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We are back again to Cara's POV.

The sky is more clear and the stars shine brighter in the countryside than in the city. I look up to Quinn who is gazing at me with a blank face. Convincing him we go for a walk was hard.

"Why did you choose to have the engagement here?" I ask what has been on my head and pluck at wheatgrass.

"This used to be my grandmother's ranch. My grandfather gave it to her after they divorced." He pauses and gives a small smile, "She loved it." I remain silent unsure where the conversation is heading to. His eyes are focused on the narrow path before us. The barn is disappearing out of sight. My legs burn with cold.

He continues, "She reared the largest herd of livestock and employed many workers. This town loved her generous heart." We stop and I look at what is before us. A stream of water, it is clear enough to see the pebbles beneath it. It flows silently. My eyes focus on what is beyond it. Many houses clustered together, the lights illuminating from them look like twinkling stars.

"I didn't see any livestock," I say though I did note that the barn had been remodified into a small office.

"Oh! There was a conflict between the farmers and the herders due to environmental changes. The farmers won. My grandmother is the inventor of the 4by4 dirt racing. It was aimed at saving the water catchment by tree planting."

I look around and that's when I notice the crowd of trees around the area.

"Such a hero," I comment.

He nods instead and silence stretches between us before he speaks.

"This is where I met Misha, it was the first time I saw a naked woman. I was only ten." He shuts his eyes momentarily. "She sang as she sponged her body. I was mad at my father after he shot my horse so I wanted to run away."

My voice comes out hoarse, "Why?" I ask.

"He said it was a distraction from being molded into his footsteps." He moves to a nearby tree and sits. I follow him. He pats at the space between his legs and does as instructed. Once settled his arms snake around my waist. My head hanging a few inches from his chin, my back against him, and my legs on the wet grasses.

"And?" I want him to continue talking, this is the most open he has been about his life and I want to hold on to every word and letter.

"When she saw me, she screamed and threw water to my face." His lips tug up in a reminiscing smile. "I loved her since then."

He's saying the L-word leaves my chest in pain.

"What happened to her?" I choke the words unsure if Quinn is ready to answer that. I have so many questions, I just don't know which to ask first.

"She realized who I was and stopped loving me." His tone raises.

"Who are you?" I ask.

He sighs and withdraws his arm from me, am tempted to snatch it back to its original place. "You never stop! Snooping, questioning. The only thing you will find is nothing but pain. So stop trying to figure me out. I am not fixable."

He stands, I remain seated and watch the water. I pick a branch frustrated and throw it into the water.

"Let me take you back to the main house." He offers.

I stand and silently follow him.

"To answer your initial question. I chose this place cause it is where I have been happiest and with the women I have loved." I look down at my feet even though he cannot see me in the dark.

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now