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Oliver leaves before Roxanna wakes up. I'm pretty glad cause I know Roxanna will have questions like, 'I thought your brother was in Europe?'

Other than the awful hangover, she looks better compared to yesterday. Talking about Chad only harms her. She hides her fear but it is very visible.

"Don't judge, we both know am good at other stuff." She says and places a plate of pancakes on the table

"Other than cooking... " I concur.

"And cleaning." She adds.

"Pretty much everything that would discredit you as a woman if you lived in the '50s," I say.

"Thank God for civilization." She sits beside me. "What are we watching?" She asks.

We both say in unison, "Anything that is Chuck Lorre."

I take a bite of the pancake, my gag reflex goes on to activate the mode and I spit it back.

"I will just have a toast," I suggest.

"When will Ryan be here?" Roxanna enquires.

I stand and pick the plate with pancakes. "In the next two hours."

He told us that he will pick us up today for a weekend getaway. I was looking forward to spending the weekend curled up on my couch, reading the Great Gatsby which Quinn brought for me. However, Roxanna needs it more.

"He's cute. Are you two a thing?"

"Nope." I start walking towards the kitchen.

"Why? You are almost graduating and you haven't even had a boyfriend, that is what College is all about."

"I thought it was about studies."

She rolls her eyes, "You know what I mean. You are going to graduate a virgin. Have you ever been kissed?" She asks.

Yeah, everywhere. I smile as I think of Quinn.

"Oh my god, there's someone!" She slaps my arm," Someone has dirty underwear. Who is he?"

I am dying to tell her about Quinn but we are already over so there's nothing to tell.

"I don't kiss and tell," I say to her.

She pouts but gives up, "I will find out, sooner."


Ryan arrives at exactly two in the afternoon. He's wearing shorts for a change. He has great legs with the right edges. Am also wearing shorts with a plain white T-shirt that Roxanna tore at the hem. It hung just above my belly button. She is good at designing.

"You look gorgeous." He compliments as I tie my converse.

"You look good too," I say and pick The Great Gatsby and slip it into my bag. I might as well read during the trip.

"You like reading too?" He asks surprised.

"Don't you?"

"No, but Quinn does. His bedroom looks like a library."

"I know." My tongue slips and I immediately regret it.

He furrows his brows together, "Have you been to his bedroom?" His tone is edgy.

I rapidly say, "No, I was just imagining how it looks..." That doesn't help.

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now