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Quinn's POV

Her sight brings relief. She's the high point of my day. I have craved her presence since we arrived.

She isn't aware but her presence is always soothing. Something I will take to my grave than admit it to her.

She stands by the open door unsure of what to do. My nerves take a spike as her strawberry scent mix in with the earthly scent that drifts in from the open door, accompanied by the harsh wind.

She attempts to smile to cover her blush. She looks sad but smiles to hide it too. I want to unravel what she hides but am afraid of what will come later, I tried that with Misha, look where it left me. Shattered and broken.

I am a Nickel, everything we touch crumbles. I am just a shell thanks to my father. I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

"May I come in?" Her smooth voice travels with the wind to my ears.

She is a sight to behold. Enticing.

"You aren't supposed to be here." I quip in. My eyes travel her hourglass form and the robe that is standing between me and my wildest thoughts.

She shuts the door, like the little rebel she is. She can drive a man to insanity. She starts to move closer to me. My cock knows exactly when she is within my proximity. My erection always seems to seek her out.

I shut my laptop immediately, unaware I haven't even saved the twenty-page work I was typing. I stretch to ease the corded muscles in my back and sit upright.

"It is not safe for girls like you to ride at night."

She rolls her damn eyes.

"It should be," She bites her soft pink lips, and my cock jerks up. "The night is not safe with girls like me who just want to ride." And lifts her leg, exposing her smooth, silk thigh to straddle me.

Fuck! She will be the death of me. I shouldn't be doing this to Courtney. Am a man of my word.

Her supple body is mounted on me, her tits on my face. The sensation of her skin pressed on me is heaven. She is one single woman that has awakened my member in a way no other can. Maybe Courtney, Am yet to sleep with her. She claims to be still pure. I can't deny that I haven't been tempted to find out. But the lack of chemistry inhibits me.

I mentally slap myself when my thoughts stray. If only she knew the demons that hunted me, she could never look at me the same way. Misha didn't.

"We can't do this, I am engaged," I say as I spot a red spot on her cheek. My hand gently glaze at it. She winces.

"In a few hours, but now you are not." Her tone is hateful and is left to wonder why.

"She did this to me." She answers my thought when she points at her cheek.

Courtney can be vengeful. She made that clear with me the day she found out about Cara and me.

She presses her hips on me and starts to grind. Her slim fingers start to unbuckle my jeans. I assist her before I change my mind. Once done she slides down between my legs in a kneeling position. Before I object she takes my shaft to her mouth.

She bats her thick lashes at me with a wicked smile. She knows I hate that. Only weak men are takers. I am a Nickel, we give. I thrive in making a woman cum.

"Don't..." I don't get to finish my words her tongue flicks over the tip of my cock in a teasing manner, making me lose all sensibility and speech.

I am at her mercy, defenseless. I love and hate it.

She runs her tongue up and down my dick. Marinating it for her to devour when she puts the whole length in her mouth. She starts to suck it. The friction of her mouth roof and the soft tongue is the best combination. If this makes me a weak man, then I want to be weak forever in her sinful mouth.

My balls tightened as the pleasure grows almost bringing me to the edge. Before I can cum. She stands leaving my cock cold. I don't get to talk she lightly pecks me, shushing me. She slides from her robe. She is left in her seductive silk nightie. I wish I was it. She removes it too and she is left naked. God must be a woman!

My cock jerks up again twice longer and larger. I can never get enough of her. Her hand moved from her stomach down to a core. I suppress a moan when I imagine she is going to touch herself. She doesn't.

"You like that, huh? Me touching myself." She teases me as she positions herself to straddle me. I tentatively nod and wonder when she became this wild.

"I am too horny for that." Her voice is husky.

My dick is inches away from her. I want to feel her badly. She slowly moves and sits on it. We take a moment to adjust. She starts to move, her tits bouncing with her. They are perfectly small, her ass is what I find hot.

Her inner muscles clench around my cock, the clasp of our hips smashing. She lets out a grumbled moan. My finger dip into her hip, my desire is burning high, I take her ass into my hands and start to bounce her on my shaft. Every move leaves my cock coated in her juices.

She is my last meal before being crucified tomorrow. I dip my head to suck her breast. I am going to worship her every nook and cranny.

I want to feel her in every possible way. I can feel her almost climaxing as her walls come together milking me to ecstasy. She comes with a high-pitched moan shouting my name. I shoot my bullets and my cock relaxes inside her. She slumps and rests her head on the crook on my neck. And I hold her close to my heart.

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now