^Last time^
I look around for another excuse, when all of a sudden I'm lifted into the air, and they take my sweatshirt off.Fuck.
Max's POV
What am I supposed to do? I just let them take it off, and start to cry, but I do it without making any noise, I just let tears run out my eyes. I hear a gasp, "I-I understanding if you want to take me back to my parents. I wouldn't want me around either." I say jumping out of David's arms, and go to get my bag ready, again. But I'm pulled back into a hug, I look and see Qwen, holding me close. "I'm not letting you go back to the hell hoe Max!" I turn around and hug her back, and start actually crying, soon David joins the hug. It's been a long time sense I've felt this safe.^After they leave the hug^
David's POV
After we get out of the hug, Qwen had taken Max into the bathroom to clean up his arms. While I was left on pizza duty. So I was ordering one large pepperoni pizza, and a 2 littler bottle of Root Beer, because I know how much Max loves it. Max comes out in a different sweatshirt, it's white. It reminds me of when Daniele was at camp, Max must of kept the sweatshirt that Daniele gave him. "Qwen, I hate this sweatshirt, can't I just have my blue one?" " No Max, I need to wash it." He just rolls his eyes, and comes up to me and clings to my leg. I laugh and ask him what's wrong. "Qwen took my blue sweatshirt, and now I have to wear this stupid ass clut one." "Heeeey, language!" He roles his eyes again and goes and sits on the floor and pouts. "Hey Max, I got pizza coming." "And root beer?" I nod my head, and he walks back over and clings to my leg again. "You have been forgiven." I just laugh and pick him up, he clings onto me, and starts to fall asleep. "Hey Max, why do you always start to fall asleep when I pick you up?" "You make me feel safe, and your warm and comforting." I almost start to cry from emotions, but than I saw that he had fallen asleep, so I take him to his room and put him to bed and give him his teddy bear. He automatically snuggles into it and falls deeper into sleep. I walk down stairs and tell Qwen we'll wake him up when pizza gets here. She nods her head and we sit down and watch tv, waiting for the pizza.^After pizza comes^
Qwen's POV
Me and David we're playing rock papers scissors, to see who goes and wakes up Max. Let's just say he doesn't like to be waken up. I had lost so I had to go wake him up. I slowly walk up to his room and open his door. And to my surprise, he's awake sitting in bed on his phone. I let out a sigh of relief and walk in. "Hey Max, pizzas here." "I'm not hungry." I stare at him in shock, Max's always wants pizza! "Umm, ok, I'll uhh go tell David." I say, and slowly walk out. "Hey David, I think Max's getting sick." "Well why's that Qwen?" "I went in there to tell him pizzas here, and he said he wasn't hungry. He didn't even look at me when he said it. He didn't look up from his phone."David's POV
"Would you like me to go check on him?" She nods her head, worried about Max. I make my way upstairs and go to Max's room. "Heeeello Max! Food is here, and me and Qwen would like you to come join us for dinner!" He hid under his blanket and quietly said he wasn't hungry. "Are you feeling ok Max? Are you sick?" He just mumbles something about being tired. I just say ok, and leave his room.Max's POV
What's the point? All I do is bring people down...I have no really reason for stay in this world. I slowly get up and walk to the bathroom.Trigger warning:Cutting
Once I get to the bathroom, I brake one of Qwen's razors and sit on the floor. And without realizing it, I start to cut my arm. By the time I'm done I can't even really see my arm anymore, I get a washcloth, bandages, and run down stairs to the laundry room, than run back up to my room, and start the process of cleaning up my arms again.
David's POV
Max just ran down here, than to the laundry room, than ran back upstairs with his blue hoodie. "What was that about?" "I don't know, but after I'm done eating, I'll go check on him." And with that I finish eating.^Once he's done^
I put my plate in the sink and go to check on Max. As I'm walking up, I hear crying. So I walk back down and ask for Qwen's help, who than runs up the stairs to make sure he ok. She's a good mom.
Qwen's POV
I ran upstairs to make sure Max was ok, when I open his door, I see a crying Max. He has a bandage rap next to him, and a washcloth covered in blood. I walk over and hold him in my arms. "Shh, Max. No one's mad. You're ok, everything's going to be ok." His crying slows down and he's starting to fall asleep, I can tell. David walks in and everything hits him in the face. "Just clean up the other stuff, I have max for now, ok?" I whisper to him. You just nods his head and grabs everything and brings it down stairs. "Max, are you still awake?" He nods his head. "Can I clean your arms for you?" "H-how'd you k-know?" "Max, why else would you have a bloody washcloth and bandages?" He shrugs, and let's me carry him to the bathroom. "Can you tell me where it is?" He shakes his head. "And why's that?" "I-I might need it again..." "Max if you feel that you ever need it again, come get me, got it?" He nods his head, and points to where it is. I throw it out the window, and put all my razors out of reach from him, he's really short for his age, so it won't be hard. I than get the peroxide and start to clean his arm up. "Thanks Qwen..." "You don't need to thank me kid, I'm basically your mom." He just smiles and kinda nods his head like he understands. "Than I love you mom." I froze and look up at him. He was actually smiling at the thought of me being his mom. I start to read up, I'm going to have to tell David later.A.N.~sorry this toke me so long to post, my mom kept me busy all day. So here's this chapter, well this was a kinda sad chapter but eh. Bye~

What's The Point
FanfictionA camp camp story! When Max gets back from Camp Campbell, he goes back to his abusive parents, who don't give a shit about him. After a few days of being there, he's had enough, and runs back to the closed camp. When David goes there to check the ca...