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I'm glad when the short trip to the small town center comes to an end. Courtney kept on talking about Quinn and the engagement. I don't know if she was just rubbing it on my face or she was just simply happy.

It is an old town with dusty paths. I dig my hand deeper into my jacket and shut my eyes for a moment when the wind blows my hair. I open them and look around and realise the natives are staring at us with questionable looks.

"Pfft! Haven't this people seen a Porsche before or a pretty girl?" Courtney flips her rainbow coloured hair.

The small town defines what the gap between the rich and the poor is. On our way I saw acres of lands which the rich owned and then there's the other side of the coin that looked more like the projects. Houses crammed to one another.

"Let's keep up with time before night falls." Lee warns and casts me a sideways glance. I have been meaning to ask him to keep his finding a secret.

Courtney leads the way she seems to know her way. I wonder how many times Quinn has brought her here. I slow down to keep up with Lee who is texting on his phone.

I breath in before I speak, "Uh-about earlier... " I try to find the correct words.

"Your secret is safe with me if that is what you want to confirm." He looks me over his phone.

I sigh in relief.

"As long as someday you will tell me who the mysterious Cara is. " He is quick to cut my relief short.

Am about to answer when Jermaine swings his arm round my shoulder.

"What are we whispering about?" He winks at me. I smile in return.

"I... We... " I stammer.

"Am just messing with you. Don't let him. " He points at Lee. " ...Charm you, he's a smooth talker." He slaps the back of Lee who throws him a murderous glare.

I don't know why but I do like Jermaine. He just got a way to warm into your heart.

He turns to me, "Is your friend seeing someone?" He asks me.

It takes me a while to realise he is talking about Roxanna.

"She got out of a complicated relationship recently; I don't think she is ready to dive into dating again." I answer and look at Roxanna as she tries Courtney glasses. They seem to get along pretty well and it does not settles well with me.

Jermaine heaves a disappointed sigh, "What a bummer, She's hot."

I nod in agreement as we walk inside a fancy store. Ryan catches up with us. He has been talking to his mother for a while. He tucks his phone away and leads me to the dress section. The prices give a migraine considering my current financial crisis. I have to keep up with everyone. I don't know how long I can fake it.

"Quinn gave me his card, I buy you girls anything you want, he put more emphasis on you. I don't know why."

I know.

"Maybe he finds me tacky." I shrug and pick a red dress. Courtney and Roxanna join us their arms full of clothes.

Hours later, everyone has their share of clothes. I only chose the red dress, a pair of black pumps and gold coated earrings. Ryan decides to pay for everyone. Just as am about to step out. The store alarm goes off. I stand frozen at the spot and watch two security guards approach me.

"Ma'am you need to step aside." One orders ready to frisk me.

They remove everything from my bag until they find what they are looking for. A Rolex watch. I didn't put it there. I start to panic.

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now