Chapter 79: Left 4 Doki Doki Dead 2

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7:00 P.M. Natsuki's POV

I look outside of the door out of pure curiosity, and my eyes widen.

"Uhh... guys? You might wanna see this." I announce as they look out the door with me.

Zoe is DESTROYING the Tank; punching it until it bleeds, dodging its attacks and hopping on its head. It only takes a second for Zoe to wrap her thighs around the Tank's head and once again snap the Tank's neck with her thighs, making the Tank fall to the ground, dead. When it falls, Zoe frontflips off of the Tank, brushing herself off.

"Oy am SAO gettin' a shaowah aftah thiies is ovah..." Zoe shudders as she walks over to the door and opens it, making us back up.

"Dude, you just took out the Tank with your thighs!!" Ellis recalls.

"I mean, she takes after her sister, having some killer thighs!" Monika jokes, getting a laugh out of everyone but Nick, who holds his nose in embarrassment.

Zoe hops onto Monika's shoulders, but Monika drops Zoe before snapping her fingers, making Zoe squeaky clean. Zoe hops on Monika's shoulders again.

"Hey, real quick; I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith made sushi? Yeah, his mom took him to a sushi place for his birthday and he didn't want to go, but he turned out he LOVED it, man. But it's like 10 bucks a su-sho in one of them places, so Keith figures, 'Hey, how hard can it be to roll up some raw food in seaweed,' right? As it turns out, it's hard. Now, they say that experience is the best teacher, and experience taught Keith that if you ever eat three pounds of raw chicken, it kills you. Now luckily, Keith's brain went into self-defense mode and started shutting organs down to head the chicken off at the pass, and the doctors were able to get 'em out before his heart stopped. It's not like the time he tried to cook a turkey, though. He learnt his mistake after the first time. Third-degree burns over 90℅ of his body. His doctor called up, like, other doctors to look at him cause they'd never seen burns on top of existing burns-- a-and this reminds me when my buddy Keith actually tried to make fireworks with me. Now, I didn't know shit about chemistry, but Keith figured 'Gasoline burns, doesn't it?' Heh, third-degree burns on 95℅ of his body. Man, people in the next city over were calling to complain about the smell of burning skin. But to this day about that sushi story o' mine, Keith has no sensation in his right foot, and doesn't recognize his own brother Paul no more." Ellis rambles until Nick turns to him.

"Ellis, if you don't shut up, I am going to find this Keith, zombie or not, and wring his neck." Nick snarls.

"Too bad for you, Nick. He was one of the first to get on the whirlybirds." Ellis retorts, making Nick growl at Ellis, but it doesn't seem to bug him.

"I liked his stories." Sayori responds.

"Seriously? You let him ramble on about his friend Keith, and you'll be sitting down for 8 minutes." Nick scoffs.

"Hey, it's not my fault Keith did so many things that got 'im fucked up!" Ellis exclaims.

"Will you two idiots shut your traps?! The sooner we get the hell out of this mall, the faster we get to go home!" I shout, making them shape up.

"Right." Nick responds before Sayori takes the bar off of the door and opens it before a hiss is heard, and Sayori slowly closes the door.

"Just a few hours ago, you were ripping and tearing through Infected like they were copy paper, and you get scared over somethin' hissing?" Coach asks, and Sayori's ears flatten.

"I have emotions too, y'know..." Sayori whimpers, and I look out the window of the door to see that a female zombie is outside, and its mouth is so wide open, I'm almost certain she was a whore before she died.

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