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Sasukes POV

I groaned as Naruto drank and slurred his words, then proceeded to bang his head on the table.

" I'm sorry, t-t- HIC the guilt is e-eating me up!"

Sasuke raised a brow and looked at Naruto as he turned his way while his head was still pressed on the table.

"The r-room is spinning HIC I-I'm not sure how i-it started? one minute were talking t-then kissing and the next we end up sleeping together? And then we-we just didn't stop. I knew it was wrong you-know what's worse.. I had hoped h-he never found out about Hinata o-only because I-I wasn't ready to confront him...and that Hinata ended p-pregnant was partly my fault! I I think I've lost my brother Kakashi what should I-I do..."

Sasuke stared at Naruto with his drink frozen mid way.

He stared as the blond closed his eyes and snored away. Tears left his eyes and fell on the table.

Sasuke finally put his drink down and stared at his friend. That's what has been eating him up huh.

"Yo am I late for the party?"

Sasuke didn't bother to look up at his ex Sensei. His eyes fixated on Naruto snoring with a frown on his face.

"Did you know"

Kakashi looked towards Sasuke as he pored himself a drink of sake.

"Depends on what you mean."

"Naruto and Sakura."

Kakashi blew out a breath and downed the drink. No matter how many times he drinks the bitter taste stilled burned and as it warmed his body he remembered why he likes to drink once in a while.

"I just found out, he called for me."

Sasuke turned to Kakashi and grabbed the bottle poring himself sake. He was originally drinking water but that was quickly replaced.

"You don't care? Do you?"

Sasuke grimaced and shook his head as an unpleasant image regarding the blond and pink haired was on his mind for only a second.

What would he grab on to? There was no meat on those bones.

Sasuke closed his eyes not to be mean he thought.

"Why did you marry her in the first place."

Sasuke tapped his finger on his cup and pored himself another drink downing it before talking.

The sake quickly clouding his mind. He shook it of. No so little sake can't take him down just yet.

"When she asked I saw a broken woman. A woman I had hurt all by myself. She was miserably and it was my fault. I guess I felt...bad. I never gave her a clear answer I guess she took it the wrong way... well in her clouded judgment the correct way... I let it happen when I shouldn't have. But I did have a say 1 year she would get to be what she wanted. She would understand what being with me would be like."

"So you left... what makes Hinata different?"

Sasuke poured more sake and downed it in one go. His teeth clenched.

"I'll let you know when I find the answer myself."

Kakashi tilted his head at the ceiling.

"I'm getting to old for this." Cracking his neck he massaged it. "Have you been sleeping?"

Sasuke shook his head. His insomnia was as bad as ever.

"How's the new job."

"A pain" he frowned "that idiot had nothing in order."

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