Preston's POV
Once I saw Dad step out of his room, I clung to his leg, because he was already carrying Nerris. "D-d-dad, why?!" He just shakes his head. I don't care at this point, all I care about is that he's ok. I hear Grandpa and grandma come in, and I hear one gasp, than someone else joins the hug. "M-mom, I'm fine." Grandma. "N-n-no you're not! You-You (sobs)."Max's POV
I regret doing this, I was just so upset, and couldn't take it anymore. I tell everyone to let go, and everyone does...Other than Nerris. "Nerris, shorty, can you let go?" She shakes her head again, and hangs on tighter. I sigh and hold her up so she doesn't fall. "We're moving in with you." I hear Dad say, and I just stare at him in shock. "What?" "We're moving in with you, we don't need this happening again, especially with only you and the kiddos here." I nod my head, understanding now.
Nerris's POV
He's ok. He's ok, that's all that matters. He's ok. "Max?" He hums at me, as to be saying what. I get close to his ear, ready to whisper. "C-can I call you dad?" I say not wanting the others to hear me, not yet at least. He hugs me close and whispers back, "Of course, I've always thought of you as my daughter anyway." I look him in the eyes and smile to him, he's might be a jerk sometimes, but he's a good person, deep down he has a soft side, and I plan to see it more.David's POV
"Well me and your mom are going to go start packing stuff up." I say and start to head to the car. "I can help dad." I hear Max say, I stop for a minute and think about it. Would this be good for him? He's always had problems with anxiety and depression, but this is way overboard. "Are you sure bout that Max?"I turn around and ask him. He shakes his head yes, and I let outa sigh, knowing I'll have to let him. "Ok Max, bring the kids, they can go to the neighborhood park."Preston's POV
"Nerris come on we have to go get ready!" But no matter what I said, she wouldn't let go of dad, she just kept shaking her head and holding on tighter. "Dad, help me!" He sets her down but she doesn't let go. "Come on shorty, we have to get ready." She finally let's go and I grab her hand, and head upstairs.^Once they get to the house^
Nerris's POV
Once we get there, David tells us to head to the park. I start to reject, but Preston grabs my hand and drags me to the park. "Preston, let go of my hand!" But he doesn't, and drags me to our hide out instead of the park. Once we get there he finally let's go of my hand, and he tells me I follow him. When he's not looking I start to quietly leave, but he catches me and tells me to get up there. I sigh and cuss under my breath, I just to go help dad, and find out where Neil is. Wait...why did he leave? Was he just heading to the store? What if he gets there and no ones home!? "PRESTON!" I scream up to him, and he peeks his head over. "LET'S ME AND YOU WALK HOME AND WAIT FOR NEIL! I THINK HE WENT TO THE STORE OR SOMETHING!" He shakes his head and starts to head down. Once he's down we hold hands on our way to the house.^15 minuets later^
Preston's POV
We're about half way home, and there's this car that has been following us, so Nerris holds on to me tighter, being scared of what's going on. Than the car stops, and me and Nerris just keep walking, but than we hear someone call Nerris's name, so we turn around to see who it is, and we freeze.Nerris's POV
My mom...Max's POV
We had finished for the day, with packing and all, and we were on our way to get the kids from the park. When we got there, we look around for them but they're not there. Than I remember that they have a hideout near here, so we start to head there. Once we get there, we see a note on it,Dear Dad,
Me and Nerris went home to wait for daddy, we don't want to worry him when he gets home, we'll see you when get home, LOVE YOU BYE!!Oh god, I should have told them. We run back to the car and get in, and start to head home. Once we get there, there's another note, this can't be good.
Dear Who Ever The Fuck You Are,
I have my child and your child hostage, if you do not come up with 1,000 by the end of the week, well let's just say the children won't see another day, good bye.A.N.~So I was going to stop this book all together, but I saw that so many of you guys liked it, so I'm bringing it back along with my new book! So I hope you liked this, and I'll see you in the next chapter, bye~

What's The Point
FanfictionA camp camp story! When Max gets back from Camp Campbell, he goes back to his abusive parents, who don't give a shit about him. After a few days of being there, he's had enough, and runs back to the closed camp. When David goes there to check the ca...