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Sasuke frowned as the time ticked by. His focus was on the door to Hinatas room.

They were just a tad bit late and unlike anyone else, he might sort of have a time management issue.

He just liked to arrive on time... most of the time. He wasn't to fond of tardiness.

"Don't get your panties in a twist nii-san!" Hanabi giggled.

She was wearing a formal pink dress that went down a little down her knees. Sasuke rolled his eyes at his sister in laws form of talk.

Unlike her sister who was more careful with her wording, Hanabi could care less on what came out of her mouth.... sometimes.

Unladylike or ladylike Hanabi always said what's on her mind regardless of who was around.

Sasuke was about to ruffle her hair just to make her mad but she quickly dodged it, seeing his hand coming from her peripheral vision.

"Nii-san don't you dare! I was tortured enough with my hair today and don't plan on doing it again!" Hanabi frowned playfully.

Sasuke shook his head trying to contain a smile. They had gotten close for the past months Hinata now at a stable 8 months pregnant was having emotional roller coasters.

Sasuke frowned at what happened just last night.

Hinata had been looking at old academy photos, thanks to Kakashi Sensei providing them for her, and cried her eyes out when there had been one of Sasuke sitting under a tree with a blue lunch box beside him, from what he could tell.

How Kakashi had managed to take that photo without Sasuke remembering was beside him.

Hinata was inconsolable but when Kakashi had escaped stealthy to avoid his wrath or for making her cry/avoid trying to console the crazy crying pregnant lady, either way Sasuke had been mad to find her in such state when he had found her crying that evening.


Sasuke walked out of his study to stretch his legs as he was finishing up his report on his mission.

He had just arrived that morning and collapsed as soon as he had arrived back home, Not bothering to shower or change.

After he woke up that night he had taken a shower and Hinata was still up finishing up the party favors for the early baby shower that was tomorrow.

They- and Sasuke means Ino and Hanabi had wanted to know the gender of the baby and Hinata wanted it to be a surprise.

So after weeks of pestering her, they finally convinced Hinata to have a reveal party for the baby.

For one month they had been planning like crazy, unlike Hinata who was trying to calm the girls down from spending to much on the party, Sasuke had told them to go all out.

When he had said that- he wouldn't go broke for one big party and it was fine with what ever they got,

just to escape from so many questions on the planning of the party! He could care less how the tables would be arranged or for how the napkins should be folded,

it was like he had just dropped a chest full of gold infront of Hanabi and Ino.

So afterward they had both left to tell everyone, so everyone knew the gender except the parents so they could all get gifts and all of that.

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