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I allow her in, putting my arms around her for support.

"What happened?" I ask and guide her to sit down.

"I caught him cheating on me with Marya, on my bed in my Condo." She sniffs.

"That snake!" I spit.

Ryan leans on the wall like a statue as everything unfolds before him.

"I will get you some water." I offer.

"Let me do it." Ryan offers to assist. I point to him where the kitchen is.

I settle beside Roxana and pull her closer.

"My own best friend betrayed me." She says absentmindedly.

My eyes travel to where she's clutching her arm. I push her fingers away. She is hurt, there's dry blood on it. I then realized her face also has handprints.

"Oh my God! He physically assaulted you." I say anger building inside me.

She weeps more and I push a box of tissue towards her.

"We got into an ugly argument after and he beat me up like I wasn't a person. I still can feel his blows on my body." She lifts her legs to her chest. I have never seen Roxana this broken. "He told me he will kill me as he did with his foster father who used to 'touch' his little sister." She sniffs.

I tenderly brush her back.

"I'm scared, Cara." She cries more.

Ryan is back, "We should go back there and get that asshole arrested." He says in distaste.

"No!" Roxana answers abruptly.

"It's okay. You are safe now." I assure her and look up at Ryan. He places the glass of water on the table.

He clears his throat. We both look at him. He gets nervous as he tries to scratch the back of his head.

"I am sorry, I am." He says to Roxanna. His eyes find mine, "I guess it will be just me who will be going to that gig." He speaks fast and awkwardly. "I understand you can't come with me cause your friend needs you." He rubs his hands together.

"Probably another day Ryan," I speak.

"I want to go to that gig," Roxana says.

We both stare at her in disbelief. She looks horrible and unstable.

"It isn't a good idea. You need to be calm first before we sent that jerk to jail. Partying shouldn't be a priority now." I try to reason with her.

"I need anything that can make me forget what I have gone through." She insists.

"This is not a good idea." I remind her.

"You told me that about Chad I didn't listen now look where it got me."

"I didn't know it would lead to this," I say.

"You know what? Let's go to that party. Screw men!" She says.

"Okay." I agree. Anything to take her mind off.

"Are you sure?" Ryan asks.

I nod and drag Roxana with me to put on our party attires.

The gig is three towns away. It starts at eight in the evening, at least that is when a majority of people arrive. It is a birthday party for some politician son.

Ryan Is busy on the deck, spinning and playing everyone's request. He has played Perfect by Ed Sheeran twice as a dedication to me.

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now