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It's drizzling as Quinn stops outside my apartment building. I watch a drop stream down the windshield.

I prepare myself to welcome him inside but he is quick to speak, "You should get going." His eyes are set on three guys that are walking towards his car.

On the trip from his penthouse spend send most on his phone. I remember he ended the call assuring the caller he will be there. Now seeing the muscular and tattooed guys striding towards us I connect the dots and conclude, Quinn was talking to one of them.

He moves and reaches for the shotgun door and opens it ushering me outside. I step out and the rain mercilessly pounds on me.

"Just go, please," Quinn begs as his eyes hold a queer emotion.

The fact he said please is enough for me to know there's more to this. I take some steps forward before turning to give Quinn a last glance. The three guys are already boarding his Lamborghini, but not before the one at the shotgun shoots me a long glare. He has dreadlocks and an eyebrow ring. I shudder at his scary eyes. Quinn, what are you involved in?

I almost jump in relief when I open the door and hear the TV talking. Oliver is home. However, as I get closer I realize the intruder isn't my brother when the Game of Thrones soundtrack comes through. I know one person who is a die-hard fan of GOT.

"Andre!" I sigh his name.

He swivels his head to meet my eyes. I drop my bag on the floor and walk to my bedroom to find dry clothes.

Minutes later I am back and I fall onto Andre's open arms and nuzzle closer.

"There! There!" Andre pats my back.

"Quinn is such a jerk!" I groan under him.

"Tell me something I don't know." He pauses his show. "He is the mayor of jerk town." He adds.

I exhale and pinch the tip of my nose frustrated. We had a great night only Quinn to ruin it this morning.

"So I guess this time you are over with him?" Andre questions.

"Totally." I sigh.

"That's what you said four years ago. Could it be that neither of you wants to admit you have feelings for each other?"

Ugh! "We have sexual chemistry. Like I would fall for Quinn." I huff.

"Then why have been holding back to avenge what his family did to your father?"

"I haven't, I just lacked tangible evidence to attack them."

"Fair enough. But, knowing you if you wanted to strike, you would have found a way."

I hate to admit he's right.

"I also wanted to graduate first cause I thought by now Quinn would have been head over heels for me," I say and we both laugh.

"He has no heart. You should know by now." Andre concurs.

I relax and smile, "Sorry about yesterday." I whisper.

I can't believe it was just yesterday Quinn beat up Mr. Marcelo. It feels like it was a week ago. I wonder what happened to him, Quinn said he will take care of it.

"Don't be. What do we have so far?" Andre moves and I shift to fit in his arms which he snakes around my body.

I pick my bag and retrieve my phone and a photo. I show Andre the account's photos I took, which in turn he shares to his phone, with the assurance that the Nickel will not know what bite them. Lastly, I show him a photo I know Quinn will kill me if he found out I stole it. It Is the picture with Quinn and Misha, I secretly took it this morning.

"I knew this girl," Andre says with surprise. "I can't believe he had a thing with her. If this was to surface to the public it will be a big scandal."

My interest is triple-peaked, "How do you know her?"

"She worked at the Nickel Manor as a maid. I remember her cause I had the biggest crush on her as she served us brunch whenever I visited with my parents."

"Was she beautiful?" I ask an obvious question.

"Very. She was a bit older but I would do her." Andre nods. He carries forth, "And then some months later I stopped seeing her." The says slowly.

Quinn dated his maid? Wow!

I sink deeper into Andre's embrace. He resumes playing his show. And my mind wanders back to Quinn. We had a great night but in the morning he was a different person.



don't remember falling asleep, I stir to find an almost fistfight in my living room.

"Get the fuck out of here." Andre hisses at Ryan.

I sit up and rub my eyes.

"Cara tell this monkey to piss off." Ryan drags me into their fight.

I raise my hands to shush them. "What the hell is going on?" I ask confused.

"You didn't come to school yesterday and today. I called and left endless voicemails but you didn't answer so I had to make sure you are okay." Ryan explain.

My heart flatters when he expresses his worry.

"See she's okay, so just leave." Andre snaps at him.

"I will leave if Cara asks me to," Ryan says and stares back at me.

"I will see you tomorrow Cara." Andre hugs me. "When am done with that thing." He coughs. "I will call you."

He picks his coat and car keys and leaves.

"You shouldn't hang around guys like him," Ryan warns.

"Just because his family is your business rival that shouldn't make him a bad guy," I say.

"He's still a tool and has no moral compass on him." Ryan moves to stand a few steps from me.

"Anyway I wanted to invite you to a gig I will be deejaying," Ryan says.

I just don't want to lead him on, especially when I now know his mother knew my mom.

"I can't. I had a long night." I stretch and hope he catches on.

His shoulders hung low, "Are you seeing someone else?" He asks in a hushed tone.

"I was but not anymore," I admit.

"Do I know the guy?"

Your best friend.

"Not exactly."

I am glad when there's a knock on my door. I jump up fast almost tripping on my face. Ryan is quite persistent.

I swing the door open with a lot of force.

"Roxanna!" I call out in surprise.

She breaks down in tears, "You were right Chad is a killer."

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now