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Dedicated to rrosemayaa for the cover.

I cling to Quinn like my life depends on him. He guides me in the opposite direction I earlier came in. At the furthest end, there's is a private elevator that takes us to the basement where his car is parked.

I break the silence even though I know he won't answer me. "How did you find me? Are you stalking me?"

"Stalking you?....please" He snorts. "I was with my... Courtney when I saw you. You had fear written all over your face so I followed you." He answers to my surprise.

His red Lamborghini comes into sight.

He unlocks it and turns to face me.

"Get in!" He orders.

"You seriously need to stop ordering me around," I say.

"I can't help it am a Nickel." He grins and opens the door for me.

I try to hide my smile by biting my lip. Quinn releases an involuntarily moan. He bends until we are on the same level. His soft lips are inches apart, I can smell his aftershave. "Stop doing that if you don't want me to take you here like a caveman." He hisses and shuts the door.

I watch him walk to the driver's seat. He wastes no time in starting the car. Once we hit the road he tunes the radio. It is a hip-hop station. I hate hip-hop. I reach for it and tune in. I stop where I find Coldplay's song fix you playing. I lean back satisfied and start to sing along. My joy is short-lived. "Total crap!" Quinn snaps and tunes it back to the original station. "People aren't things to be fixed." He spats.

I don't bother to argue with him I sigh and look outside I then realize we are on a different route.

"I thought you were taking me home," I say trying not to panic.

"I am."

"This isn't the route to my apartment."

"I am taking you home." He assures.

I close my eyes and let my ears bleed from listening to the terrible music and hope Andre is playing and not worried.


I am home.

I am where I once called home.

Quinn kills the engine in front of a fancy apartment. It is the west side of the city where the abnormal rich folks live. The building before me, was once my father's property before my uncle sold it to the Nickel's.

Memories of my childhood and my father flood me just looking at it. I compose myself before I break into tears.

I am almost there. I remind myself.

The ride up on the elevator isn't eventful. Tension is thick in the air. I can see the regret in Quinn's eyes. One of the rules of our booty call agreement is to always meet in a mutual place like a hotel for our sexual encounter. However, this isn't a meet-up for a sexual encounter. Though him bringing me here is a big deal, considering he can't even give me his phone number.

The elevator opens and my mouth goes ajar.

"You live in a penthouse?"


"Yeah," He shrugs.

The duplex evokes luxury, particularly thanks to the stunning panoramic view of the city. I allow my eyes to be mesmerized by every little thing. My greed to quench my curiosity takes over, I move and stand near the glazed slide door. He has a pool on the balcony and a garden. I feel Quinn take long strides to my position and settle behind me.

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now