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He can't see me.

"You have to live a little," Roxana says, with a smile on her lips. I don't return it, i momentarily look past her to the other students walking by. She is seated on my left. Her seat is near the window, my favorite spot but today she overtook it. I am not happy with it.

I can't take my eyes off him.

I nod, "Mmmh." My thoughts consumed by him and less of what Roxanna is saying.

"So you are coming tonight?" Her voice is full of excitement.

He runs his hand through his hair. His eyes fixed on his phone.

"Where?" I inquire, my face obscured by confusion. I'm not sure what she's on about.

Look up! I think.

"Back to school party, duh!" She gravels, and I turn to see why she is irritated, only to find her face scrunched up.

"No." I don't give it a second thought as i answer and turn to look at him again.

"It's our last quarter on campus, so have a good time. Otherwise, you will graduate as a virgin." The last part she says softly and lowly, as if being a virgin is a crime.

It is a virtue. However I am far from that. You can't have any virtue if you've lived my life.

He can't even look up. He never looks at me.

"Did you hear what i just said? And what is that you are looking at?" She moves to get a better angle, moving her head in front of me and the only view i am left with is of her untrimmed ends of her hair.

She follows my gaze, her expression filled with curiosity and i hope she doesn't catch on.

She does!

"Quinn, such an eye candy. Don't start fantasizing he is out of every girl league except her." She tips her head towards the door as someone walks in.

Courtney Emerson.

The sole heiress to Emerson company. A multinational company

She walks in with grace, her hair freely flowing on her shoulders. Her steps are calculated and intended. Her presence demands attention. The entire class watches her, except Quinn who never bothers to lift his head.

She walks straight to him, stops and puts her bag on his desk.

He lifts his head, bored.

That is a look I recognize.

"You didn't show up last night." She attempts to whisper but everyone hears.

Quinn's head swivels to my direction, and our eyes lock. His gaze is a silent communication, as if he wants me to understand something.

"Let's settle down." A male voice announces, disrupting our non verbal communication.

As i look up, i am forced to take a double look just to confirm that i am not hallucinating. Mr. Marcelo's eyes are staring back at me. It is real, i sigh disappointed. I thought i won't have to face him this semester.

"Cara make sure to see me after the class," he says. He still won't give up.

Everyone turns to give me a sorry look.

The class starts. I keep my head low though i can occasionally feel the burning stare of Mr. Marcelo through my skull.

The entire period is a blur and i am relieved when it ends. I pretend to be packing my stuff as the class slowly empties. I look up, hoping Mr. Marcelo gave up and left.

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now