It has been a few years, and Neil and Max are now 20. They still love each other and are actually engaged. They were going out for their 10th year anniversary when something horrible happens.Max's POV
Neil had taken me to a very fancy restaurant for our 10th year anniversary, and so far it was going really well. I had gotten up to use the bathroom, oh did I meant that we've moved out of David and Qwen's house? We live one or two houses away from them, I told Neil I wanted to stay close to my parents. When I had gotten back from the bathroom, I made my way back to my table with a huge smile on my face. What I saw next made my smile disappear, Neil was there, kissing our waiter. Without another thought, I run out crying, I start running, not knowing where exactly I'm going. Before I know it I'm at my parent's house. I walk up and knock on the door, "Hello?" "Dad, can I crash here tonight? I had a fight with Neil..." David see's me crying and brings me inside. "QWEN!" Qwen came running down stairs, "Yes dav-" She sees me and runs over, they're still a lot taller than me, I'm extremely short. "What happened baby?" She asks while hugging me. "Neil and I were on a date for our 10th year anniversary, and I found him-him, KISSING OUR WAITRESS!!" I say crying harder remembering it. David looks pissed and Qwen just holds me closer. "Where is he?" I shrug. "He might still be at the restaurant..." "What restaurant?" "Johnny D's Restaurant..." (I totally just looked up fancy restaurants on google, found this one, and copy and pasted it 😂) David than grabs their car keys and leaves. I don't care right now, all I want is to truly die. Has he really been playing with my emotions for that long, just to hurt me?Neil's POV
I push this woman off me. "What The Fuck! Why did you kiss me!?" "You seemed like you needed a special someone~" I give her a death glare. "I have a special someone, it's the person I brought WITH ME!" She looks at me with shock. "You're gay!? Gross!" I roll my eyes and go to get up to get Max from the bathroom, when David walked in. "Hey David why are yo-" Before I could finish he slaps me in the face and drags me outside. "WHAT THE FUCK DAVID!! MAX IS STILL IN THERE!" "No he's not you dick bag. Max is at our house right now because you cheated on him, and on your anniversary!" (Underline means David's scary voice) I look at him in shock, Max saw that? "I swear I didn't kiss her, nor kiss her, I pushed her back and yelled at her!"Qwen's POV
Max said he wanted to go for a walk, and I let him because I knew he was hurting right now, and he probably needed some alone time. So I was sitting on the coach, waiting for David to get home. How could Neil do that to Max? They were so close, and always have been. It just surprises me. All of a sudden Neil and David run in here. "Where's Max!?" "You have some nerve asking that after what you did! And he went for a walk." "David explain the shit to her, I have to go say my fiancé." And than he runs out.Max's POV
Here I sit, on the edge of a bridge, ready to jump. I set my phone down witch had my suicide note on it. This is where me and Neil would aways go, just to get out the house. I used to love it here, but now here is where I die. I sit there for another minute, thinking, this was the point. There was no point in all the other I shit I did, this was my point. To die. And the funny thing is, I've planed this day sense I was 12, nothing was getting better and I knew Neil would eventually stop loving me. So here is where I planned you my death. I start to stand getting ready to finally jump. "MAX DON'T DO IT PLEASE!!" I turn around and see Neil running at me from the distance. I shack my head, and whisper, "Go be happy." And than I jump into the water.Neil's POV
I had watched him fall, and I was too far away to do anything. But there was a chance of saving him! I run down with my phone in hand,Operator: 911, what's your emergency?
Neil:Send help! My fiancé just jump off Dan Bridge! It was a suicide attempt!
Operator: Ok sir we need you to stay clam, we're sending help now. Can you get him out of the water?
Neil:Yes but I need to leave my phone on the beach.
Operator:ok sir, I need you to do that, but don't hang up the call.
Neil:Ok I got him, now what?
Operator:Make sure he's still breathing.
Neil:Ok, he is but very slowly.
Neil:I hear sirens, I think they here. HELP! WE'RE OVER HERE! Ok they got him, I have to call his parents, thank you for helping me.
Operator:No problem sir, now stay safe.
^End of call^
Neil's POV
I was now calling David and Qwen to tell them that Max was on his way to the hospital, and to meet me there. They say ok and hang up the phone. Max is strong, he'll be ok, right?David POV
I knew something bad was going to happen, but I didn't expect this! I just expect him to start cutting again, or to not come out of his room for a month or two, or him stop eating. But I never expected suicide! I grab the keys and head out to the car with Qwen, Max is a strong kid, he's my son, he can make it through this, right?Qwen's POV
I was an emotional mess when we got to the hospital. I had apologized to Neil for being so cruel, because it wasn't his fault he cheated on Max. I then I sit there, thinking, I should have never let him go on that walk, at least not by himself. I'm such a bad mom, what if he doesn't make it? I shack my head, getting rid of those thoughts, I have to stay positive. Max is a very strong kid, he's my piece of shit, he's my son. He has to make it though it, right?Max's POV
I can still hear and feel. I should be dead, right?A.N.~AHHH! So good! So I don't really have any drama tonight, so basically this is it, yeah. Bye~

What's The Point
FanfictionA camp camp story! When Max gets back from Camp Campbell, he goes back to his abusive parents, who don't give a shit about him. After a few days of being there, he's had enough, and runs back to the closed camp. When David goes there to check the ca...