Neil's POV
I had asked Max out on a date. He had said yes, but the only problem was that David and Qwen had to go because they didn't want us getting in trouble. So I was waiting outside with David for Max and Qwen. "Neil, I'm just warning, if he hurt my son in anyway, you'll be banned from camp." Wait, son? "Got it, but what do you mean by son?" "You mean Max didn't tell you? Me and Qwen are his mother and father! He had an abusive house hold with his really parents, so me and Qwen toke him in!" Man, that's weird, why would Max go to David for help? I thought he hated I'll ask him later. I shrug and keep waiting for Max and Qwen to finish.^Two hours later^
I had figured out what took them so long as soon as they stepped out. Max was in a tux, I mean I was too, but I would have thought that he would just show up in nice jeans and a clean hoodie! "Uhh, earth to Neil." I didn't realize I was staring until Max snapped me out of it. "U-uhh sorry, you look really good Max." "W-whatever. Let's just go." He grabs my hand and drags me to the place we're going for the date.
Qwen's POV
"Ahh young love, it truly is beautiful, isn't it?" He nods his head. "How did you get Max to actually wear a tux?" "It's a long story"^Flashback^
"Max you have to wear a tux! It's your first date!" "I don't like tux's! I'll look stupid, than Neil won't want to go on the date anymore! I'll just wear a nice pare of jeans and my hoodie, which I will add, you JUST washed!" I just shack my head. "Max, if you do not wear a tux, you're grounded!" "You can't ground me for not wearing something!" "Try me."
^Two hours later^
Max's POV
I looked stupid, I didn't want wear a stupid ass tux, I look so stupid. I huff, "See? You look great!" I just flip her off and walk out. As soon as I walk out, Neil starts to stare at me. I blush and walk up to him. "Uhh, earth to Neil." He snaps out of it and looks at me again. "U-uhh sorry, you look really good Max." I blush more. "W-whatever. Let's just go." I grab his hand and start to drag him to the spot our dates at.^At the Date^
We had two tables, at least 20 feet away from each other, I did want mom and dad to see or hear me and Neil. "This is nice, isn't it? I had got David to drive me to that little town we went to that one time, and I got battery power fairy lights." I blush. "You didn't need to do all this, I would have been happy with a lantern lit dinner of camp food..." "Non sense! I love you too much to let you have a shabby first date!" "Stop making me blush!" He laughs, like he's been trying to do it the whole time! "Are you doing it on purpose?" He smirks. "You look cute when you blush, so I thought it'd be fun to make you blush." I stick my face in my hands, and blush more. Damn he's good. After that we sit and eat, and talk for awhile.
^After they're done eating^
Neil's POV
So far the date has gone real well, Max was surprisingly eating the food, I know he doesn't really eat that much, he didn't last year at camp. "Oh hey Max?" He hums at me. "David told me that him and Qwen were your parents now?" He freezes up all of sudden.Max's POV
How much did David tell him! What if he doesn't like me because he thinks I'm going to end up like my old parents, or he goes and tells everyone at camp, and I get bullied and beat up! "Max, are you ok?" "H-h-how m-much did h-he tell y-you?" I'm having trouble breathing now. "Max you need to calm down, everything's going to be fine. I still love you, Qwen and David still love you, and I promise I won't tell anyone, ok?" I just nod my head. He walks over to me and hugs me, and I hug him back. We end up sitting in the same seat with me on his lap. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and I giggle. "Don't so that, it tickles." And I regret saying that as soon as it leaves my mouth. He now has an evil smirk on his face, he starts kissing my whole face, and I break out in a giggling fit. "S-stooop!" I try to say to the best of my abilities. He finally stops after ten minutes. "You're a jerk, you know that?" "Yeah, but I'm your jerk.~"Neil's POV
I smile, yeah he is mine. "Ok you two, we need to head back to camp." "But I don't wannaaaa!" I pick him up, because he weighs like nothing, and start to carry him to camp. "I could have walked myself." "But it's pretty obvious you weren't going to though." And with that he just huffs and goes quite. "You are so the girl in this relationship." "I am not!" I just laugh, He is so the girl of this relationship.David's POV
I think this is good for Max. He's finally found someone who can love him just has much as me and Qwen can. If I'm being honest, I thought you wouldn't find love, he's so set on trying to hide his emotions, he lost most of them. So I'm glad he found someone who could make him truly happy. Neil's a good kid, and will treat Max with the love he needs. "Thinkin about Max?" "Yeah, to be honest, I thought he'd never find love, he's so set on hiding his emotions he's lost most of them." "Yeah, but over time, he'll get better. He has so many people to help him though this." She says looking up ahead seeing Neil laughing something Max said.Max's POV
Maybe there is a point to life? But I'm not drawing that conclusion, not yet at least. Right now things couldn't be better, but they could get worse. I shack my head, getting rid of those thoughts, I want to be happy right now. I want to be happy with Neil. I fell my eyes grow heavy, and fall asleep in Neil's arms.A.N.~ Oh god, the cuteness, it's to much! Is it wrong that I loved this chapter so much? I mean, come on, those two are adorable! Bye~

What's The Point
FanfictionA camp camp story! When Max gets back from Camp Campbell, he goes back to his abusive parents, who don't give a shit about him. After a few days of being there, he's had enough, and runs back to the closed camp. When David goes there to check the ca...