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After his fight with Naruto where he finally decided that his revenge was done and over with and his right arm was gone and a transplanted arm was inserted. As he layed in that Hospital bed after the surgery.

Sasuke finally notice that he had nothing that inspired him.

Not his friendship with that blond Dobe, not his wife whom he married thinking that she finally deserved some happiness for not giving up on him.

Not his promise to keep the Leaf safe for his brother who gave up absolutely everything including his life for the Leaf Village.


Sasuke stared at the sunset as he waited for the Kazekage, Gaara.

He listened to the noise the pen made and he waited. He was not ready to hear what ever it was that he was assigned now.

He got his scroll from Naruto telling him to go help Gaara since all Sasuke was really doing was helping out whomever he could as he traveled from place to place never staying to long.

He loved the freedom he thought that that was all he really wanted but not even doing that made him feel alive.

Most of the time he felt like he was just walking and not ever stopping to notice anything around him. The faces, the places, the scenario, were just zooming by while he looked straight yet not seeing anything at all.

He had eyes, he could see yet he couldn't. He had skin yet he felt nothing. Not the wind, or the rain, not the sun. He had a voice yet he hardly used it. And he finally asked himself when was the last time he talked?

When he said goodbye to Naruto and yet that felt like a century ago. Might as well have been, 8 months to be exact going on 9.

Almost a year, but he still traveled. Now that he's close to the Leaf village well the closest he's been since he left.

He still decided that he truly still didn't care for it much.

His new built estate in the Uchiha district was finished as the letter said. His big compound that he started more than a year ago was finally done but not even that was appealing to step back into the gates of the Great Leaf Village.

"Sasuke are you willing to stay. I know you've been gone from your wife for a while now. I understand if you wish to go back, we are still not done with all the information that we need to take the clan down, but we hope it will be sooner with your help."

Sasuke stared at the sunset as it just got lower and lower and finally it was gone and darkness took over.

Sasuke didn't even turn to face the Kazekage his eyes just moved to acknowledge him and he nodded once and his signature "Hn" followed.

Gaara stared at the lifeless shinobi infront of him. His oversized poncho covering him and a rag covering his head, with only one eye visible.

He was present for his trail, along with the rest of the Kages, he gave the winning vote for him to spend one year in Jail and then one more on parole. Instead of the first two sentences which was death, or in jail for the rest of his life.

He knew from Narutos letters that he had married their pink haired teammate that had been after Sasuke for years. But not even a month after he was married did he leave her and go travel. Just as Naruto said, he was a lifeless shinobi now.

He was like a spirit that was unable to crossover because he had unfinished business, yet he was lost at the same time, looking for something, yet not knowing what that something is.

"Your room is ready I'll take you myself to the Inn near by you can get settled."

Sasuke only nodded once, after the Inn was mentioned did he notice just how exhausted his body was.

Sasuke didn't ask why he was escorted maybe the Kazekage just didn't trust him around his village and amongst his people or maybe he just wanted a walk himself from being cooped up in the office.

Sasuke decided that he didn't care and just wanted to lay down and sleep for a while.

The two quiet shinobi walked silently people around acknowledge the Kazekage as they walked home it was already night so there really weren't that many people around.

As they walked into the Inn Gaara gave Sasuke the key and said "room 14" and then walked away on his way back to his office.

Sasuke stared at the clerk as he bowed and motioned with his arm for Sasuke follow so he did.

Once they got to the room the clerk left and Sasuke unlocked it. He was surprised to find steaming food ready in a small table beside a window. His bed was big and it had a red blanket over it and tucked in each corner well.

The room itself was big with a huge rug smack in the center.

Sasuke closed the door and walked to another door guessing and hoping that it were Bathroom and it sure was, with a double sink, and a shower and an already full bathtub that had steam coming out of it. He could only guess that it had something to do with Naruto placing an order or a favor from his friend the Kazekage to have something like this ready for him.

He decided that the food could wait he had some dried meat that he ate a few hours back and the bath was what he decided was a bigger priority at the moment.

He took of his clothes and got under the shower letting the warm water run down his hair first and then come in contact with his back and skin. He finally hunched slightly forward and leaned in the wall with one hand holding him up. He finally felt the impact of traveling for so long without a well needed warm shower.

It felt good to have a nice warm shower after taking baths and washing up with cold water in the rivers, and ponds, Occasionally wells.

He sighed and grabbed the bar of soap and finished washing up his taunt muscles his greasy hair and his face.

He finally was finished washing up, turning off the shower he walked to the steaming bathtub and dipped one leg then his whole body and he sighed relaxing and closing his eyes.

He groaned as he heard a knock but he just ignored it since he had already noticed that someone had stopped outside his room door. He was hoping that the person passing would simply just pass by.

"Uchiha-Dono I w-was instructed to leave spear clothes here for you, so I will just leave them on the bed.
S-s-sorry for the intrusion have a good night."

Sasuke heard the door open he listened as the soft footsteps lead to were the bed was, something thudded against the bed and then the footsteps left back towards the door. The door creaked a little as it closed.

Even as Sasuke knew that the sand was in very close friendship with the leaf that did not mean that he was still not hated.

He was listening Incase the steps lead to his food that was out in the open but that was still much further away from where the person just was.

He never let it pass by him that at any possible chance someone could try to poison him.

Sasuke yawned and relaxed even more submerging further into the warm water and his chin mouth was covered also. He stared at the clear water and thought if after finishing here in the sand if he should go back to the Leaf?

"8 months huh." He thought.

Yayyy done so I hope this is a good story I've been thinking long and hard on a new plot and I was watching Jane the Virgin a while back and then I saw it on my Netflix as I scrolled down and I started thinking that that is actually a good plot huh😘😘💖

So here we are now lmao 😂

Let me know what you think guys 🥰

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Littlebear🐻🐻 out ✌🏼✌🏼🤟🏼

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