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Hinata POV

I waited patiently as the test result was being done, I stared at the romance book in my hands. I swear I was reading but I kept zoning out and kept having to go back to the begging since I had no idea what I had read.

The nurse finally came back in with a soft smile, it felt like I was waiting for hours. I took a look at the clock on the wall and it was exactly 30 minutes that I had waited. I'm sure that is only because I gave them 3 samples so they could test it. And hopefully I could maybe then process more clearly the answer given to me.

"Well I have your test results, and we've tested 3 times as you requested, all tests came out the same. You are pregnant!"

I stared at her and nodded once.

I already had a gut feeling I really was. I had been to afraid to check with my Byakugan and to afraid to come in when the two weeks were over so instead I waited until two weeks later. Exactly 4 weeks/ 16 days today.

I sighed out loud and looked at my stomach there was nothing visible as expected but 4 weeks ago when I was told. I woke up feeling something different about myself the next day.

Maybe because I knew? Maybe because I hadn't slept a wink that night and stayed up all night playing my whole life through my mind.

I don't know at the moment what exactly felt so different but what I do know is that I was actually happy, crazy as it may seem, more at peace like a force was telling me that everything would be ok.

I grabbed the paper the nurse handed to me and read over everything as she explained about taking prenatal vitamins for the baby and normal things.

"Now I can't help to see you not that very excited.. I have here a couple of papers that may help you, if you would like a different option. There is adoption and the other is abortion-."

I looked up and quickly stood and shook my head.

"N-no abortion.. I could never. Thank you, I understand the instructions, I will get a doctor and get appointments and everything I have to do, if that's all can I go?"

The nurse smiled and nodded.

"Yes you may. Well congratulations!"

"T-thank you."

I sighed once she walked out and ran a hand through my hair and walked out and directly towards the Hokage tower.

I stood outside the door and took a deep breath before knocking.

I smiled at Shikamaru as he opened the door.

"Yo, what brings you by Hinata."

"Hello Shikamaru I've come to speak to Naruto if I may."

Shikamaru nodded and opened the door wider and I quickly noticed Narutos concentrated face as he was writing, reading, stamping and then doing the same all over on the next paper.

I walked in slowly and stood infront of his desk. After a minute he slowly sighed and put his pen down and lifted his head to stare at me.

I stared back and I wondered why even after so long, and even with what I know, I feel like running away and hiding behind a tree, door, or wall something so he won't see me, but that I can still be able to glance at him.

It seems like he has always been out of reach for me. And I've always been to afraid to reach for him.

"Hey Hinata! what can I do for you?"

I stared at him smile carelessly and felt a little betrayed why didn't he tell me. Was everything Sakura said true?


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