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"I can't believe you brought a bunch of posers to my apartment!" Oliver pours a drink to one the guest. She takes a sip and pours the rest on the floor.

"Disgusting!" The despicable guest spits and staggers away.

"I am being humiliated in my own house and on top of that I get to be the help of his despicable beings."Oliver throws me a dirty look and looks down at his now stained carpet.

I had no other choice but to use Oliver's apartment as mine and host a house warming party. I couldn't use Quinn's Penthouse, he made that very clear.

"I will make it up to you." I promise.

Oliver grunts ands walks away with a tray full of drinks.

"We are now patronizing with the low life helps." Roxanna walks up to me.

I decide to ignore her snide remark about my brother. Only Quinn know him.

She doesn't take the hint, she continues to talk, "He is cute though and a bit younger than you. I won't mind to have a taste after you."

I grit my teeth at her comment. Like I would let a vulture like her near Oliver, "Stay the hell away from him." I shout over the loud music, only the people near us get to hear.

"Oh, so protective and territorial, he must be very special." Roxanna sniggers and can't miss the mischief in her eyes.

I click and walk towards the group of friends. Ryan is the first to glance at my direction. "Cool place." He speaks first.

"Thanks," I say.

Courtney looks me over her glass. Am surprised she actually came. "Nice place." She comments and am taken back by it.

"Thanks?" I say.

"Though our servants live better." She scoffs.

"You don't get to be rude at your hostess." Quinn comes to my defence. "It is a cozy place." His arm is draped around her shoulders, his eyes barely glance at me.

Lee brushes my arm and I look up to meet his gaze. He nods I follow him. We both excuse ourselves as the rest eye us suspiciously.

"I have a confession." He starts. I raise my eyebrows with keen interest. "I told a reporter about you so expect you name to be all over tomorrow."

"Why would you do that?"

"I needed the money."

"Don't lie, that isn't the main reason, your family dominates the real estate market. Money isn't the issue."

"I had to." He sighs. "Am sorry." With that he walks back to the group.

I stand there for a while rooted, imagining the kind of nightmare I will wake up to and after that how many more will pop up.

"You know you didn't have to do any of this. You don't have to prove anything." Quinn states from my back. He takes few steps and stands in front of me.

"Am not trying to prove anything." I say dismissively.

"Then why are you hosting a bunch of people you hate and the rest you don't even know?" His tone is laced with humor. Today he is in a good mood.

"I know a handful of them and that is all I need."

Silence falls between us. "So..." He hesitates. "Am spending the weekend with Theo, I was hoping you would join us."

His request comes as a shock. It is not something I would ever imagine we will be doing.


"Forget I asked... I just..."

I cut him mid sentence, "Sure, I would love to." I smile.

" I will pick you up tomorrow, though we shall be leaving early. I have to see someone at the hospital." He says.

Courtney, Lee, Jermaine and Quinn leave the party early. Roxanna and Ryan lurk behind.

"My mom keeps on asking about you. You must have made an impression." Ryan joins me.

"The girl that broke her son's heart is quite the impression."

"Trust me, despite all that she really likes you. She even asked me to invite you over."

My last encounter with his mother wasn't pleasant after her confession. I have pondered who that man was. The one she stole from my mother?

"Set a date and I will show up."

"Great, I will tell her."

It Is around Two when the door is banged severally. Oliver opens it and it is two policemen. The crowd goes silent as everyone gets ready to run. I take long strides to the door.

"Is the music too loud gentlemen?"

"Detective Morgan, my partner here is Detective Cook. Does Oliver Black live here?"

"What do you need from him?" Oliver asks.

"What is going on?" Ryan walks in.

"Oliver Black, you need to come with us to the station."

"Oliver Black? As in Black? You are Cara Black." Ryan asks absent-minded.

"What has he done?" I ignore Ryan.

"We need him to answer a few questions about the murder of Robert Dunport and the Arson of his Mechanic shop." The Detective says and I turn to meet Oliver's surprise.

"I didn't do anything, you have to believe me, Cara." He shakes his head vigorously.

"We aren't here to arrest you but to get some few answers. Can you please follow us down the station?"

Oliver nods to them and turns to me. " Can you please come along?" He asks me.

A few minutes later, Ryan, Roxanna, and I are driving to the police station as many questions race through my mind. My gut told me not to believe Oliver's cooked up a story about the fire at the Mechanic shop. I knew he lied. However, something is sure of is that he's not capable of murder.

"I never knew you had a brother," Ryan speaks.

"And you told me he was in Europe, which of course you lied. When are you ever honest?" Roxanna pipes in.

"What exactly are you doing here, I thought we were no longer friends, if we were ever, to begin with."

That gets to her and she shuts up. Ryan parks next to the Detectives. They get out followed by Oliver. I can see how scared he is.

We wait for him as they interrogate him which takes almost two hours. He walks out exhausted, his eyes bloodshot.

"Are you okay?" I ask full of worry.

He nods.

"Ryan you can take Roxanna home. My brother and I are going to pick a taxi." I suggest.

Roxanna is almost falling off the chair. She has been trying to fight sleep but it won. I still don't know why she was left behind when her new bestie, Courtney, left or even why she is here.

Ryan, of course, objects to my suggestion but after presenting a good argument he finally agrees and they leave before we do.

"We left a bunch of people in my apartment I hope they left," Oliver speaks, I know he is trying to divert the real issue.

"What am concerned with is the truth," I say angrily.

"I promise to tell once we are back at the apartment."

"You better," I warn.

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now