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I go back to check when she tweeted. Thirteen minutes ago. I decide to sent her a direct message.

When you make some confession at thirteen to a total stranger you never imagine at some point in the future that innocent confession will be the beginning of the end.

Petra, was her name. I meet her at the streets months after our house was burned down. I was angry and mourning. I just needed to let it all out. She was a meth addict, never sober. I told her everything, She nicknamed me sourhoney. I just needed someone to talk to and I was sure she would not remember the next day. And there's only one way to see if she remembers. I message her; Do you remember me?

The reply is instantly, of course, sourhoney.

Oh shit!

"We are almost done," Quinn says to me. I shake my absent mindedly focused on my phone.

I decide to play it cool to see how much she remembers, How are you?

Petra: Am clean now, and started my own rehab center. Are you still sour, honey?

It is a simple question but with a lot of weight? Am I happy?

Me: Still I am

Petra: Sad. Though I would guess you are more of honey than sour since you are dating Quinn Nickel.

Me: Can we met for coffee?

Petra: I will check my schedule and let you know.

Me: Okay. Can I ask you a favor?

Petra: Sure

Me: Can you please not tell anyone what you know about me. Especially the media.

Petra: Other than your face I hardly remember any details you might have told me. I was always high.

We say our goodbyes and she deletes her tweet. Theo and Quinn are done with their learning. I find both staring at me. He is like a mini Quinn only more tolerable.

"Where do you want to have your dinner?" Quinn asks both of us.

"At home." Theo suggests.

"Other than home?" Quinn asks, Theo shrugs his shoulders for lack of another idea.

"How about Miriam's fast foods?" Quinn asks me. I remember the café, he took me there the first time he brought me to his penthouse. I also remember nosey Miriam and her habit of patting her hair. The thought is tempting but am sure Miriam will start planting ideas on Theo which aren't welcomed.

"How about I cook?" I ask. The idea appeals to both the boys.

As we drive to the penthouse, I wonder how Quinn will react to the new information about me once he see it. And if he has, his calmness scares me.


I decide to make pizza, I may hate it but I know how to. Quinn immediately disappeared to his office as soon as we arrived. Theo is refreshing with a shower, apparently he has a bedroom here.

He walks in with soaking wet hair, the water keeps on drenching his fresh set of clothes.

"Are and Quinn going to get married?" He asks.

I almost trip, "No, where did you get such an idea? we are just..." What are we? Friends? NO.

His eyes watch me as he waits for a meaningful answer. "Schoolmates" I finish for him.

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now