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I scramble at every corner of Quinn's kitchen. There's no food, plate, cup, or even spoon. My stomach grumbles and I yawn on top of it.

The elevator opens and a muscular guy with a weather-beaten face steps in.

"Mr. Nickel asked me to pick you up." He is direct with no formalities.

"Who are you?"

"His family driver and bodyguard." He stays in one position.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"He apologizes, he had errands to run." Not a muscle on his face moves as he speaks.

"Alright, I will pick my bag."

"I will be waiting, ma'am." He says.

Ma'am? "Call me, Cara," I say as I leave and he nods.

The ride to school makes me realize that Quinn's apartment is closer to school compared to mine. The ride is consisted of me trying to have small talk with the driver/bodyguard, to which he just nods and never speaks. He is gone the moment I step out. Few glances are directed at me at the parking lot, the scandal of Quinn and I are still a hot topic despite the one facing his family. I sling my other backpack strap on my shoulder. I hate carrying a laptop cause I have to carry it in my backpack. However, I have a test tomorrow and failure isn't a flair I possess.

Before I can exit the parking lot, I see Quinn's red Lamborghini wind up in. The students at the parking lot stand and anxiously stare, especially when I see Courtney step out. I guess Courtney was the errand he was running.

I turn the opposite side before they spot me. Sadly, the universe has other plans. "Cara!" Courtney calls out my name.

I take a monologue moment whether I should run like a guilty person or face her. The latter wins.

"Huh?" I breathe out.

"The class is the other side." She says. "let us go." Her tone is friendly.

Am not surprised. Courtney has always been modest. It is not her style to act out in public. I look around, the student's eyes are glued on us, expecting something dramatic.

I nod and change my route. I neither need drama.

Her lavender scent fills my nostrils as I get close to her, "You better watch your back. I will smear your name all over the papers with whatever dirt I will get" She whispers to me. Quinn is a few steps ahead of us, trying to avoid me.

I huff, "Bad move, are you sure you want the world to know the modest Beauty queen Emerson heiress lost her man to a nobody. Who will look like the loser?" I raise my eyebrows. That gets to her.

I don't even know why we are having this fight. Quinn chooses her. Moreover, we both should be angry with Quinn. He has never verbally said what he wanted or who. Not that I want him. I just find it stupid fighting over a guy who doesn't know what he wants himself.

The class is half empty as we walk in. Roxanna and Ryan show up today. Ryan is seated where Roxanna normally sits vice versa. Quinn casts me a glance before we part ways and I walk to my usual seat.

Ryan speaks first as I sit, "Hi?"

"Hi," It comes out as a whisper. I can't tell if he's mad at me or not. I would be. We never dated but I feel like I owe him an apology and explanation.

"I'm not mad at you, am just heartbroken. Am I madder at Quinn? Best friends don't do each other like that. I confided in him. I liked you." He mutters.

It stings to hear him speak in the past tense. I open my book randomly. "I should have told you."

"How long had it been going on?" He turns to me.

I decide to be half honest, "Before I met you." I say.

"Wow! All those times you both pretended to hate each other. It was an act to fool me." He raises his voice.

"I do hate him."

"And you loved me that's why you never wanted to be my girlfriend." His voice is high, the class goes silent and they turn to face us. "I thought I was okay but i am not." He picks his books and walks out.

The walls start to get smaller for me and I begin to get uncomfortable. I pick my book and bag and walk out too, heading to the library.


I decide to go back to my apartment to pick my Audi and some plates and cups. Only animals can survive in Quinn's apartment.

I know Quinn warned me about coming back here. He doesn't own me, I can do what I want.

I meet with the caretaker at the lobby, the way he's staring at me is obvious. He isn't pleased.

"If you weren't my favorite tenant, I would kick you out regardless of the lease contract. Do you know the amount of damage in your apartment?" He spits. He is a bald short man with a bad attitude to compensate.

"I will make sure I repair it," I promise.

"Some guy in a red Lambo and rotten attitude came early in the morning and said he will bear the expense."

It is Quinn, so he had errands to run. I can't help myself but smile.

I briskly walk to my apartment. The door is locked but still broken. It creaks as I push it open. The moment I take the first step in. A hand is wrapped around my neck and am pushed inside. I don't get the room to scream as another muffles me.

"Cara Cooper, I am here to kill you as I should have ten years ago."

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now