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I follow Oliver inside his new apartment, my head reeling with questions. The inside is fancy, there's a huge photo of Nimo dangling next to Oliver's favorite grandfather clock.

"Can we talk?" I don't wait for him to get comfortable after pecking Nimo who throws me a nervous look. "Now!" I order.

He shrugs nonchalantly and follows me to his kitchen.

"I need an explanation and this time you aren't going to just give me some lame answers," I say as soon as we are alone.

"What do you want to know?" His demeanor turns serious.

"Where did you get the money to afford this apartment and what exactly happened to the mechanic shop?"

"I used my saving and for the shop, as I told you it burned down." He doesn't blink as he says this. His face is hard, the same face my father had when he was close to breaking.

"I am still not convinced," I say.

"Sorry sis, my mission wasn't to convince you but tell you the truth. How you decide to interpret it, it's your choice."

I heave a sigh, "Fine." I surrender.

"The food is getting cold." Nimo pokes her head. With the nervous look on her face, I can tell her main mission was to confirm if I had told Oliver about her affair with the older man at the police station.

I exhale, "What are we having?"I ask. I might as well give the girl a chance, after all, Oliver is crazy about her. I should be happy for him.

"Oliver told me your favorite, Rosemary Chicken and flatbread. So I made it." She says with a huge genuine grin.

She's a jolly, I get why Oliver likes her.

He's yet to get a dining table so we occupy his leather sofa. Nimo has placed the food on the chest that acts as the table. I focus my eyes on the 7 pm news.

"Cara, Oliver has told me so much about you." She breaks the silence and I turn to face her. There's a huge scar just above her left eye. She is average-looking with voluminous curly hair, a round face adorned with a delicate nose, and big puppy eyes.

"Like what?" I ask. People always say that when they don't know anything about you.

"You have been more of a mother than a sister since you lost your parents. He talks about you with so much pride." She says and my heart somersaults that Oliver is proud of me.

I am about to answer when my phone rings, it is a private number. Only one person calls me with a private number. I hope this is not a booty call.

I pick it and stay silent waiting for the caller to answer.

"Are you okay?" Quinn asks his voice full of concern. That's new.

"What is going on?" I match his worry. Oliver's brows crease.

"Are you at your apartment?" His breaths are uncoordinated and fear sips into me.


"Don't go there it is dangerous. I will come to get you wherever you are." He speaks in a rush manner and I hear him cuss.

"No." I haughtily say. "Listen, Quinn," Oliver's eyes darken at the mention of Quinn. I told him how Quinn kept on blaming me. "Whatever games you are playing I will not be part of them." I hang up before he can talk.

"What does he want?" Oliver enquires.

"Don't know, Don't care."

Nimo asks, "Is that the same guy you were kissing in the papers?"

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now