Part 17~ Panicked Date

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Neil's POV
I'm so worried. Preston had asked Nerris on a date, of course it's going to be at the house, but Preston said we had to stay in our room. Of course Max was happy for him, don't get me wrong, I was two, but they're only 5! I'm still a bit worried.

Preston's POV
"Nerris, come on! We bought it just for you." She huffs and shakes her head. "I'm not wearing a dress Preston." I give puppy dog eyes, and make my eyes all tears. "....mmm....FINE!" I start to jump up and down again, and Nerris stops me, again. "Ok go get changed!" She grumbles and grabs the dress, than makes her way to the bathroom.

^After she gets dressed^

Nerris's POV
The dress is cute, don't get me wrong. But I look horrible in dresses, I mean, I almost threw up when I saw myself in the mirror. When I walk out, Preston stares at me and his mouth falls open. "I know, it looks horrible on me. I'll go change back." But as I'm starting to walk away, he grabs my hand. "You look beautiful." He says with a huge smile on his stupid cute face. I start to blush and stutter. "W-Whatever." He smiles and pulls me down stairs. I almost start laughing, because when we get down stairs, the table we use during dinner sometimes is all set up nice, and there's soft music playing in the background. "This is cute CD." And I kiss his cheek, he starts to blush like crazy, and I giggle.

^After Dinner^

Preston's POV
We have a park like two houses from our house, so I told dad and daddy we were going down there, and they told us we had to be back before 9:00. It's a good thing Nerris has a phone! "Can I change first CD?" I nod my head and she runs up stairs to change.

Nerris's POV
I had gone up stairs to change. I changed into my normal outfit, but kept my hair pulled back out of my face. I actually have one red eye, but Neil brought me to the store to get contacts, he's a good man. I don't really want big hair or Preston knowing though, why? I don't know, I'm just self conscious about it, it was actually hard for me to tell Neil. "Nerris! Are you ok?" Shit, I didn't realize that I've been that deep in thought. "Yeah! I'm fine CD! I'm coming!" And make my way down stairs, to head to the park with him.

^Once at the park^

Still Nerris's POV
We had just gotten to the park, and it was huge! There was like 5 slides, 3 pars of swings, and a huge pirate ship tree house!

Still Nerris's POV We had just gotten to the park, and it was huge! There was like 5 slides, 3 pars of swings, and a huge pirate ship tree house!

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(Imagine it in a tree though)

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(Imagine it in a tree though)

I automatically gasp and fun to the slides. "HEY, wait up!" I hear Preston, but I just laugh and start playing.

Preston's POV
I'm glad she's smiling and laughing, I truly love that laugh, it's cute and makes me smile. "Wanna go to the pirate ship?" She shakes her head and grabs my hand and drags me there. "I can walk by myself~" I say in a mocking tone, she glares at me and continues to drag me. "Well so can I, but you still drag me every where." "Touché" than I hear her snicker, probably because she knows she's right. Once we get to the ship, she give me puppy dog eyes and asks to be captain. If she wasn't so cute, I'd say no. But she's way to cute, so I say find and get the dress up outfits from the ship, that they keep here for the kids to play with. Than we start playing pirates.

^At home^

Max's POV
Right now I have a pillow over my face, why? Because Neil won't shut up about the damn kids! Shit like "oh what if they get hurt" and "we should go check on them just in case". I finally have enough and snap. "NEIL! Just shut the fuck up! They're fine, Preston is a very responsible kid! Along with shorty! She just acts tuff! SHES LIKE ME! So shut the fuck up, and go drink a cup of tea!" He nods his head and heads to the kitchen. Oh thank god, I can't stand panicked Neil, it's even more annoying than normal Neil. I sit back down and turn Camps on, it's like season 15 now, but it's not just about them at camp now, Diane and Qani, the old consolers, had adopted Maddie when she was 11 or 10, one of the two, and had Nancy come live with them. It's no longer about the camp now, it's really about Maddie, Nancy and their kid Peyton, and her boyfriend Nate. It was cute.

Nerris's POV
I had just checked my phone and it was 9:00. And than I remember that we have to be home by 9:00. Neil's probably having a panic attack, "CD, we have to go home! It's 9:00!" His eyes go wide, and he grabs my hand and drags me home, while running. One problem though, I almost got hit by a freaking car, because dumb ass over here almost got hit. So now I'm in The fetal position, on the sidewalk, having a really bad panic attack. "Shorty! Preston!" Oh thank god, adults, even if it is big hair. "He-help." I say in barely a whisper. "It's ok shorty, Preston, what happened?" And that's all I heard because I passed out.

Preston's POV
I was crying and trying to explain what happened to daddy. "Car, hit, panic, CRYING! So confused!" And than I drop to my knees, to weak to stand. "Preston!?" Dad, oh thank god! "Max grab Nerris, we're going home!" And that's all I heard, because I passed out.

A. N.~ is it wrong that I love this chapter? I mean it's not because of the whole panic attack thing at the end, but because I got to bring up Camps! I mean, I live that I added that to this book! It fits well. Ok well that's it, Bye~

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