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We stay in comfortable silence for a while. My eyes take in the décor in his apartment. And my mind recalling how tactical Quinn beat Mr. Marcelo like it is something he does. I remember the many times I saw bruises on his knuckles and face. And the period he showed up at my apartment stabbed.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" I ask.

"I trained myself." He speaks with a nonchalant attitude.

"Impressive." I utter.

"I will order pizza is that okay with you?" Quinn asks suddenly untangling from me. Trying to change the subject. Probably there's something he's hiding. There's never anything straightforward or conclusive with him.

My voice is raspy from the stretched silence, so I shake my head and cough. "Pizza is too overrated, do you have any groceries I prefer real food," I answer and my stomach grumbles announcing its starvation.

"No, I don't live here." He says.

"Then whose apartment is this?" I ask worry sipping in.

"Mine. I just don't like living here."

And here I thought I was special for bringing me to his place. Probably here is where he brings the girls and am no different.

I manage to stand up, "I should be going." I mutter.

"You don't have to, you can spend the night."

"I think this should stop, you are already engaged."

This time I promise myself to mean and walk the talk. I bend and pick my thong. I wear it before collecting my tattered dress. I groan when I realize it can't be worn.

"I am-" He admits the bitter truth.

Something sharp pierces through me.

"- just one night. I think we both deserve it after all those years." He mutters.

I avert my gaze, afraid he will see my small personal smile.

"What happened to rule 1 never spend the night together."

"We can break it for the first and last time. After today it will be officially over. My engagement will be publicly official on Saturday so am still a free man."

The offer is so sinful tempting and I would be a fool to let it pass.

"Under one condition," I say.

"Okay, am all ears."

"You will be nice to me and you will at least tell me about yourself," I say and move unconsciously.

"What happened to never talk about ourselves, Rule number 5. I remember well you are the one that proposed that rule. To quote you, you said; 'To know someone, you open your mind, and when you open your mind, you open your heart to like them or hate them'. You said it was the only way none of us would fall in love with each other, and it worked. No one has fallen in love." His voice is strained as he says.

I don't overthink. I am just surprised he remembers that, I said it almost four years ago.

"Do we have a deal?" I ask.

"It is a deal, After tonight this is over. We will sign the termination of our booty call contract. But until then I have an idea..." He walks and disappears into a room.

I sigh with nostalgia. I know this time Quinn will honor his words because he honored the agreement. For four years he has dated different girls but only slept with me.

He comes out holding a folder and I immediately recognize it. It is the booty call agreement.

"Come over..." He motions towards the table.

Once being on his side, he wastes no time talking, "Why don't we break all the rules that bind the agreement before we call it quits except the last two."

My eyes skim the rules we made and signed in front of a notary. I read them.

Rule 1: Never spend the night together

Rule 2: Purely sexual relationship, nothing more.

Rule 3: Never talk about the agreement with third parties.

Rule 4: No public interaction. We are strangers to the outside world.

Rule 5: Never talk about ourselves, ever.

Rule 6: The sexual escapades to happen in a neutral place.

Rule 7: MUST take quarterly health tests.

Rule 8: Can date, but never engage in any sexual relations with other parties.

Rule 9: No oral sex for Quinn.

Rule 10: Never fall in love with each other.

I look up and smile at Quinn, "Let's break the rules."

"Good girl." Quinn places his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks, Daddy..." I tease him.

" Call me Daddy again an...."

I don't let him finish his threat, "Daddy, Papi..." I say in a fit of laughter.

And he does something unexpected and unlike him. He starts to tickle me, making me lay back and him on top. A roar of uncontrollable laughter erupts from me. When he stops my lungs hurt from the laughter.

He stares down at me, and for the first time, I see a different Quinn. A Quinn that can tickle. His eyes gaze upon me, I lick my lip and I can see how hard he is holding back a snap.

His eyes hold a conflicted look. For a moment I think he is going to kiss me. Instead, he unpeels himself from me and stands. He takes both my arms and lifts me to my feet.

"Why don't I show you the bathroom you freshen up. We have a long night to ourselves." He offers.

I closely follow him when he starts walking. My eyes were fixed on his ass. When he halts I almost fall when I hit his back. His hands are quick to hold me in place.

"The bathroom is there." He speaks, though my jaw is on the floor. It is his bedroom, I note through a large pencil art of Quinn. But that isn't why my jaw is wide open. It is the size of the room that amazes me. It is like half my apartment.

The room doesn't look different from the one at the Manor. Unlike the other rooms which are glazed. This isn't, the curtains are drawn together giving it a darker look. It has only a bed, a nightstand and a bookshelf with many, and I mean many books. I thought Quinn said he barely reads.

His eyes follow where mine are trained. "Don't dare touch any of it stuff." He seriously warns.

Like I ever listen.

"Towels are in the bathroom." He says and walks out locking the door behind him.

I move to the bookshelf, looking through the collection of the books. They are aligned alphabetically. Who is this guy? I take some, read the synopsis before returning them. Most look like have been read recently. There's no speck of dust, which I find odd for a room no one lives in.

At the furthest end, I find Romeo and Juliet. The book looks old and worn out compared to the rest. I always say I will read it but am those people who lose interest in something if it is praised too much. It has a folded page probably where the reader stopped. I hear small noise at the door. I quickly return the book to its initial position before Quinn finds me. Something falls.

I bend and pick it up. It is a photo of a young Quinn with a girl. They are both locked in a tight embrace kissing. Quinn with a smile that reaches his eyes. He looks very happy. I turn to look at the back. There is a quote, 'These violent delights have violent ends. And in their triumph die, like fire and powder
Which, as they kiss, consume'. Then it is signed, with love, Misha.

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