Chapter 15: Ravioli, Ravioli, Don't Lewd the Dragon Loli

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But that doesn't say I can't put the loli in a fanfic. Also, Saikawa's gonna be here too, so don't judge me. I just wonder how Shadow's going to react to Kanna and Saikawa; who are elementary students, mind you; living in the same house as him... wait and see!

5:09 A.M. Sayori's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat, glancing around the room frantically, seeing Natty and the guys still asleep. I sigh of relief and get up from the bed to wash my face with water.

What the hell was that vision I saw..? Everyone dead... gunfire and armed soldiers everywhere I look... I think I should get downstairs and get a snack...

I head downstairs and open the fridge. It's fully stacked. I drool over all of the options I could choose, and I ultimately choose to make a sandwich. A good ol' peanut butter and jelly sandwich... no, I decide to make two. Yeah, I made two. I sit down at the table and I begin to eat my sandwiches. I see Schrödinger walking down the stairs in a white t-shirt and shorts, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, Schrödinger! Good morning!" I say to him, and he jumps in surprise, his hair on end.

"E-eh?! I did not think that there would be anyone down here! I'm sorry for jumping like that, I truly apologize." Schrödinger rants, and I only giggle at his antics.

"You're fine, I swear! I just came down here to- *nom* eat my sandwiches I just made!" I say, my mouth full.

He walks over to me and eyes the sandwich I haven't taken a bite out of yet curiously. I flick one of his ears and waggle my finger tauntingly.

"Tisk, tisk, tisk. Curiosity killed the cat. And plus, this is my sandwich. If you want, I could make one for you after I'm done eating mine!" I suggest cheerfully, and his face lights up.

"Alright! I'll sit over here, then!" Schrödinger exclaims, sitting in the chair next to me.

After I finish my sandwiches, I go over to the counter and make Schrödinger a sandwich like mine. I put it in front him, and he picks it up to look at it. He takes a big bite out of it that could rival my own, and his eyes get stars in them.

"U-unglaublich! How does this taste so good?!" Schrödinger exclaims.
Translation; I-incredible!

"Oh, please! I'm no cook! If you want something good, ask Natty! In fact, I'll go and wake her up!" I chime, and I dash upstairs to my room.

I shake Natty awake, and she rubs her beautiful blue eyes before putting in her contacts and looking at me.

"What's the big idea waking me up at 5 in the morning?" Natty tiredly asks.

"I got up to make something to eat, and remembered I can't cook." I laugh nervously, and Natty jolts awake.

"Well, why didn't you say so?" Natty asks, and we head downstairs to see Schrödinger still waiting there, half-asleep.

Natty snaps in his face a couple times and he jolts awake, his hair raised. When he looks at Natty, he smiles.

"Guten Tag. Sayori told me that you can make the best food on the planet, right?" Schrödinger asks, making Natty blush, looking at me.
Translation; Good Morning.

"Sayori's right! What did you have in mind?" Natty asks.

"Erm... uuuuuhhh... an apfelkuchen." Schrödinger requests, and we both look at him confusedly.

"A what?" I ask, and he sighs heavily.

He pulls a picture of a picture of a delicious-looking pie out of nowhere, along with a recipe to make it.

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