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At least twenty pair of eyes are on me. I run my tongue over my dry lips and clear my throat. That is enough for me to get out a spluttered, "Truth."

Courtney snorts besides me, "Coward." She mutters.

I hate her.

Her eyes twinkle with a mix of vengeance and hate once they find mine. She sticks her tongue out, "Are you a slut?"

Gasps erupts from some of the people. There gazes on me with intent interest. It takes my brain a moment to register her question. She looks least bothered by her insulting question. Her lips are drawn into a content smug. I frown at her, feeling my eyes fill up in tears. I hate getting drunk, it makes me an emotional wuss.

I miss Quinn and his annoying habit of acting as my spokesman. If he was here, he would answer on my behalf.

"Courtney..." Jermaine calls out her name as a warning.

She remains unmoved until she finally gives me a victorious smile. Having had enough of her insult, I spring to my feet set to get away from this mean crowd. I take few strides until I remember I was with Roxanna. Embarrassed for not having my dramatic walk away, I stride back to Roxanna. Murmurs and whispers go round the circle, probably gossiping about the strange girl.

Roxanna opposes when I try to get her to her feet. However, I finally manage to help her stand. "Chad." She says, a whiff of alcohol and vomit fans my face. "I love you." She says and lays her head on the crook of my shoulder. Minutes later she starts snoring.

Just Great.

I slowly stagger with her until we are at the front of the house. There are fewer people here and countless cars parked and a chopper. How are we going to get home? I remember why I hate parties, even though this is my second party since I joined college. Ryan is still the DJ. I decide to call my brother. The call goes straight to voicemail. This is so unlike him. He has been unreachable for two days. I make a mental note, first thing tomorrow I check on him at his apartment.

I sit beside Roxanna on the grass, she is soundly asleep. I remove a strand of hair from her face. The make hide her bruises perfectly. I wish it could do the same for her heart.

"There you are." A voice comes behind us. I turn to see Ryan walking towards us. The moonlight is illuminating his face. He looks like a god.

"Lee told me what happened." He says once on my position. He settles beside me. He removes his coat and lays on top on Roxanna. I wish Quinn was sweet as Ryan.

"Courtney just hates me." I say.

"Which is odd, She can be stuck up but never has time to hate anyone unless she deems the other person a threat." Ryan says.

"Which am not. Look at me, what threat can I pose to Courtney?" I innocently ask though I have a clue why.

He gives me a look full of desire, his eyes taking a quick sweep down my body, "You are a threat to all women." His voice is low and husky.

He always knows how to flatter me and I find such people dangerous. They come too close to my guarded heart.

I take a sharp intake of breath and blow out a sigh. I fight a blush when his green eyes find mine. The glitter at night.

His hand move, I flinch unconsciously and he pauses his purpose. He drops it to his thigh. He lets out a wry smile, "You are beautiful, you know?" It is neither a statement nor a question.

Unable to know how to respond, I smile.

Roxanna stirs in her sleep and rolls over. I stifle a smile and Ryan does the same. Once we stop, an awkward silence stretches between us.

Ryan speaks nervously, "I like you, a lot."

That's why I like him. He's not complex like Quinn. He's simple and direct.

I ask, "Why are you interested in me?"

He shuts his eyes and opens them. "You bring out a different side of myself. With you, am funny, confident and a risk taker."

He is too sweet to lead him on. I open my mouth, "I.... "

He cuts me short, "I know how you will respond, I just hope someday you will feel how I feel about you."

Am speechless. He's too perfect.

"Let's go. We have five hours on the road." He suggests.

He's hurt and his face masks unfamiliar and scary expression.


The next morning I am woken up by the loud pounding on my door. Roxanna groans and pulls the duvet to cover her face.

I pull a pair of sweats and one of my dirty tank tops. I run my fingers through my hair and start walking towards the door. The pounding never stops.

"Coming!" I shout.

I whatever it is, it is worth my sleep. I unlock the door and swing it open.

"My God!" I say to my disheveled brother. He is covered in soot.

His eyes are focused outside, I peep to see what has his interest. It is the tattooed dreadlocks' guy, Quinn picked yesterday. He glares at us before he disappears down the hall.

"Do you know that guy?" He asks.

Am confused. With him looking all dirty, homeless and the scary dreadlocks guy.

I shake my head, "I saw him with Quinn."

"I told you that he will bring trouble to your doorstep." Oliver reminds me.

"What happened to you?" I ask in attempt to breach the subject. Though still worried the trouble Quinn is involved in.

"The mechanic shop burned down to ashes."

He moves to sit on the couch, I wrinkle my nose and hold back a snarl when he stains it with the soot on his clothes.

"I have not been able to reach you in two days." I snap at him.

"Nimo and I took a spontaneous trip."

"She didn't break up with you?" My voice is a bit raised.

"Why?" He innocently asks. "Am even thinking of proposing to her."


I think am going to have a heart attack.

"You are only eighteen."

"Almost nineteen." He replies.

I place my palm against my forehead. Am almost running mad. I can't let my brother marry that gold-digging bitch.

I sigh and sit beside him. He switches on the TV and starts watching SpongeBob.

"I guess now I have to find another job to keep up with Nimo's high maintenance." He whispers.

He loved that Mechanic shop, he has worked there since he was sixteen.

"What was the cause of the fire?" I ask.

He swallows a lump and his eyes stay glued to the television. "I don't know." He mutters. I immediately know he is lying. The Oliver seated beside me, has changed and I have no idea who is anymore.

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now