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Noones POV

Sasuke walked out after showering and doing his morning routine to find his wife laughing, and holding onto her stomach, with tears in her eyes, as Ino talked about who knows what.

"It's true I was so embarrassed. I quickly walked out who would have known that she was lesbian and into Ten-Ten. Poor Ten-Ten didn't know where to hide!"

Hinata chuckled some more and then wiped her eyes with a tissue. Her cheeks were bright red from the laughter.

Hinatas eyes wondered towards Sasuke and she smiled.

"Sasuke, Ino came to pay us a visit!"


Ino rolled her eyes and sipped her cup of tea, while giving a wave.

"Goodmorning to you to grumpy pants!"

Sasuke ignored her and went towards the next room which was the dinning room. The table was all set up.

He sat down and before he could start eating a cup was placed infront of him.

"This herb tea will help with headaches. If you did do an all-nighter you might have a head ache."

Sasuke eyed Hinata and his eyes wondered down again to her stomach for a brief second.

"Nothing I can't handle." He grumbled out.

Hinata didn't mind his grumpiness with how much work he has. It's new for him. He who has always been a ninja traveling around, and doing missions, instead of being stuck in one room doing endless paperwork.

"I understand, and I don't doubt that it's anything you can't handle, but you have been at it for weeks besides, I'm sure the Hyuga council gave you hell for marrying me withought the proper-."

"Wait you guys are really married now!!! When was this!? Why wasn't I invited!? Ooh was it like a secret private wedding! Do you have pictures Hina?"

Ino sat down at the dinner table inviting her self.

Hinata smiled and shook her head signaling Ino it wasn't the right time but her questions would be answered.

Sasuke sighed and closed his eyes for a moment ignoring the blond. His eyes went to Hinata and he nodded once as a thanks and picked up the tea presented to him and took a sip.

Hinata smiled and went to get utensils for Ino.

As she walked out she heard Ino talking again and she only shook her head.

Once Hinata returned she noticed Ino staring at the food with silence. It made her wonder what Sasuke had said to make the blond girl quiet.

She decided to just ignore it for now, And then placed Inos rice and chopsticks infront of her.

"So Sasuke I was going to let you know that I'm going to have to steal Hinata for today! You know girl stuff."

Sasuke only nodded and kept eating.

"You can handle things on your own ne?"

Sasuke looked up into the blonds twinkling, and mischief eyes.

"Sure." Sasuke answered

"Great Hinata you don't have an excuse not to go."

Hinata smiled and shook her head.

"I wasn't going to find an excuse Ino- I was just a little tired is all. Besides I gave the maids the day off and noones here to make Sasuke lunch-."

"Hina dear you can't hide out here for ever. Do you know what they are saying out there, while you hide in here giving them more reason to speak. I just can't believe those rumors. It's not who you are Hina, besides it doesn't add up!"

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