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I have never hated being anywhere like now.

I lift my flask and gulp my drink. I Am still sober and I hate it.

"Can I have some?" A pretty girl with à blond pixie that Is seated beside me, requests.

"Be my guest." I hand it over, she takes several gulps of my lite beer.

"A friend of Courtney or Quinn?" She enquires and passes the flask back.

"None." I am quick to answer. She lifts her perfectly trimmed eyebrows. She has the most mesmerizing hazel eyes. "I am a friend of Quinn's friend, Ryan," I answer her curiosity.

She turns to the guy seated next to her. He is in a suit with disheveled hair. It is like he put too much effort to look effortless. "She is with the loser, Ryan." She whispers to him.

He peeps in my direction and they both burst into laughter.

"No offense. But Ryan?" She turns to me.

I am offended by this stranger that is laughing at me. I turn back as Quinn goes to his knee and the crowd goes, wow!

"Courtney I have known you my entire life. As the little panda that could kick my ass and also as the panda that could give one the warmest bear hugs when needed..." The crowd laughs. I am too sober for this shit. I lift my flask but it is empty. I need more alcohol.

"....Courtney will you Marry me?" Quinn asks. Everyone is silent with anticipation. I push my chair and stand and everyone turns to look at me. Theo continues to play the piano. What am I doing? Andre gives me a look of concern. He showed up today with a date and I somehow felt angry. I take a step back, stumble and realize am far from sober. Quinn's eyes and my lock. He's dressed as a cowboy but what I hate the most is the smile he is wearing. He shouldn't be happy to be engaged. He should be bored or angry like he's always when around me. A small part of me always assumed he was being forced to marry Courtney but the smile says he wants to do this, willingly.

When Courtney sees am stealing her show with all the attention. She speaks up. "Yes, I will marry you."

With those words, my world collapses and it is filled with people clapping, shouting, an,d flashing lights from the paparazzi. When the people stand to start to congratulate the couple. I slowly stagger away back to the house. Each step is heavier than the previous. Once at a safe distance, I lean against the wall and take a deep breath. I shut my eyes and rub my temple repeatedly. When I open my eyes again I have to blink twice to make sure it isn't my imagination.

"Quinn!" The name slips out my lips.

He doesn't say anything, he tips my chin and lowers his lips to meet mine in a slow and gentle kiss. His tongue never goes deeper just a sweet and feathery kiss on my lips. It never lasts long, he breaks it and walks away. I pinch myself to be sure that Quinn just kissed me.

Why would he do that?

I stagger the opposite side to find the kitchen. I'm surprised to find Roxanna there. Her head is lowered, I walk past her until I hear her sniffle.

"What is wrong?" I ask her.

"I am a mess." She wipes her nose with the back of her hand. She shows me her phone. It is a photo of Chad and Marya.

"No, you aren't," I say and point at her phone. "They are."

"I loved him, Cara." Ateardropss.

"I know." I rub her hand.

"Do you know how it feels like to see the one you love with someone else?" She asks.

'Do I?' I ask myself.

"I know," I answer anyway.


After hours of talking and convincing irrational Roxanna to block Chad. We finally go back to the party. I'm a little sober now.

We are just in time for the slow dancing. Immediately Jermaine spots Roxanna he drags her to the floor. Ryan is slow dancing with his mother. Such a mama's boy.

Courtney is dancing with her father. Quinn is nowhere to be seen. Just as am about to find a seat, Theo runs into me.

"Slow down, champ." I hold him still.

"I was told to give you this." He gives me a serviette. I unfold it. It has the most raggedy handwriting, 'care for a dance? smile for yes, sneer for yes' I read. I smile and sneer at the same time.

"Who gave you this?" I gaze down at Theo.

He shrugs his shoulders and disappears into the crowd. I lift my head and start to look around. Who could have sent the note, no one has their attention on me?

"Was that a double yes?" A male voice speaks behind me.

I slowly turn until I see the owner, "You!" I point at him.

He runs a hand through his hair, "My cousin and I, didn't mean to offend you earlier." It is the guy that was laughing at me earlier with the pixie girl.

"Ever heard of the phrase first impression?" I give him a hard stare, "I don't like you from it."

"I do like you, I was wondering why a pretty girl like you would be here with Ryan? he's just plain boring."

"And you are interesting?"

"So have been told."

"You have been lied to. I find you redundant."

"Big words for a small mouth. And where is Ryan? He shouldn't leave you alone for there are wolves everywhere."

"Who are you again?"

"Am Leo Nickel, Quinn's cousin."

"Leo!" Quinn walks straight at us with the pixie girl. "What are you doing here?" He asks once he's at our position.

He brushes Quinn's leather jacket in a mock manner. "Calm down, I am Meg's plus one."

Quinn turns to the girl, "Did you forget what he did? Father kicked him out."

"You think we would miss you do father's binding like a puppet? Think again little brother. "

She's Quinn's elder sister!

The girl winks at me before looping her arm with her cousin.

"See you around Quinny." Both of them mix with the crowd dancing.

I Am left standing with Quinn in awkward tension.

"Congrats... "He cuts me mid-sentence.

"Care for a dance?" He stammers and extends his hand.

I'm about to place mine on his when Courtney appears and snatches his hand away like being infected with leprosy.

"You had your fun. He's mine now. Find your own." She seethes at me.

When Quinn talks I expect he defends me, instead he just whispers, "Goodbye, Cara."

I whisper back, "Goodbye Quinn." Although no one heard since they are both long gone.

I have been sick for a couple of weeks that's why I couldn't update. The last two chapters and this one I typed while unwell, my heart wasn't in them.

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now