Part 27-The End

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Nerris's POV
It's been years, me and Preston are both 25, and we have a kid. We named her Jaden, but we usually call her pumpkin. Today is her third birthday, so she's running around the house all crazy like. "Mommy when's daddy ganna be home?" "He'll be home soon sweetie, he went to get your gift." She starts to jump up and down. I remember when I always stopped Preston when he did that. I giggle to myself. "Mommy can I go get me Girlfrind now?" I turn around quickly, "Sweetie I didn't know you were gay!" She looks at me and nods. "Well yes, she's the neighbor, yes?" She nods her head and puts her shoes on and runs out the door. I smile and hear the door open again. "Hey Honey, where was Jaden going?" "To get her girlfriend." "I KNEW SHE WAS GAY!" It's funny because Preston grew up but he didn't actually grow up, he's still childish and cute. "Oh hey, is dad coming?" He nods his head and goes to rape Jaden's gift. Jaden comes running into the house with a little girl, I'd say about the same age, with blonde hair, she looks very shy. "Mom! This is Annabella! She's my girlfriend." She whispers I small hello, and I wave at her and continue to make Jaden's cake.

*Time Skip*

We were all around the table singing happy birthday. She blew the candles out and I set the cake aside because she already wanted her presents. Dad was also here now, he had a gift as well, she opened his first. In it was a very light colored pink bear. "Look at his bottom, pumpkin." Her eyes went wide and checked, it was something that looked a music box winder. "Dad what is that?" Preston asks. "Its a music box, it will help her sleep at night." Jaden than takes it and turns the music box on, it played a very soft melody, Annabella soon started to look at it too. The music was calming, surprisingly it calmed Jaden down a lot, making her extremely less hyper. I look over at Preston, he looked at Jaden sweetly. I look at her again, I think to myself 'yeah, this will be her new favorite thing"

*Time Skip*

Preston's POV
"Thanks dad, for coming. She seems to really like your gift." I look over at her, she's has been winding up the bear, listening to it , and than winding it again. "Of course Preston, I love her. She's just like you with the personality," he looks over at Nerris "and looks like you with her hair and clothes." We all laugh at what he says.
Max's POV
"You know, life was ruff for all of us. Me with my biological parents, than having to go live your your grandparents. Preston, your other father pushing you out of his life," I see Preston put his head down, "you Nerris, with the same problems I had as a child, making it so you moved in with her," her head also goes down, tears spike in her, "But, if none of that would have happened, we wouldn't have her." We all look at Jaden, by this time, she's basically asleep due to the music. Preston speaks up "You know what dad, you're completely right. Oh and dad." He looks me in the eyes, I can tell he's getting emotional. "I know we all questioned, 'What's the point' but" I look at Nerris now, I grab her hand, "I've realized, there is a point."

The End

A.N.~ So here is the official end guys. I definitely worked hard on this book, and I'm so sorry it took me over a year to get this out. I've been having such a ruff time getting my mental health together, and I'm still trying to fix it. But someone actually reached out to me and asked me to finish this book. I didn't realize people liked this book so much. Thank you guys SO much! It means the world to me! I hope you guys like the ending. But this is the end of the book. So yeah, I might start writing my other book again, so if you're a fan of Sanders Sides, go read that book too! You guys are great, so bye! ❤️

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