Part 18~Oh God

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Max's POV
We had gotten home with the kids, and they were still passed out in our arms. We take them upstairs to their bedroom, and lay them down in their bed. Just as we're about to leave, Nerris starts screaming and crying, and ends up waking Preston. We sit there for over 10 minutes, shaking her, trying anything to wake her up. Finally after 20 minutes of the same thing, she finally wakes up, than get up, and runs down stairs. Preston runs after her, and me and Neil run after Preston. Before we fully get downstairs, we here the door shut.

Preston's POV
She left. Why did she leave? I drop to my knees and start crying. "Why did she leave?" I ask dad, but he doesn't have an answer, he just shrugs. I wonder where she went? We were her only home.

Nerris's POV
I ran out, not wanting to get them killed. When I was asleep I saw my dad saying to me, if you don't come back right now, you little shit, everyone your with is a goner. So as soon as he finished, and I woke up, I ran out and headed home. Everything will be ok now, I'm the only one who needs to be hurt. Once I get home, it's like he knew I had the dream, because he was there, with a smirk on his, and it was evil as all hell. "Hello, Nerris" I shiver, I hate when he says my name like that. "Where have you been? Your mother has been....worried about you?" I shrug, not wanting to talk, knowing what's coming. "So you're not going to talk?" I don't even give him a response now, I just stand there and look at the ground. And just like I suspected, he kicks me in the stomach, about 20 times, than grabs me by the hair, and throws me in my room. "I'll let you out tomorrow, so you can go to school." And than he slams my door. Damn, I miss Preston. He'd be comforting me right now, he'd hug me and tell me everything is ok, big hair would tell me that he went though the same shit, and Neil would make me a cup of tea, we'd be like a family, and Preston would love me. I didn't even realize I started crying, but I did this for them, they have to be ok, I can't have any of them hurt, with me here, they'll be ok.

Max's POV
We spent the last 3 hours looking for her, and we still haven't found her. The only other place to look is her house, but we were hoping she wasn't there. I tell Neil to bring Preston home, and I'd deal with this. He tried to protest, but it didn't work, and they went home. I walk up to her door, take a deep breathe, than knock. I'm greeted with a very drunk and angry man in front of me. "What?" "I'm here for Nerris." He just starts laughing. "You're not taking my punching bag again." Little did he know I was recording the whole thing, so I could show it to the cops. "What do you mean? Are you saying you abuse a 5 year old!?" "Of course I do, that mistake is just another broken condom, not needed, she deserves what she gets." I nod my head, and tell him I have to leave, he says whatever and slams the door. Now to call the cops.

Nerris's POV
I heard footsteps up to my room, oh god, please no, no more. "Hey mistake, your little friend just came here looking for you." My eyes go big, and I start to wonder what he did to him. "Yo-you mean Preston?" He shakes his head. "The one with really big hair, real short, he's probably a mistake just like you." Oh god, big hair, you better not do anything stupid. "I killed him though, he's no more." My eyes go big, no, he couldn't, he couldn't have killed him, he has to be ok, he just had to. "What-What the fuck! Why are your eyes going gray!?" I feel nothing anymore, I wanted to cry, scream, anything, but I felt nothing. Everything was point less, there was no point. I hear a crash down stairs, and my dad starts to panic. "THIS IS THE POLICE! WHERE ARE YOU SCUM BAG!?" "Shit!" Than Neil and some cops run in and the cops grab my dad, and Neil grabs me. So it's true, Max died, my dad killed him, and there's nothing I could have done, or can do now. "Come on honey, let's go home." I just nod, and let him carry me home.

^Once at home^

Preston's POV
I was waiting for daddy to come home with Nerris. I hope she's ok, I still want to know why she ran out like that, it makes no sense. "We're home." I hear daddy say from the door. But Nerris looked different, her eyes were gray, and she looked like she couldn't feel anything. "Nerris? What's wrong?" She just jumps out of daddy's arms, and drops to her knees. "Everything would have been fine, now he's gone." "Who's gone?" But she just keeps repeating the same thing, over and over again. "Hey guys what I-" But dad stops see the state Nerris is in. I get down on my knees and look at her, trying to talk to her, but nothing works, so I just sit there. Oh god this can't be good.

Max's POV
What happened? Why is she emotionless, what happened to her? Oh god, this can't be good.

Neil's POV
She was so happy before she ran. Why did she run? She would still be happy. Oh god, this can't be good.

Nerris's POV
I want to feel emotion, but Max is gone, and it all my fault. The one person I could relate to, gone, I'll never see him again. What little emotion I have, it's regret, because I never got to tell him how much I thought of him as my father. I regret everything.

A. N.~ THIS BOOK SUCKS! I'm writing it and everyone wants to know what it's about, and I've only told...two? Propel I think, idk if one was listening, but I know one's reading it right now, we'll not RIGHT right now, but she's reading it now. That person is jujubeans011 and she says the book is good, which it's not. But thanks anyway, but this is the end, Bye~

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