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No one POV

"It hurts to be forgotten like this!"

Sasuke stared beside him at the figure with silver hair.

"Hn you were busy."

Kakashi eyed his cold hearted student.

"Doesn't mean you couldn't have sent a small message."

"Undercover remember."

Kakashi sighed and stared at Sasuke.


Sasuke didn't bother to turn and just eyed his Sensei, he already knew Naruto wouldn't waste one second, while in the presence of Kakashi, always spilling his guts out.

Kakashi sighed at Sasukes cold behavior. (He will never change) Kakashi thought.

With a big sigh he decided to talk first.

"My deep condolence on your divorce, and my congratulations on your up coming wedding.... oh and a baby huh."

Sasuke blew out a deep breath and watched as the cloud of air disappear.


"Naruto told me EVERYTHING!"

Sasuke eyed Kakashi at the last word he said with a hint of disbelief.

"Hn I did set the marriage for a year for a reason. I couldn't see myself back here."

"Yet you are back here. And to stay! since you took up a job already."

Sasuke stared at the bunny behind the tree. His ears moved to hear and his nose smelled the air and he turned around and hoped right back into the trees and disappeared along with the white snow.


Kakashi sighed and turned to look at his student. His hair long and covered his eyes.His dark cloak mixing with his dark Onyx hair and his pale skin standing out among all the darkness.

"We've decided to have a team gathering-."

"Count me out."

"-with just us men."

Sasuke glanced at Kakashi at the last part and then looked away.

"I think you should come there are a few things you and Naruto should talk about."

Sasuke roller his eyes.

"Tell the dobe that he really doesn't need to worry about going after her. He's always liked her. Besides it's not like we ever finalized the marriage."

Kakashi began coughing, choking on that bit of saliva, he had been in the process of swallowing.

"You guys never-."

"No Kakashi. I stayed in a separate room."

Kakashi stayed stunned and groaned.

He should have stayed away longer. Now he had to be in the middle Incase all hell broke loose, as his student confessed his deeds.

Then again Sasuke never truly had any interest is Sakura so... he might not even mind that Naruto slept with her.. well hopefully, at least not that much.

Infidelity is infinitely after all.

"So then that means you are still a virgin."


Kakashi stared at Sasuke again in disbelief.

"So was this before or after you were married."


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