Max's POV
I had woken up in Neil's arms, I blush and try to wiggle my way out. All he does is pull me closer. I sigh, I want my coffee, but I can't get up. "Neil..." I whisper, and he starts to move, and think he's getting up. But he doesn't, and holds me tighter now. That's it I only have one choice left. "DVAID!" Damn Neil's a heavy ass sleeper! He still doesn't wake up! But David ran in like I was dying of some shit. "What!? What happened, are you hurt, did something hurt you!?" "Get him off me, I need coffee!" He went from panic dad mode, to a warm smile on his face. "That is so cute, I have to go get Gwen, stay right there." "No wait david I need my-" and he's already gone, greaaaat. So I sit there and wait for them to show up.^Few minutes later^
They both came into the tent, but this time David had a camera. "I'm not smiling." What I didn't realize was that Neil had waken up now. "Yes you are.~" "Good you're up, get off me before they take the picture!" He smirked, and I already know he has an evil plan, he always does. I taught him too well! "No, I think I'm comfortable right here, with you in my arms, so they can take a picture." "Fine, but I'm not smiling." He then starts to kiss all over my face again, damn it, why does he have to know my weakness! I try not to smile of giggle, but obviously I fail. I start giggling and Neil looks happy now, and I hear the camera go off. "I hate all of you." "Why did you hate having your picture anyway Max?" I just there. "Man I want coffee, let's get Nikki and go eat!" I try to get out of his arms again, damn this boy is strong, or maybe it's that I only weigh like 50 pounds. "Max, you can tell me, you can trust me." you can't trust anyone, you trusted your parents and look where that ended up. No trust. No trust. "No, no, no trust. No trust."I than try again to get out of his arms, but this time I succeed. I than run to David and Qwen's cabin, he didn't find me the last time I ran here. I lock myself in their bathroom, just in case he does look on here. I sit there and hug my knee, rocking back and forth.
^Flashback, to when he was 3^
"It's ok Maxwell, you can trust me, I'm your mother!" She gives me a warm smile. I smile back. "I love you mommy!" I run up and hug her. "Wanna go to the arcade sweetie?" I nod my head in excitement.
^Few years later^
"Mommy, what's wrong?" I was worried about her, she looks really out of it. "Get our of here Maxwell, and don't call me mommy, call me mother." What's up with her? "Ok, well do you want to hear what happened today at kindergarten!?" All of a sudden she stands up and looks really angry. "Maxwell, I said LEAVE!" And then she slaps me really hard, she knocks me on the floor. I look up in shock and a hurt look. "Now go to your room, before you get worse." I get up and run to my room. I'll never trust anyone again.
^End of flashback^
Neil's POV
We were still looking for Max. He had disappeared like an hour ago! We even went and check the cliff, but he wasn't there...or below it either, witch once I found that out I let out a huge sigh of relief! We had looked everywhere Max would go. So then we started to look in places he wouldn't go. Like the activity field, or the flag pole, or the lake. But there was still no luck. There was one place we didn't look, and it was literally the last place we would have thought to look for Max. Qwen and David's cabin. And as soon as I walk in, I heard crying. I know that crying like the back of my hand, witch isn't good. It was coming from the bathroom, so I walk up to it and tried to open it. It's locked! "Max! Are you in there? I just want to help you I swear! You can trust me." "NO! I can't trust anyone anymore! Not after all the shit with my parents! I can't do it Neil! I just...can't." He sounds so broken. "Can you at least let me in? So I can hug you? It will make me feel a lot better?" I say that, because I know Max's cares more about other people than himself. And two seconds after I say that I hear the door being unlocked. I open the door, and see max standing in front of the door with his arms ready for a hug. "I don't want you to be sad, so if me hugging you will make you feel better...get your happy ass over here." I walk over and hug him, feeling better because now I know he's safe, here with me in my arms.Max's POV
I feel safe in his arms. I hear more feet come in, in witch I can only assume is David and Qwen's. How long have they been looking for me? I've been so deep in flashbacks, it feels like I've only been here for 10 minutes. "MAX YOU'RE OK!" I feel Neil get pushed away from me, and I'm automatically brought into another hug. I look up and see a crying Qwen hugging me. "Qwen chill I'm ok." She put me down, and I'm brought into another hug! What is it national hug day? This time it's David that hugged me. "I'm so sorry Max! We should have never toke that picture! It was Qwen's idea, and you know how much I love family moments in picture form!" I just pat his back. "It's fine David, just don't go showing that picture around camp, it's bad enough with Nikki knowing." And than David puts me down. Finally the hugging is- "MAXXX!" Than Nikki tackles me into a hug. "GOD DAMN WITH ALL THE HUGS!! Except you Neil, I offered the hug to you." I say pushing Nikki off me and going back to Neil, who I hug. "Oooo~ Max is in L-O-V-E!!" I roll my eyes and just hide in Neil's chest. What's up with everyone being taller than me? I turn around and ask that. "Why the fuck am I so short!" "Max language!" "Ha! Max is short!" "It's alright kid, you'll grow." "The shorter you are, the cuter you are." And than he kisses me, and I kiss back obviously, he's my boyfriend.^Time Skip^
Camp will be over in two weeks, and I'll have to leave Neil. Right now I'm crying into his shoulder telling him how much I'm going to miss him. "Max it's ok! There's no school in this book so we can see each other all fall to!" I forgot that Neil was self aware too. "Will you come home with me on the last day of camp?" "I promise I will." I smile, a real smile. I'm glad I have him with me."Hey max can you explain a little of your back story?" I shrug, "Sure, ok it mainly all started once I was 5, the first time my mom had hit me, and the first time I realized that I would never trust anyone ever again. After a few years of my "parents" abusing me, I start to cut. I actually started cutting my first year of camp, when I was 9. My mom and dad had always sent me away every summer, saying they couldn't stand to be around me when they could be having fun with their friends at the beach or bar. I'd always agree, afraid of what they might do to me if I don't. And than all that shit happened last year and this, and here I lie, on your lap, telling you my back story." By the end Neil was crying. "How did you go though all that shit, and more, without dying? Because I also know that you don't really eat, or sleep." I just shrug, not really knowing what to say. "Come on campers, dinner. And Max you have to eat something." "Jokes on him, I'll just eat a grape."
Neil's POV
He didn't just eat a grape. I sat there and fed him his whole plate, and he ate it, ALL of it. David came over and thanked me, I just brushed it off, and told him he was my boyfriend, I had to care for him. He still thanked me and went on his way to the other campers. "Oh my god..." "What's wrong Max?" "I just realized that you fed me my whole plate! Neil, I'm going to become so fat!!" "Max, you're way to skinny." He runs over to a mirror that's was for some reason in the mess hall. I heard him gasp and scream holy shit. David said something about his language and max ran over to me. "NEIL! I look like flesh and bones! I need to eat! Come get more food with me!" I just follow him, glad that he wants to eat more. Qwen had walked over to me while I was feeding Max his second plate. "How did you do that?" She says pointing at Max eating the spoon fulls of food I was giving him. "I'm his boyfriend, my opinion matters more than his parents, and I said he was to skinny. So he just told me that he wanted to eat more, but he feels more comfortable when I feed him." I say shrugging, continuing to feed him. Smiling when I see a huge smile on his face. She just stares in shock and walks away. Probably to go tell David. I just shrug and laugh at my boyfriend being stupid.A.N.~God that was a long chapter, that toke me almost all day, with some brakes here and there. Give me a break! I need to eat! Have a problem, go find another book to read, at least I update everyday, ok Bye~

What's The Point
FanfictionA camp camp story! When Max gets back from Camp Campbell, he goes back to his abusive parents, who don't give a shit about him. After a few days of being there, he's had enough, and runs back to the closed camp. When David goes there to check the ca...