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I Am almost done packing my clothes when I hear the commotion. I decide to ignore it, last night people were too drunk, maybe it is the aftermath. Or the crowd that is slowly arriving for the 4by4 dirt race. Countless cars are parked outside and different media houses are also part of them. I zip my duffle bag.

"I'm going to kill you." A yell is heard followed by a loud bang. I drop everything and rush out of my room. Am in my nightie and a robe.

"You are dead, Nickel." That voice, it is Ryan.

I speed up. I get in time as Ryan throws a punch at Quinn. It collides with his cheek and he staggers backward. Lee, Jermaine, and Roxanna are watching the fight with unfamiliar faces that are cramped in the kitchen without attempting to do anything but record the scene.

"I am tired of you taking everything from me." Ryan throws a second punch, Quinn doesn't even try to defend himself. He welcomes it as he deserves it. This time his lip gets broken.

I tag at Lee, "Do something, stop them." I plea when I realize Ryan is going to hurt him. I have seen Quinn fight, he's a pro. However, it is like he wants Ryan to win.

"They have had it coming. Let them prove who has a bigger dick" He shrugs and enjoys the show.

"They are best friends."

"Until you came along." He snarls at me.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I ask confused.

"How could you do this to me?" Ryan's face burns.

"Face it you are a loser, you will always be the other option, even to your father." Quinn spits.

An animal snarl claws its way up from Ryan's throat. "I'm going to kill you." He lungs, swinging and missing when Quinn dodges.

"Stop!" I yell. The two men don't even acknowledge my presence. Ryan slams Quinn on the wall.

"This is war, Nickel," Ryan assures Quinn. I have never seen him so angry, he is usually so calm. Such behavior and attitude are expected from Quinn. He heaves pushes Quinn away.

"Ryan... " I call his name, I don't know why, but I somehow feel responsible and should take his side.

He gives me a dangerous glare, "Not now." He manages to utter. "I am leaving." he storms away.

I swallow a lump embarrassed he brushed me off and confused why.

"You have no idea what is going on, do you?" Lee asks.

I shake my head. Roxanna turns to me. Her demeanor is unpleasant, "You know you are a liar!" She says.

What is going on?

Lee unlocks his phone for me and the photo in it freezes me. I go numb. My mouth was ajar. It is a photo of Quinn and me. When he kissed me yesterday. It fills the cover of celebrity magazines. It has the title, Billionaire playboy on it again, slammed on it. I scrolled down on his subscription to magazines. The next is a gossip magazine, it has an unclear photo of me. Who is the mystery girl? The magazines are endless as some even call me mistress.

"I'm..." I open my mouth and shut it. "I can explain." I slowly say to Roxanna.

She shakes her head angrily, "You are worse than Chad and Marya combined. You are flatly a fake and a liar." She points at me. I can see in her eyes the hurt and pain.

"Roxy..." I call her by her nickname.

"Don't call me that, you know I hate that name, just like I hate you now." She shakes her head again and Bob bounces around her face. Without another word, she turns to Jermaine. "Please take me home." She says.

"Just when one thinks they have uncovered you, they realize there are more wraps around you. You are an endless mystery, Cara." Lee whispers to me. I ignore and head to where Quinn is. He is facing the wall, his fist against it.

I clear my throat nervously, "I..." I have no idea what to say, yet I feel I should say something.

Quinn is quick to rescue me from my distress when he turns to face me, "I hope you are happy." I am wrong, those words distress me more.

"I didn't do anything."

"You will pay for this." He seethes at me and walks away.

I am left in the kitchen with strangers who are just staring at me. Am about to walk out of the kitchen when I almost bump into Mr. Nickel. He looks down at me, I can see the wrinkles on his eyes, he's breathing fire.

"You have no idea, the consequences of your actions. You are a nobody with no name to yourself and yet you somehow snaked your worthless self into my family. I want out of my ranch and my son's life. If I ever see you again..." He goes silent. "That is what will happen to you. Now beat it." He bends to my height.

I don't wait to be told twice, I dash out of that room fast. I know what he means and I know what he's capable of. My father comes to mind.

Once am in my room, I quickly wear jeans and pull a cashmere sweater over my tank top. I don't bother to wear my converse. I decide to remain in my flip-flops. I dial my phone again, Andre is unreachable, every time I need him he's always unavailable. I leave him a voicemail, that's it is time to strike the Nickels. Now that my face is plastered everywhere both the papers and online. It won't be long before the truth comes out and that will make it hard to attack them.

I drape my bag on my shoulder and walk out. I have no idea how to get back to the city. I don't know if there are buses around the area. However, my priority now is to be far away from here as possible.

I take two steps at a time trying to hold my tears back. "Crying is for those who have given up and that is all they can do." My mother's words scream in my head.

A blue rusty truck is parked on the dusty driveway. As I get close I realize it is Quinn in the driver's seat. He has a cowboy hat on. He doesn't spare me a second glance as he brings the engine to life.

"I need to go home," I say.

"It is irrelevant to my ears. I haven't held you back." He tips the hat to look at me.

"I need a ride," I say.

"You can't let go of me. You had to go ahead and trap me, get me to kiss you so you could ruin my engagement." I remember I haven't seen Courtney this morning.

"You kissed me," I shout at him.

"Just get in the damn car!" He orders.

I look around and realize we are attracting attention. I open the door and get in. The inside smells of hay.

"Buckle up, it is going to be a bumpy ride." He warns.

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now