^It's been a few months and it's now summer time again, so it's time to go back to camp. Max was already there with David and Qwen, and was waiting for Neil and Nikki.^
Max's POV
I was sitting in front of the entrance of camp, waiting for Neil and Nikki. They text me and told me they were about 10 minutes away, and that was 9 minutes ago. So here I sit, and wait for my only friends, and my crush. I wouldn't tell anyone this, but I actually had a huge crush on Neil, and before you ask, I'm not gay, I'm bisexual. (Same Max, same) Finally after sitting out here for what felt like forever, Neil and Nikki showed up. And they showed up in the same car. I became jealous, were they together? "Hey! Are you two like a thing now?" "No, we're brother and sister!" Nikki had said, I silently sighed in relief. "Are you two in the same camps as you were last year?" They both nod. "What camp are you in Max?" Neil asked. "I'm uhh actually in a private camp, I'm in a camp to help me with my trust issues and depression, so it's basically a therapy camp." I say, not really wanting to mention that David and Qwen were my parents now. "Hey Max, why are you here before every else?" Great, now I have to tell them. Or I could just away...I start running into camp and hide in David and Qwen's cabin. I had put my ear to the door. "Damn he's fast!" "Yeah no kidding.." I snicker, knowing that won't think to look in here. "Sooo, are you going to tell Max about your crush on him?!" I freeze up, he likes me back!? "I don't know, what if he's not ready for a relationship, or he's not gay, or if I mess everything up!?" I want to bust down this door and tell him to shut up and kiss him, but I don't. "Shut up Neil! You'll do fine! Let's just go to our tent, we'll find Max after we settle in." I hear them walk away. I have to tell Qwen!Qwen's POV
I was stetting up the mess hall with tables and chairs and stuff. When all of a sudden, Max came running in. "Qwen! Qwen!" "Max what happened!?" I'm start to panic, but then I saw a smile on his face and my anxiety went away. "Neil likes me back!" He says while jumping around. Wait Max's gay? "Wait Max, you're gay?" He stops jumping and turns to me. "No Qwen, I'm bisexual!" "Ok ok I'm sorry! So how do you know he likes you back?" "I may or may not have been ease dropping on Nikki and Neil's conversation, and heard it.." I laugh and shack my head. "You were always sneaky. Now how you going to ask him out?" "I'm not." Wait, did I hear that right? "What?" "I'm not, what if I mess something up, and he realizes he doesn't like me. Or what if he finds out I cut and hates me for ever! Or-" "Max, shut up, Neil could never hate someone. We're talking about the nerdy science kid, who also likes you!" He just stares off in space. "I'm still not doing it." He says, crossing his arms over his chest, there is no winning with this kid.Neil's POV
I heard the whole thing that Max had said. So he also likes me, but also is to scared he'll mess things up. And what did he mean by find out that I cut, I don't want him to hurt himself! So
I make a plan, of how to get him to take his sweatshirt off, and that's when I'll confess to him.^After all the camper get there^
Ok, so my plans in action now. I knew he told Qwen that I liked him back so I told her my plan. My plan is, that I'll give Qwen a signal, she'll turn up the heat, witch will make Max hot, than it will force him to take his sweatshirt off! I'm so smart, I think while giving myself a pat on the back. I give Qwen the signal, and she turns up the heat. "Wow Max, it's really hot in here, don't you think you should take your sweatshirt off?" "Eh, I've felt hotter." I huff, realizing it didn't work. Good thing I have a plan B!
^Time skip to night time^
We were getting ready for bed, and Max was just kinda sitting there. "Max, you have to change for bed." I heard David say, he must have walk in. "Can I change in the bathroom?" He gives David a weird look. David makes a O shape on his mouth and nods his head. Damn it, that didn't work either. Plan C, I mean the saying is three times the charm.
^The next day^
"Hey Max, can I see the shirt you're wearing?" He looks at me confused. "Why?" I shrug, "I don't know, I just want to know what shirt you're wearing." She shakes his head, "Nah, I don't want to take my sweatshirt off, I'm cold. But I'll show you tonight when I change. I have to go, I have therapy, bye Neil!" And with that he leaves. HOW AM I GOING TO DO THIS??!! I got to Qwen for help. "Qwen, how am I supposed to do this? He won't take his sweatshirt off! No matter what I do!" "Yeah he did that to me and David too." She suddenly snaps her fingers likes she got an idea, he doesn't wear his hoodie durning therapy, I can take it and tell him it needs to be washed, than you can find out and confess!" "Qwen, you're a genius." And with that, we wait for Qwen to do her therapy.
^Durnign Qwen's therapy^
Qwen's POV
"Ok Max, anything other than Neil you want to talk about?" He shacks his head, satisfied with his therapy session today. He goes to grab his sweatshirt, and I turn into mom Qwen. "Honey, I need to wash your sweatshirt." "W-What!? But what if Neil sees my cuts! Than he'll never be with me!" I just grab his sweatshirt and say to bad. Than I wait outside for the magic to happen.Max's POV
I slowly walked out of Qwen and Davis's cabin, where my therapy sessions happen. What I didn't expect was for Neil to be standing there waiting for me! "Hey Max!" "H-hey Neil, what are you doing over here!" I ask, covering my arms not wanting him to see. "I thought I could walk you to our tent! Is everything ok?" I just nod my head, unable to say words. "Are you sure? Why are you trying to hide your arms?" I start to tear up. I just shack my head. "I don't want you to hate me, because I really like you, and I also don't want to ruin our friendship, and-" I was cut off. He kissed me...HE KISSED ME! I automatically kiss back. Once he pulls away, he has a smirk on his lips. "I could never hate someone I love." And than he brings me into another kiss. Best day ever!A.N.~Am I the only one who ships theses two hard core? I feel like they would be adorable, and a gay couple. No? Just me? Well, I'll just...leave than...

What's The Point
FanfictionA camp camp story! When Max gets back from Camp Campbell, he goes back to his abusive parents, who don't give a shit about him. After a few days of being there, he's had enough, and runs back to the closed camp. When David goes there to check the ca...