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My hair is perfectly curled against my face, I finish by pushing two bobby pins on each side. I ran my hand over the red strapless dress Quinn picked for me, the fabric is so smooth and soothing.

My eyes land on the bookshelf. I luckily managed to slip the photo back before Quinn found me.

The buzz of my phone on the bed steals my attention. I pick it and unlock it and read Andre's text, was hoping is my brother. I haven't heard from him since yesterday night.

Andre: Where are you @?

Me: @ Quinn's penthouse.

Andre: Seriously?! I was worried sick

Me: Sorry... I will make it up to you.

Andre: By bringing down the Nickel's?

I smile thoughtfully.

Me: It is a promise.

I take my bag of makeup. A black pencil, mascara, and lipgloss. I draw the thinnest line around my eyes and a layer of mascara. I finish with lipgloss. Satisfied I slip into black stilettos. I love anything with an inch, figuratively and literally.

"Took you long," Quinn says once am in the living room. He's already dressed. He's in a black T.shirt, black jeans, and leather boots. Black has never looked good. Am about to compliment him but remember he hates it.

"And that was fast..." I gesture at his appearance.

"Used the guest bathroom." He answers standing up. "Ready? The night awaits." He adds.

"Where are we going?" I ask deciding to go with my little purse I always carry in my handbag.

He heaves a sigh of annoyance, "You always have endless questions!"

"If you are going to be an ass, then I rather not go," I say.

"Fine." He huffs and throws his hands up. "It is a surprise." He admits and starts to walk away.

"Is that hard?" I ask.

"More than you can imagine." He says over his shoulder.

It is going to be a long night.


The car ride is silent. I can't help but wonder where Quinn is taking us, but most importantly who Misha is.

My curiosity is eating me up like a caged animal demanding to be released. The music playing doesn't make it easy for me.

"Who is Misha?" I decided to shoot straight at the eye.

Quinn stays silent. His demeanor remained unchanged except for his fisted hands on the steering wheel.

He clenches his jaws and speaks, "I knew this was a bad idea."

I try to sound humoring, "I thought we agreed on knowing each other."

"Yeah, but with the basics!" He snaps at me.

The air between us becomes thick with uncomfortable tension and regret of even asking.

He turns to face me, his eyes slimmed into slits. "Did I not specifically tell you not to touch my things?" He seethes.

I nod and shift as the car's seats become uncomfortable for me. I hate confrontations.

"Don't you have any boundaries?" His voice goes high.

A case of the kettle calling the pot black. He's the stalker.

"Don't even bother..." He concludes before I speak. "Let's just get the night over with."

"Yeah." I agree, can't wait to get this over with to clear a path for my revenge.

Quinn pulls into a secluded fast food joint. Not a place that suits Quinn's class. He is still angry with me and is not in any way sorry. I don't know why I ever thought anything more would mushroom between us. Always bickering.

If I want to enjoy this, I might as well ease the mood. "Is this a date?" I cock my brows suggestively.

Us dating is the joke of the century.

He grins moved by my joke, "You wish." He alights from the car and I follow his lead.

The Café is almost empty when we walk in. I note the looks that are cast in our direction, especially Quinn. He points at a booth and I slide and sit. He decides to sit opposite me.

A waitress is quick to come over. She is a middle-aged woman with a chubby look.

"Quinn I almost missed ya' there. I see today you brought company." She speaks and pats her tight-tied grey hair.

So he comes here often. Doesn't look like a place hangs out.

Her eyes find mine, they are quite intimidating. She pats her hair again. "A girlfriend?" She asks.

"No." We answer in unison.

She looks between Quinn and me, "I see." She says with a mischievous smile like there's something she knows and we don't.

We both stay silent. She pats her hair again. "The usual or something else?" she addresses Quinn.

"I will have the usual Miriam," Quinn answers politely.

She turns to me, "What about your honey. What can I get for ya'?" She pats her hair, which I must say is becoming a distraction.

"Excuse me, I will be back." Quinn excuses himself.

We both watch him walk towards the exit. I pick the menu to acquaint myself with their meals. Am busy deciding which to pick based on the prices when Miriam speaks, "He is a keeper." She winks at me.

"Excuse me, but we aren't dating," I inform her.

She pats her hair and places her hand on my shoulder. "He always comes here alone, you are the first girl he has brought here."

Like that is supposed to make me feel special. I stare at her with a questioning look. If only she knew...

"He comes here often?" I decide to fish for information instead.

She nods, "like once a month, almost twice. Always sits here for hours typing on his laptop." The woman is a gossiper and I like her. She leans towards me and whispers, " He tips the best."

Wow, I guess Quinn is a course you can't finish studying or graduate in. Too many sides of him.

My eyes skim over the menu and I chose the usual. "I will have the fries," I say.

However, the woman is more interested in gossiping. "I can tell he likes ya'. Do ya?" She asks writing down my order.

"As I said, we are only friends," I say defensively.

"Not for long." She winks down at me and pats her hair.

Quinn is back, "What were you ladies gossiping about?" He enquires.

"Nothing," I answer fast before Miriam does. She raises her eyebrows and leaves.

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now