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The next morning, Quinn picks me up. Theo is with him. The kid looks distraughted. His focus is fully on his phone.

"I heard your brother was picked up by the cops for questioning. What happened?" He starts the engine of his Lamborghini.

My brother's confession from last night is still fresh in my head. He confessed that he was stealing money from the shop to finance Nimo's lifestyle and his new apartment. He also revealed he was fired a week before the fire incident when Robert found out. But swears he never burnt down the shop or kill him. Which I believe.

"The mechanic shop he was working at burnt down. So they needed him to clarify some of the things." I say.

"If you need any help am here." Quinn says. Courtney crosses my head but I push the thought away am not planning on doing anything with him. Am here because am fond of Theo.

"Want to play some game kiddo?" Quinn asks him through the rear view. I can't believe he is a father and I must admit he is good at it.

Theo doesn't bother to lift his he just shakes his head.

Something isn't right and I make a mental note to ask Quinn later.

I remove a chocolate bar from my bag, "I have a surprise for you." I flash it before his eyes.

He looks up at me bored with no slight interest, " Am not a girl!" He lashes out as if I insulted his masculinity.

"Who says so?" I ask.

"My father,"He says sweet things are for women because they are weak." I assume the father he is talking about is Mr. Nickel. He has no idea Quinn is his real father.

Quinn turns to look at him momentarily, I expect him to tell him otherwise but he goes back to driving.

I steal a glance at the kid, he is playing a chase game. I want to try to explain to him how wrong he is. I look over at Quinn and realize that is how they have been trained. Though I know I shouldn't interfere I make it my mission to educate and enlighten Theo    from his misguided information about women.

The ride is otherwise uneventful, the only thing active is Quinn's terrible Playlist. He turns to a lone path and I immediately know where we are heading to. I have been here countless times with my mother. It is a park.

It is a weekend and as expected, the place is filled up with young families. As we alight I realize probably that is also what we are portraying, a couple. The thought makes me uncomfortable.

Theo rushes towards an ice cream truck as soon as his feet touch the ground.

"Hypocrite." I mutter at Quinn humorously. 

"He's just a kid. He will outgrow the chocolate thing. He was made with a sweet tooth just like his mother." There is a way his face lights up and his eye open as he talks about Theo and Misha. Just like the law of cause and effect. I know unless I change my causes I will never experience that kind of love Quinn portrays. Sadly, until I get justice for my parents then I can wish for love.

Quinn carries a large folder with him which steals all my attention. It has torn edges and papers that are  slipping off. I grab one that is about to fall. I turn it. It has animated drawings with short narration. As I skim through I realize it is a draft for children's book.

"You write?" My shock is evident in my high  pitch tone.

He snatches it back, "none of your business." He barks.

I am still amused, "Who would have thought the hardcore Quinn wrote children books."

He rolls his eyes, "There's nothing wrong in writing kid's books. And if you must know I specifically wrote this for Theo before he was born."

Who is this guy? He is a total opposite person when it comes to Theo. "Aww, so sweet." I taunt him. He ignores me as Theo joins us with his ice cream.

We walk silently toward the less crowded part. We walk past a maze and merry go rounds which I ask Theo to go play with his kids. He politely declines, he lacks the normal enthusiasm a child his age possess.

He walks ahead of us, collecting stones.

"He has been failing at school. His teachers reported he is a slow reader and mostly can't comprehend what he read. So am trying ways to train him to read and process what he reads." Quinn says.

Is he trying to make me fall for him? I never took him as a dedicated man. It is hard to ignore how my chest swells as I hear him talk about Theo.

"I once volunteered for a literacy program. We trained kids to attain reading and mathematics skill." I say recalling it is the only good I have done in my journey for revenge. My objective was not to volunteer but get close to the main sponsor of the program. He was a business friend of my father. After my investigation, I ruled him out as a suspect to my parents murder.

"Really?" He searches my face for any jest. "I will think about it. I don't like Theo getting attached to people."

I nod in understanding. Theo sits on a bench and we join him. He sits between us. A couple of people, glance at us as they walk by.

To my surprise, Quinn open his folder. It different manuscripts some with large x on the front. He removes the one with cartoons but with no narrations and hands one to Theo. Patiently he tells him to say whatever comes to his head when he sees the picture and what he can relate it to.

Later, he takes him to every corner of the  park reading him stories relatable to the sorrounding. Not once does Theo get distracted by the noises or the cheerful sounds of his mates playing. He listens tentatively like an adult.

They continue with their reading session that I find both sad and inspirational. A park is supposed to be a happy place for fun. I decide to log into my social media. I haven't touched my phone since morning partly because am enjoying Theo's and Quinn's company and partly because I know Leo sold me out and I don't know what the papers are saying about me.

I go straight to the tabloids. I gasp, the front page is a picture of me in a lacy pant and bare chest on a pole. My breast are covered with smiley emojis. The title reads, The mysterious side chick to the notorious Nickel heir, Quinn, revealed. The title may not appear inviting. However from my Twitter feed it is the number one on the trending. I go through the tweets, the trolling and all name calling. At some point I feel like smashing the phone from the insults people type. I scroll through the tweets until I come across a particular one. The user @selfmadechick, she types... O. M. G I know that chick... I go to her home page to look at her profile picture and my heart stops to beat. Am screwed!

His booty call ✔️ (under editing )Where stories live. Discover now