Part 13~Nerris and Preston

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Narrator's POV
It has been another few years, Neil and Max are now 25, and have a kid named Preston.

Neil's POV
"But dad, I don't wanna go to school! You didn't even have school as a kid..." I think to myself, yeah that's only because the author was to lazy to write a school chapter. "Well I'm sorry Preston, but you need to go weather you like it or not." He crosses his arms and huffs. Just as he's doing that, Max's comes down, looking like a hot mess. "Morning babe." "Morning Max." "DADDY! Tell dad I don't have to go to school!" He shakes his head, and comes over to me because I have his coffee. "But that's totally unfair!" He shrugs and drinks his coffee. "Oh well." I start to laugh, I forget how sassy Max is in the morning.

Preston's POV
I can't believe I have to go to school! This is totally unfair. "Ok well here's your lunch, go to school and have a good day." I grab my lunch and make my way out to the bus stop. Three other 5 year olds are standing there waiting for the bus. "Hi, I'm Preston!" They all role their eyes and turn away from me. Ok rude much. I get on the bus once it gets here, and sit in the front alone. After a few stops I start to lose hope on making friends. "Umm, is this seat being saved or something?" I hear a little girl say, I shack my head and she sits next to me. "So what's your deal?" "No one wants to be friends with me..." She almost looks worried for a minute but than brings here straight face back. "Whatever wimpy, I'll be your friend." My eyes light up, I finally found a friend! "Cool! My names Preston, what's yours?" "Nerris." Let me describe her, she's wearing a dark pink sweatshirt, with with black ripped jeans. She seems pretty cool! But is summer I wonder why she's wearing a sweatshirt?

Nerris's POV
This kid it cute, I like him. I think he said his name was Preston? "Hey Nerris, why are you wearing a hoodie in summer?" I was afraid of this answer, you see I have a pretty bad home life, and by that I mean my parents abuse me and I cut. And I know you're all probably going to be like

Oh no, a little five year old cutting? How do they even know about that?

Well spare me the shit, life sucks and I know it. "Umm Nerris? I asked you a question..." "Oh right sorry, I'm just always cold, and I hate not being in my sweatshirt." I say shrugging. He nods his head and we sit in silence until we get to school.

^At school^

Preston's POV
"What teacher did you get? I got Mr.Fish!" She nods here head as to say same or something like that. I start to jump up and down, happy I finally made a friend. "Will you calm your shit? There are other people." She says, right as I'm about to bump into a person. "Oops, sorry!" They were already walking away, must be they have better stuff to do. We walk in to class and she goes and sits in the back. My dads told me to sit in the front, but I want to sit with my friend. So I walk to the back and sit down right next to her! "Why'd you sit next to me? Don't you want to make better friends?" I shake my head no, "I want to sit next to my best friend!" I say with a huge smile on my face. She now has a small smile on her face, and it's so cute! I can't believe my crush is my best friend. I mean that's how it went with dad and daddy, right? I shake my head and pay attention to what the teacher is saying. (If I stop at "saying" the number is 666 😏)

^After class^

Nerris's POV
I was about to walk out of class when Preston stopped me. "Want to come to my house!?" I shrug and say sure, I mean my parents won't care, if anything they'll be happy. He starts to jump again, and I have to stop him again. We walk to the bus and sit in the same seat as this morning. After a while we get off at his stop, and walk into his house. "DAD! DADDY!" "Why did you call your dad twice?" All of a sudden, two guys come to where we're standing. "How was school Preston?" "Yeah little shit, and who's the shorty over there?" I fold my arms my arms, he's right Preston is like 1 1/2 feet taller than me. "This is Nerris! She's my best friend!" God damn with him and the jumping! I stop him again, afraid he'll fall. "What's with the sweatshirt shorty?" I look at the shortest male and give him a sassy look. "I could ask the same thing to you big hair." He smirks, "Good choice Preston, you got the sassy one. I like you." I huff and look away. "So what's your names?" I ask actually wanting to know their names, even though I'll probably call the one with the sweatshirt on big hair forever. "I'm Neil and this is Max." The tall one, Neil, says. I nod my head, and look at Max. "I'm still calling you big hair." "And I'm still calling you shorty." I huff and Preston grabs my hand, I start to blush and he starts to pull me. "Come on, let's go to my room!"

Max's POV
"What if she's a bad influence on Preston?" I look at Neil, because we've been having this argument for the last ten minutes. "Was I on you?" He looks down. "That's what I thought." And go to make coffee. I actually wonder why shorty was wearing a sweatshirt, could she be like I was?

A.N.~ IM BACK BABY! And I will be for a while! I've missed writing! And I'm happy to say that this book is now on a everyday update schedule again! I'm so happy I got over my shit! Thanks for being so supportive guys! But this is the end of this chapter, Bye~

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