Part 16~Okay

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Preston's POV
I had just woken up and I asked dad how long we've been sitting here. "About an hour and a half, Pres." "Wheres daddy?" He points over to grandma, where daddy is sleeping in one of her hugs. I smile, happy to know daddy is sleeping. "People here for Nerris?" I run up to the man and look up at him. "Let me see my girlfriend!" He laughs and says right this way, and I follow him, leaving everyone behind. Once we get to room 5-7-8, Hey give me some slack, I can only count to 10. But once we get to that room, the tall man lets me in, I run up to Nerris and hug her. Hold her tight I say, "You're coming to live with me and my dads." She just nods her head and falls asleep in my hug.

Max's POV
We lost Preston, but we found the doctor he ran away with, and told us that they were at room 578, so that's were we are headed. Once we get there, I'm very tempted to take a picture. Preston And Nerris are sleeping in each other's arms, and it's cute. Neil, mom and dad are now in the room as well, and I have to cover dads mouth because he's about to squeal. "Shh!" He nods his head and I let go of his mouth. "Are we just going to let them sleep, or are we going to take them home?" Neil has asked, I tell them we'll take them home. "Bud, come on, we need to go home." He wakes up some what, but just hugs Nerris tighter. "If you wake up and help us get her to the car, you guys can have a sleepover." He automatically gets up and picks her up. "Come on let's go." Than he starts to walk out,we all hurry to follow him, not wanting to loose him again, and make our way to the car.

^Once at home^

Preston's POV
Once we get home I bring Nerris up to my room where me and her will sleep everyday now! I'm so happy she's living with us, but won't her parents want her back? She seemed really close with them the way she ran out Monday. I'll ask daddy later, she did tell him so stuff. I look down at Nerris and she hugs me really close, I hug her back and fall back asleep.

Neil's POV
"Max, please you need to sleep!" He shakes his head, and I huff. He walks out the room, and hear stuff happening in the kitchen. "Max! You can't have anymore coffee!" "Try me bitch!" Ugh, this is going to be a ruff night. I get up and make my way to the kitchen, where I see Max, drinking a cup of coffee. "God damn it Maxwell! I said no coffee!" He shrugs and makes another cup! There's only one choice left, I walk over to the phone, and call Qwen. "Hello?" "He won't sleep, and he won't stop drinking coffee again!" "I'll be right over." I thank her and make my way to the living room to wait for Qwen to get here. "What did you do?" "You'll see." And he keeps asking me, and after the 20th time he asks me, Qwen comes in. "Oh that's cold Neil. I thought you loved me." "I do, that's why I did it." I say and walk away, knowing Qwen will get him to sleep.

Max's POV
"Mom, I'm going to tell you flat out right now, I'm not going to sleep." She looks at me with that mom look I know all too well. "Wanna bet?" I nod my head, knowing I'll win this one. She snickers, and I know that means she has a trick up her sleeve. She walks over to that door, opens it, and walks out. I shrug and go to make another cup of coffee. "Oh Max~" "Yes mom-" And in her hand, held her secret weapon...Mr. HoneyNuts. "Oh that's cold mom, so cold." I walk over and grab him out of him out of her hand. All the smells, the texture he has, it's so comforting. I'm already starting to fall asleep. "Mom, ^Yawn^, this was a smart, but cold move." She brings me up stairs, and there I see a smirking Neil. I just yawn, and he brings me into a hug, and I'm out like a light.

^In the morning^

Nerris's POV
I wake up in someone's arms, I look up and see Preston, hugging really close. I snuggle into him more. "Morning Nerris!" I say morning, and he kisses my forehead. I blush like crazy and what he says next almost makes me pass out. "You're my girlfriend now, okay?" "I-I o-okay..." He smiles and kisses me on the lips. Damn, my first kiss taken at the age of 5. "I'm going to go tell my dads!" And than he gets up, and I lay there in shock, surprised all that just happened.

Preston's POV
I skip down stairs and dad and daddy are sitting at the table, dad drinking tea, and daddy drinking coffee. "Me and Nerris are dating now! And I kissed her!" Dad spits out what tea he has in his mouth, and daddy gives me a high five. "Good job bud! I'm so proud of you." I put my hands on my hips, proud of myself now. "MAX! You should not encourage this! They're only 5!" Daddy just shrugs and high fives me again. Nerris has made her way to the kitchen now. He face was really red, and she had a loon of shock on her face. "So shorty, you and Preston?" And all she says is


A. N.~ this is cute, I like it. I was also really bored while writing this so, yeah. I just made it as cute and weird as possible. I like to think that Max still needs Mr. HoneyNuts on bad nights, because that's cute. But yeah this is the end, Bye~

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