Max's POV
On a weekly basis I usually get up to 8 hours if I'm lucky. So don't get to much sleep, I usually pretend to sleep whenever Neil tells me to sleep because it's not good to stay up late. But once I know he's fully asleep I usually turn the tv and watch this show about these three kids who cause havoc in there camp, it reminded me of us at camp, they even had similar names! There was the one who was there first and hated everything, Maddie, than the one who loves the out doors,Nick, and then the nerd, Nancy. It was like us, but the genders were switched, it was pretty cool. But tonight wasn't any different from the nights before, it was about 1:30 when Neil told me I had to sleep, so I was pretending of sleep. Than I felt Neil's breathing change and I knew he was asleep. I always sleep on the side closest to the tv, saying I prefer it here because it was most comfortable. I know Neil's a very deep sleeper so I could watch tv without him waking up. So I turns on Camps, and began watching season 3.David's POV
I was still up because I couldn't sleep to night, but I was also nervous because I had helped Neil set up nanny cams in their room, because he was suspicious of Max's sleeping schedule. I don't blame him, I know Max doesn't really sleep, but there was nothing I could do to stop him. I can't make him sleep, I mean I could but it would involve having to give him medicine, and he probably wouldn't take it willingly. It would be a whole hug process I don't really have the time for. So here I sit, unable to sleep. "Babe, you need to sleep, it's not healthy to not have your full 8 hours." "You sounds like Neil with Max." She all of a sudden sits up, "Is Max not sleeping at night?" I shrug because I don't actually know if it true. "I don't know, that's what Neil is telling me, and he sleeps with Max at night." She gets out of bed and puts on her rob and slippers. "Where are you going?" "To check on Max." And with that she leaves the room.Qwen's POV
I had walked down to Max and Neil's room, and just like David said, there he was still up at 4:00 in the morning watching tv. I stand in the door with my hands on my hips. "Heeeeey mom! How's it going?" "Come on." He gives me a confused look, so I walk over to him and pick him up. "Qwen! What are you doing!? NEIL HELP!" He yells as I carry him down the hall, and by the time we get to mine and David's room, Neil is running after us. "What is happening! Why is max screaming for help!?" "Go back to bed Neil, I'm just making sure Max gets more than an hour of sleep." "Oh ok, night max I love you." "YOU'RE NOT EVEN GOING TO HELP ME!?" "Nope you need sleep!" Max sits on the bed and pouts, saying every 5 second that we can't make him sleep. David brings him into a hug and he automatically starts to fall asleep. I forgot he did that. I crawl back in bed and fall back asleep, knowing everyone is now asleep.^In the morning^
Max's POV
I'm a woken to the sound of Neil screaming my name around the house. I than try to get out of my bed, wondering why he's in such a panic. I than start to panic because for some reason, somethings holding me down in bed. "NEIL HELP!!" And than the thing holding me down wakes up. "Max! Max calm down! It's just me!" And it let's go, I look up and see it's just David. I start to calm down, why was I even in their room? " Why the fuck am I in here camp man!" "I brought you in here last night so you finally get some fucking rest. Your welcome you little shit." I hear you Qwen say. "I want to be with Neil." And it's like he could hear me because he came running in. "Max! You're ok!" And he brings me into a hug, witch is what I need right now. "Can we just go eat breakfast?" "Of course." And he picks me up, like he always does in the morning and carries me down to the kitchen.Neil's POV
Right now I was feeding Max some toaster waffles, because that's still the only way he'll eat. I wasn't complaining, as long as he ate I was good. "Max, are you sleeping at night?" "Yeeeeees..." he dragged out his word, so he's lying. "Max why aren't you sleeping? You need your good eight hours of sleep!" "I do get my healthy amount of sleep, 8 hours..." I look at him with on eyebrow raised. "A day?" He slowly nods his head, once again, I know he's lying. "Max?" "Fine! A week...I get eight hours a week." I stare at him in shock. "A week Max? That's not healthy! Why aren't you sleeping at night?" He shrugs, and I don't know if he's lying or not, I usually always catch when he's lying. But this time, for some reason, I can't tell. "I, umm, this is going to sound really stupid, I need to cuddle up to some one at night, and all you do is kinda hold me..." Ohhh, so it's the fact that he clings to people in his sleep, and he's scared that I'm not comfortable with it! "Max, you could have told me so much sooner! I would have gladly let you snuggle me, or me snuggle you! I'm your boyfriend for crying out load." He smiles, god I fall in love with him again every time I see that cute little smile of his. I bring him into a hug, "I love you Max." "I love you too Neil." And this time he kisses me firstDavid's POV
Qwen is still really worried about Max. Neil had walked and looked like her needed to tell us something. "I found out why Max wasn't sleeping, and I know how to fix it!" He says with a huge smile on his face. "Well tell us you little twerp you!" "I was not snuggling him probably. He thought I'd be uncomfortable with him clinging to me like he does to you two, so he wouldn't do it, witch meant he was getting little to no sleep each night." I almost start laughing, does he like to snuggle that much? I knew he loved to snuggle, and he liked human contact. "Well thank you Neil, that was very helpful of you to tell us!" He nods and heads back to Max. And than start to talk with Qwen.A.N.~ I actually wrote this chapter last night, because I'm going to the mall with LPSsophiaPaw today! So I thought might as well get it done tonight! It's not like my family wants to spend time with me anyway, I spend most of my days in my room. Not that I'm complaining, I like it. I feel safe in my room! But I'll stop talking now. Bye~

What's The Point
FanfictionA camp camp story! When Max gets back from Camp Campbell, he goes back to his abusive parents, who don't give a shit about him. After a few days of being there, he's had enough, and runs back to the closed camp. When David goes there to check the ca...