Chapter 92: Forgiveness Pt. 1: The Reveal

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This is where the main villain of the entire story comes in. The one who's been pulling the strings ever since the very beginning.

9:09 A.M. Monika's POV

I wake up in a cold sweat, a nightmare haunting my mind.

"She's escaping..." I mutter, breathless.

"I have to evacuate everyone." I say to myself as I jump out of bed and think of something.

Ninetales gets up and looks at me.

"Master. Are you alright?" Ninetales asks quietly, and I sit down on the ground so she can walk over to me.

"No. I'm not alright. And, unfortunately, you can't help with it." I respond.

"What is it?" Ninetales asks.

"...I have... a secret. And... I don't wanna tell you what it is." I explain, and Ninetales licks my cheek, making me look to her.

She looks... happy.

"Do not worry. Even if you don't want to tell me, you can bet that I'll always be by your side." Ninetales explains.

I smile and hug Ninetales, even kissing her head.

"Thank you..." I respond, tearing up.

Ninetales whimpers before she tackles me to the ground and lays on top of me, making me giggle.

"You always know what to do to cheer me up, Ninetales. I love you." I respond, and Ninetales looks at me.

"I love you too, Master." Ninetales responds.

I look to the bed, and I see that Yuri, Anne and Zoe are fucking OUT, snoring loudly. I kiss Ninetales's snout, making her back up so I can stand up, and I walk over to them before I put a hand on Yuri's stomach, and I drag my hand slowly up to her bust, making her instantly wake up, her eyes darting to me.

"Monika." Yuri states, sitting up and smiling at me. "You know how to wake a girl up~"

"Well, I should know how to wake you up. We're married." I respond, making her smirk.

She gets off the bed as Ninetales stands on her hind legs to hug Yuri as best she can, making Yuri hug back.

"Good morning to you too, Ninetales." Yuri responds, planting a kiss on Ninetales's head.

"Oi, do Oy geh' a hug, Noinetuyles?" Zoe asks, standing up from the bed, and Ninetales gets back on the ground before she walks over to Zoe, stands up and hugs Zoe, making Zoe hug back.

"Mmmm~, yaw sao woem!" Zoe exclaims.

"I am a Fire type. If I were cold, I would be an Ice type." Ninetales jokes, making us laugh.

Ninetales gets back on the ground before she sits down. Zoe scratches under Ninetales's chin, and all nine of her tails wag.

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