Part 23~Makeover

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Preston's POV
Once we got to the mall, the first place we went was the hair dressers, she said we could dye our hair! I chose green, because that's my favorite color, but what I didn't expect was for Nerris to chose blue. I thought she would have chosen something like brown or another dark color. Once we chose our hair colors, we go sit to get it done. Once our hair is done, we go to the clothing shop, where Jaden and Sophia take Nerris to pick out clothes, while Nick take me.

Nerris's POV
"How about this one?" I look at her with a glare I wish could burn that dress. "I told you, no dresses!" Sophia walks up with a really cute top that has a cat of the front, but a little short, and a pair of really short shorts, and a cute pair of high socks. "How bout this?" I shack my head and grab it out of her hand. Once I put it on, I walk out to show Jaden and Sophia. "OMG!! I love it!" I start to blush and say whatever. Preston and Nick walk over, and Preston looks really cute. He has a shirt the looks like a tux, but it's not a tux, pants that has like orange flames on the bottom and a cute little hat. "Nerris! You look adorable!" "Whatever, I'm not cute or adorable." He just roles his eyes and tells me to pose with him so we can show Jaden and the others our outfit together. I do so and even smile a little, Jaden starts to squeal and turns around and looks at Sophia and Nick. "You two next!" They role their eyes, but agree to do it. Jaden gives me and Preston $20 to go play at the arcade or whatever. We take the money and head to the candy store. Once we get there, our eyes grow huge, there's candy everywhere! And they're having a $1 sale today.

 Preston's POV This place is full of candy! Nerris walks over to the bubblegum section, I walk over there with her

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Preston's POV
This place is full of candy! Nerris walks over to the bubblegum section, I walk over there with her. There are huge buckets of bubblegum, each bucket a dollar. So what dose Nerris do? Go gets a cart, and gets 20 buckets of bubblegum, than walks up to me and says done. I start laughing, and do the same, because we really like bubblegum. Once we pay, we go find Jaden and the other to see if they're done. We get to the clothing store, and see Jaden, Sophia and Nick, all paying for their stuff. They look really good!

(It's way to complicated to explain their outfits, so I'm not going to)

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(It's way to complicated to explain their outfits, so I'm not going to)

Nerris's POV
"Ok guys, me and Preston have to go home before our dad's have a heart attack." Jaden nods her head and takes us home. Once we get inside, we're greeted with Neil, standing in the doorway. His face goes from worried, to shocked, to angry. "What did you do to your hair!!" Max then comes in and sees our hair, and complements us. "Neil, calm down. It's their hair." Neil breathes, and just walks out. "I'm going to take a shower." I than walk out and head to the bathroom to take a shower

Max's POV
I walk over to Neil to calm him down. "Why are you so angry about this?" He just shrugs, and looks me dead in the eyes, with a look I don't like. "I want a divorce Max." I just freeze, and I look down, and he threw papers on the table. He's been planning this? "Sign them, I already have most of my stuff packed, and my girlfriend is coming to pick me up." He than walks out and leaves me there to sign the papers. I sign them and throw all his stuff that's down stairs out the door. Once he walks down stairs, I had him the papers and give him a look that could kill someone if looks could kill. "Leave." He than takes the papers, and leaves. "Hey Big hair, where's Neil going?" I just shake my head and walk up to my room.

Nerris's POV
That was weird, I should probably call David.

David: Hello?

Nerris: I need you over here, Max isn't doin so hot.

David: We'll be over in 5

Nerris: Thanks

Now that I got David coming I have to go find Preston.

David's POV (it's been awhile David)
I get Qwen, and tell her we need to head to Max's. She doesn't say anything, she just agrees and goes and gets in the car. On our way over, we see another car, and Neil's in it, but he's kissing another girl. Oh god, Max! I start to speed through everything, and surprisingly don't get caught by the cops. I run inside and hear Preston and Nerris scream. I run upstairs and what I see next breaks my heart. There Max is, hanging from the ceiling, his head in a makeshift noose. I drop to my knees and bring Nerris and Preston into a hug. "Daddy's going to be ok, right?" "Not this time buddy, not this time." Nerris then drops to the ground and starts to sob. "Nerris honey, we have to leave."

Nerris's POV
"NO! HE CAN'T BE DEAD!" Max can't die, it's too early, we had so much to do still. We had life to go though, why would Max do this? I run into the room where he hangs, I than shut and lock the door. I hear banging but I don't care, I get home down and start to try and save him. I put my ear to his chest, HE'S STILL BREATHING!! I can still save home! I start to do CPR, and it's working, he's breathing more and more by the minute. And then his eyes open. "DAD!" "Preston?" I shake my head and don't let go of him. "Nerris let go of me." I shake my head no, so he picks me up, unlocks the door, and walks out. "DAD!" "Max!?"

"Hey guys."

A. N.~ Hey guys, how's y'alls day?

Good, I mean unless it was bad, than I'm sorry, we all have bad days, and I wish I could help. I mean if you want my help, you can message me on Wattpad. But I should stop rambling, this is the end, Bye~

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