Nerris's POV
"Are you ready for a fucked up story? Because it goes back to when I was like 2 or 3." He shakes his head and I take a deep breath. "Ok, well it all started the first day of pre-k-"^Flash back^
I just got off the bus from my first day of pre k, and it was horrible. Everyone made fun of my short hair and called me a boy. I have no friends, and someone punched me in the eye, and didn't even get in trouble. "Hello mistake." "Hello sir." I say and walk up to my so called father, even though I look nothing like him. He's a very dark color, and I'm as white as a ghost. "How was school?" "Horrible." He gave me a look that scared the crap out of me. "We paid a lot of money for that school, so from this day forward, you will have A GOOD DAY!" He says and slaps me really hard in the face. And than he starts kicking me hard in the stomach. "Sir-r please stop!" But it didn't stop, at least not till after 10 minutes of it. "Go die you horrible mistake." And than he just walks away. I ran up stairs to the best of my abilities. I look up on my moms computer 'how to stop emotional pain'. The best one that came up was to cut. So I went into the bathroom, grabbed the spare razors my mom had, and started to cut my arm with it. Life is going to be hard, isn't it?
^End of flashback^
Max's POV
"Hey shorty, wanna know something?" She nods her head, and whips away the tears she did shed. "I went though the same shit, like almost actually." She looks at me with shock. I nod my head and explain my story right to when I almost died the one night with Neil. She looked sad and happy at the same time. Well not so much happy, but relived the she's not the only one who went though all this shit. "So big hair, I'm just like you?" "You're just like me shorty. Wanna know something funny?" She smirks and shakes her head yes. "Neil calls me shorty because I'm so short, and was really short. So we're almost the same there too." I say and wink at her. She starts to die of laughter, Preston runs into when she starts laughing and picks her up.Preston POV
"Put me down CD." I giggle, and shake my head no. She huffs and try's to get out of my grip, but I just hold on tighter, and smile. "Come on Pres! I want to be let go!" "Fine~" I say with a huff and let her down. Once she's down on the floor, she almost falls. "Nerris, what's wrong?" She can barely talk, but I make out a faint nothing, before she passes out. "Dad!" Dad comes running in and grabs her, than a look I don't quite understand comes on his face. "Max, she's so light." Than that same look comes on daddy's face, and they run to the car. "HEY GUYS! WAIT UP!" I say and start running to the car as well. "What's wrong with her?" I ask once I get in the car. "You're a little to young to understand bud, but don't worry, she'll be ok, I was." And than he turns around and helps watch the road with dad.^Once at the hospital^
Max's POV
We grab her from the car and bring her inside. We walk up to the desk, and ask for help. They see Nerris in our arms, and take her to a room. "Max, when do you think is the last time she ate?" I look at him and than turn to Preston, who's about to cry. "Hey Pres, bud, did Nerris eat today? Or yesterday even?" I ask, Boeing she won't have eaten anything at home due to her parents. He shakes his head, unable to talk, so now I know she hasn't eaten anything in the past month, if she's so much like me. "Remember when you found you found out I wasn't eating?" He nods his head. "Do you know what that means for Nerris?" He nods his head again, and starts to bite his nails. So now we play the waiting game.David's POV (it's been a while)
We had just got a call from Max, and now we're on our way to the hospital to be there for them. That poor kid, she reminds me of Max, he explained everything to me. This kid has been going though shit she shouldn't be going though. We had gotten to the hospital, and in the waiting room, we see a crying Preston, and a worried looking Max and Neil. "Hey guys!" I say trying to lighten the mood with my happy go lucky spirit. "Grandpa!" Preston comes running at me crying, I pick him up and hug him. "She's going to be ok, right?" "Well your dad is here, isn't he?" He shakes his head and starts to fall asleep in my arms.Qwen's POV
"Hey mom." Max comes over looking completely drained of emotion. I bring him into a hug, and drag him to a coach in the waiting room, and let him cry. "Mom, I can't help her! What if she's like me, and that's all she needs?" "Shh, Max, you're doing the right thing, right now." "But Preston-" "Shh, he's ok. Look." I say and nod over to Preston and David. He lets out a sigh of relief, and starts to fall asleep on my lap.Neil's POV
I'm so glad they're sleeping, they both need it. God I hope Nerris will be ok, I mean Max was. We're just going to have to adopt her, and I know Preston likes her. So they can still date, because they're not biological. So it just works out for everyone.Preston's POV
She'll be ok, she can't leave me. Not yet, there's so much we haven't done! She'll be ok, I know she will.A.N.~God I'm so fucking tired. So this AN isn't going to be long, so Bye~

What's The Point
FanfictionA camp camp story! When Max gets back from Camp Campbell, he goes back to his abusive parents, who don't give a shit about him. After a few days of being there, he's had enough, and runs back to the closed camp. When David goes there to check the ca...