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-.:Ke's POV:.-

Me and BEN pulled away from the hug in unison. "need help setting up your room?" Jeff jumped up from the couch and asked when he noticed that me and BEN werent hugging anymore. "Uhhhh sure?" I said "wanna come too BEN?" i asked trying desperatly to avoid being alone with Jeff "sure!" BEN said eagerly "ok lets go" Jeff said slightly upset. BEN grabbed some bags and Jeff rushed over to grab some too. we all walked up the stairs to my new room. "Holy Fucking Shit this place is gigantic!!!" i said dropping the bags and falling onto the huge bed. BEN fell onto it too and we laughed, our faces were extremley close togther and we looked into eachother's eyes i bit my lower lip and his eyes began to close as he leaned in and then he was pulled up by his green shirt collar towards Jeff. "Dont you dare" Jeff said holding BEN who was a few inches shorter than him up to his face BEN's boots were barley touching the floor. "uh hehe ok..." BEN said nervously. Jeff dropped him back down and BEN nearly fell but quickly balanced himself. He fixed his shirt and turned to face me, "Sorry" he said. I just looked behind him and gave Jeff a dirty look. He just smiled and i realized how much of a threat he was. "So darling what goes where?" Jeff asked...calling me darling again. "Uh i think me and him got this..." I said. "You heard her BEN, get out" Jeff said grabbing BEN and practically throwing him out of my room, he locked the door. "Thats not what i mea-" i tried to speak but Jeff was on top of me in about two seconds. He was pushing his lips against mine and had one arm around my body and another on the back of my head keeping me in place. The second I got a free arm I slapped him. He let go of me in shock and grabbed his cheek.

I bolted for the door and managed to unlock it but he pulled me back before i could open it. i kicked Jeff but it didnt phase him then BEN burst in "GET OFF OF HER!!!!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. "I dont-Feel-Like it" jeff said as he grinned inbetween kisses BEN ran over and punched jeff off of me. Jeff didnt seem to phased but it did the job. "Ke Run!!!" BEN yelled I got up and ran for the door and BEN got up and ran after me, he ran ahead of me and grabbed my hand. "follow me!" he yelled and i did as i was told. we ran into BEN's room and he locked the door. i sate down on his bed and we heard pounding on the door. "OPEN UP MIDGET!!!!! SHES MINE!" we heard jeff yell. "Any chance he could break the lock?" i asked "N-" we heard something snap. "RUN" BEN yelled as he opened the window and jumped out, i hesitated "JUMP!!!!!!!" he screamed. I jumped out the window just before jeff would have grabbed my leg. "This is over you little fuck, I will have Ke!" He yelled as he jumped out the window after us. BEN grabbed my arm and started running we scaled a tree, we were both surprising good climbers. "you guys cant stay up there forever!!!" Jeff yelled from below "YES WE CAN WERE IMMORTAL!!!" BEN yelled down. "wait immortal?!?!?!?" I asked BEN "Uh yeah...we didnt tell you? Proxies and Creepypastas are immortal...right after we become creepypastas or after were marked..." he said laughing nervously.

"IM COMING UP THERE" Jeff screamed as he began climbing "That branch is dead" i yelled down " I dont care " he said back, the branch snapped under his foot and he fell. Me and BEN laughed immaturly. BEN looked at me and said "Im so sorry that this happened Ke..." "Oh i dont care" i said and smiled BEN scooted closer to me and and leaned in, i leaned in too and and we closed our eyes and kissed. we pulled away and BEN had a cute blush "youre blushing" i said "so are you" he said giggling. "he put his hands around the back of my head and his thumbs were on my cheeks. "youre so pretty" he said "and youre so cute" i said. We leaned back in and kissed again. "STOP IT BEN SHES MINE!!!" we heard Jeff scream as he tried to climb the tree failing once again. We laughed in between kisses. We pulled away and i leaned my head on his shoulder as we looked out over the forest and listened to jeff screaming swears beneath us.

BY KE WHAT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????? By the way, comments and favs would be greatly appreciated

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