Nerris's POV
Preston was showing me all of his kid pops CD. I think he's the only person I know that still has CDs, i mean even i have a phone. "How many of these things do you have?" "90!" He says with a bigger smile on his face, if that's even possible. "Hey shitheads, come down here for a minute!" I know that's big hair because he's the only one who really sears in this house. "Ok daddy!" Preston grabs my hand again, and drags me down stairs.Preston's POV
"I can walk by myself Preston." "I know~" And keep dragging her down the stairs. I walk down and see both my dads with a worried look on their faces. "What did you need big hair?" I slitty giggle at the nickname she gave my dad. "You never answered my question shorty." I look over at her with a confused look. "U-uhh, w-what question? I don't remember a question? Will you look at the time, sorry Pres, i have to go bye!" And than she runs out the door before any of us can grab her. "Nerris, WAIT!!" But it's to late, she's already down the block, running to her house. I start to tear up, does she really not trust us? I start crying, and dad comes over and picks me up and carries me to bed. "You needed to get ready for bed anyway Pres, so you can talk to her tomorrow." I nod my head and slowly begin to fall asleep.Max's POV
I look over at Neil, with a worried look on my face. "I did the same thing...but how are we going to get her to show us?" "Maybe we should talk to her parents?" I nod my head, and tell him we should probably go to bed, he nods his head and carries my upstairs, like he always does. He set me down and i go get dressed, he does the same. Once we're done, we say our good nights, and fall asleep in each other's arms.^Mean While^
Nerris's POV
I had gotten home yesterday, and my parents weren't home. I let out a sigh of relief, and run up to my room just in case. Once I get up there, I lock my door, and grab my headphones to listen to music. I sit there for what feels like minutes, but i know it's been almost 2 hours. "NERRIS!!!!!" Oh great my parents are, lets see if tonight i cut. I slowly make my way down stairs, but dads not home? "Where's dad?" She doesn't say anything, she just pushes me on the floor and starts to kick me. I start to count, 1,2,3, 4, 5,6,7,8,9, and 10. Well i know what that means. "Go to your room, mistake." I get up and don't make my way to the room, but to the bathroom^TW~Cutting^
I walk into the bathroom, and grab my best friend, other than Preston. I make 10 lines on each arm, and end up wanting more. So another 20, go on each. I wash off my arm, bandage it up, and go to my room to go to sleep.
^In the morning^
Preston's POV
I woke up in a great mood, I get to see Nerris today!! Daddy wants me to invite her over again, which i was planning on doing anyway. I say my good byes, and make my way out the door, and on the bus. Same number of stops as yesterday, and now Nerris is sitting next to me. "Hi Nerris!" "You are way to happy at this time of day." She's says with a sad look on her face. I look at her in the eyes, and all I see is sadness in them. "What's wrong?" She looks at me funny. "What do you mean CD?" I was about to giggle when i say a thin line on Nerris's arm. "What happened?" I ask, while reaching for her arm. She automatically pulls her arm away and mumbles something about her cat. I leave it alone, because she seems self conscious about it. We get to school, and walk into class.^Once in class^
Nerris's POV
Stupid Preston, to young to understand how fucked up the world. I'm just happy his parents raised him right, no one else should have to go through what i am. "Alright class, time to go to the cafeteria for lunch." Oh god, i hate the smell of food. Yesterday we got to eat in class, because it was the first day, but now we have to eat down there. "Come on Nerris, I'll share my lunch with you!" Before I can say anything he grabs my arm and i wince in pain. "Sorry, forgot about your cat scratches." I shrug it off and get ready to finally walk by myself, but instead he grabs my hand and drags me to the cafeteria. Once we get there, he lets me pick the spot. I chose the back obviously, and sit. "What did you bring for lunch?" "Didn't bring lunch, not too hungry today." "Oh, ok, well did you still want to come to my house for dinner?" "Oh definitely, i just won't eat much." He nods his head, and eats his lunch, while talking about music.^At the end of the day^
Preston's POV
Today my dads were picking me and Nerris up from school, so that we didn't have to ride the bus. "Come on Nerris hurry, we have to get to the car!" "I don't run Preston!" So I walk over and pick her up bridal style. She squeaks and try's to get out of my arms. "Just stop so I can carry both of us to the car?" She stops and huffs. I run to the car with her in my arms, and set her down in the seat next to me. "Uhh, Preston? Why are you carrying Nerris?" "Because she wouldn't run." I say back to dad. "Hey shithead, shorty." "Hi daddy!" "Sup big hair." We talk about our day on the way home^At home, during dinner^
Max's POV
Ok so here's my plan, we invited Nerris over for dinner, we're going to tell her sense I was little, there were no sweatshirt at the table. Which is a true statement, after the three of them found out I cut. So than she'll have to take off her sweatshirt, and then we can let her move in with us. BOOM! Best plan right? So now we're all sitting down at the table, and I'm having Neil day no sweatshirt at the table, because she listens to him. "Nerris, honey, no sweatshirt at the table." "What?" "Yeah shorty, it's been a rule sense I was 10, so off with the sweatshirt." She rolls her eyes and says fine. So far it's a success, and I'm starting to feel bad, because she's starting to tear up, and not eat her food. "Nerris, dear, what happened to your arm?" "She said it was her c-" But he cut himself off once he say how many their were on her arm. "Hey shorty, look at my arm." I showed her my arm, it look the same, other than the fact I've been clean for 2 years, so mine were kinda dried up. She smiles, probably thankful that she's not the only one here who's been though this shit. This was actually the age for me where everything started to go shity. " Nerris! That does not look like a cat did this!" "Preston bud, why don't you go to your room while I talk to Nerris, you too babe." I turn and look at Neil. He nods his head, because he knows what I'm doing. They both walk out and Preston starts to cry. "So shorty, you ganna tell me why you did this to yourself?"A.N.~God I loving writing, it actually helps me get some stress out, even though like no one reads the book. Well this chapter is like super long, so sorry about that. But that's all Bye~

What's The Point
FanfictionA camp camp story! When Max gets back from Camp Campbell, he goes back to his abusive parents, who don't give a shit about him. After a few days of being there, he's had enough, and runs back to the closed camp. When David goes there to check the ca...