fake smile. "Stop it Jeff" BEN said getting annoyed walking up behind Jeff. "What'd you say to me loverboy?" Jeff said putting his knife on BEN's throat "Yeah thats right, i told you to stop" BEN said. "Guys stop!" i said. "Never talk to me like that" jeff growled under his breath to BEN.  "I'll talk to you however i godamn please!!!" BEN yelled "Fuck you" Jeff said and cut BEN's chin slightly before walking away. I took my sweater sleeve and wiped the blood off BEN's chin. "thanks" he muttered and smiled a little. "thank you for... Y'know stopping Jeff" i said. Then BEN quickly stepped forward and hugged me. I blushed and Masky saw my face and laughed, i closed my eyes, smiled and hugged BEN back. He squeezed me tighter after realizing that i had hugged back. "Be safe when you go out" he said and pulled away i smiled and nodded. I turned and walked out the door.



"Ugh why did we let her go out???" BEN asked "She could run away" he said. "Do you really think that she would run away?" Masky asked "i mean she seemed pretty happy being here, and we burned her back up real well" He said.



"Keep the change" i said as i walked out of the store with my brand new black lace up combat boots that went up to my knees, a burnt orange loose crop top and black jeans. I also picked up some...girl stuff (underwear, bras, uh...etc.?) because i had come with nothing but the clothes i was wearing. i went to another store and got some things for my room, i dont know why but i took all the money in my house so i had a few hundred dollars, I got a laptop and ofcourse i had to pick up an old N64 i found at a gamestop that carried used systems, sadly no LoZ games to be found for it. I got a navy blue plain comforter and a pillow. Then i headed to a hunting store, i found a large set of black throwing knives. Soon with tired legs and sore arms from walkiing and carrying bags i headed back to the mansion, nearly the second i stepped in BEN was hugging me "im so glad youre safe" he said in my ear and i smiled.

So sorry that this took so long, just yknow hard to do with writers block, Issy's laptop broke so itll be a week before she can write again so youre stuck with me...sorry XP

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